
Kursk 2018


Film zobrazuje skutočnú katastrofu, ku ktorej prišlo v roku 2000 na palube jadrovej ponorky K-141 Kursk. 154 metrov dlhá jadrová ponorka je „nepotopiteľnou“ pýchou Severného loďstva ruského vojenského námorníctva. Počas námorného cvičenia v auguste 2000 sa na palube nachádzalo 118 členov posádky. 12. augusta otrasú trupom Kurska mohutné explózie, ktoré plavidlo pošlú do hĺbky 108 metrov, na dno arktických vôd Barentsovho mora. Pre námorníkov začína zúfalý boj s časom. Záchrannú operáciu komplikuje zastaralé vybavenie a odmietavý postoj ruskej vlády prijať zahraničnú pomoc.


Can't Get You Out of My Head

Can't Get You Out of My Head 2021


In six films, Adam Curtis traces the different forces across the world that have led to now. It covers a wide range—including the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, the history of China, opium and opioids, the history of Artificial Intelligence, melancholy over the loss of empire and, love and power. And explores whether modern culture, despite its radicalism, is really just part of the new system of power.


Putin, Russia and the West

Putin, Russia and the West 2012


Putin, Russia and the West is a four-part British documentary television series first shown in January and February 2012 on BBC Two about the relationship between Vladimir Putin's Russia and the West. The series is produced by Norma Percy, whose previous series include The Death of Yugoslavia, Israel and the Arabs: Elusive Peace, and Iran and the West. The documentary was criticized by some dissidents for being an apology for Putin's regime.



NTMEP 2020


NTMEP (pandemic edition)