
Malena 2000


V roku 1941 mal Renato 13 rokov a aj napriek tomu, že zúrila 2. svetová vojna, sa v jeho ospalej dedine prakticky nič nedialo. Až kým sa jedného dňa neobjavilo niečo, čo zmenilo jeho život – Maléna, krásna údajná vojnová vdova, ktorá sa stala posadnutosťou každého muža a objektom nenávisti každej ženy. Vďaka nej začne Renato získavať veľa životných skúseností a dostane sa na miesta, ktoré by si nikdy nedokázal ani predstaviť.


Honba na vraha

Honba na vraha 2015


Séria bizarných vrážd, ktorých páchateľ nezanecháva na mieste činu absolútne žiadne stopy, ani očitých svedkov, spôsobí ostrieľanému agentovi Joeovi Merriwetherovi a jeho ambicióznej partnerke Katherine Cowlesovej mnoho bezsenných nocí. No nech sa snažia najlepšie, ako vedia, nie a nie sa pohnúť z miesta, preto sa rozhodnú požiadať o pomoc brilantného psychoanalytika a zároveň médium Dr. Johna Clancyho, ktorý od tragickej smrti milovanej dcéry pred dvoma rokmi žije ďaleko od ľudí ako pustovník – v nádeji, že jeho výnimočné schopnosti ich azda dovedú na správnu stopu. To sa síce skutočne stane, lenže... Netrvá dlho a Dr. Clancy si uvedomí, že tentoraz jeho nadprirodzené nadanie na zastavenie vraha zrejme stačiť nebude, pretože ten je zjavne tiež médium – a oveľa prefíkanejšie, než on!



Laura 1944


Policajný detektív sa zaľúbi do ženy, ktorej vraždu vyšetruje.



Buldog 1988


Americký kardiochirurg Richard Walker prichádza so svojou ženou Sondrou na lekársky kongres do Paríža. V hoteli, kde sa ubytujú, jeho manželka záhadne zmizne. Snaží sa ju nájsť, ale márne. Je sám v cudzej zemi, nevie po francúzsky, nikoho nepozná a už vôbec nechápe, prečo mu nikto nechce pomôcť. Dostáva sa do sveta nočných podnikov, kde sa zoznámi s vyzývavou Michelle, ktorá sa stane jeho nedobrovoľnou sprievodkyňou. Príčinou všetkého je zámena kufrov a to, čo je ukryté v jednom z nich - replika sochy Slobody, v ktorej je ukrytá rozbuška nukleárnej strely... O tú bojujú dve teroristické organizácie. Kým Walkerovi ide o záchranu ženy, dievča sa snaží získať odmenu za nebezpečnú prácu...


Milujte svojho zabijaka

Milujte svojho zabijaka 2002


Televízia ho urobila slávnym no jeho najväčšie triumfy sa odohrávajú až za pokrievkou. Úspešná televízna osobnosť cez deň a v súkromí špeciálne vycvičený vrah v službách CIA. Moderátor Chuck Barris (Sam Rockwell) sa na špici svojej televíznej slávy neváhal rozhodnúť rozvinúť svoje zručnosti a prijať ponuku CIA stať sa agentom v utajení. Aspoň tak si Bariss myslel pri prijatí do zamestnania.


Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten 1992


Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten is a long-running German television soap opera, first broadcast on RTL in 1992. The programme concerns the lives of a fictional neighborhood in Germany's capital city Berlin. Over the years the soap opera tends to have an overhaul of young people in their late teens and early twenties; targeting a young viewership.


Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones 2011


Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Friction between the houses leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Amidst the war, a neglected military order of misfits, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and icy horrors beyond.


The Defence

The Defence 2018


Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.


Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolved Mysteries 2020


Real cases of perplexing disappearances, shocking murders and paranormal encounters fuel this gripping revival of the iconic documentary series.


Bad Banks

Bad Banks 2018


Ambitious Jana is confronted with the unscrupulous machinations of the world of finance. Her working life is determined by egotism, the pressure to succeed and machismo. She soon has to decide how far she is prepared to go for her career.


The Barrier

The Barrier 2020


One family’s fight for survival in a future dystopian Madrid illustrates the disparity between two worlds separated by a fence — and so much more.


Upstairs Downstairs

Upstairs Downstairs 2010


Set in 1936, the show takes viewers, old and new, back to the lavish world of Belgravia, London. A new set of occupants reside at 165 Eaton Place and viewers see how external and internal influences of the tumultuous pre-war period shape and mould the lives of this wealthy family and their servants.‬



Kaiba 2008


In a world where memories can be stored like computer data, a young man named Kaiba searches for his lost memories and discovers a connection with a mysterious girl.



Lobbyist 2017


Bundestag member Eva Blumenthal is forced to resign due to political intrigue. Because of this, he changes jobs; she is hired by a lobbying agency. The more he proves his innocence, the more he deviates from his own morals. It must prove that there is an even more complex network of manipulation and corruption behind the intrigues. Her former lover, Economy Minister Bertram Kaiser, is found dead in the Spree River. It is unclear whether he was killed or committed suicide. is his death connected to a conspiracy?



Tijuana 2019


When a prominent politician is murdered, the intrepid journalists of Frente Tijuana risk their lives to uncover the truth.


Children of the Whales

Children of the Whales 2017


Chakuro is the 14-year-old archivist of the Mud Whale, a nigh-utopian island that floats across the surface of an endless sea of sand. Nine in ten of the inhabitants of the Mud Whale have been blessed and cursed with the ability to use saimia, special powers that doom them to an early death. Chakuro and his friends have stumbled across other islands, but they have never met, seen, or even heard of a human who wasn't from their own. One day, Chakuro visits an island as large as the Mud Whale and meets a girl who will change his destiny.


Face to Face

Face to Face 2019


Bjørn investigates the killing of his daughter. People around him believe she might have committed suicide, but he doesn't accept that. Both the stakes and the suspense rise relentlessly as Bjørn inches closer to the truth.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 1970


Series of television plays written by six different authors. Each play is a lavish dramatization of the trials and tribulations surrounding Henry and his wives. Keith Michell ties the episodes together with his dignified and magnetic performance as the mighty monarch.


The Case Files of Jeweler Richard

The Case Files of Jeweler Richard 2020


One night, a college student with a strong sense of justice, Seigi Nakata, saved a gorgeous foreigner, Richard, who was being harassed by some drunks. When Seigi found out that Richard was a jeweler, he asked for an appraisal on a ring with a shady history; one which his grandmother had kept secret until she died. The appraisal had revealed her past, truth, and desire. It led Seigi to work as a part-time employee for Richard's jewelry store, the "Jewelry Etranger" in Ginza. While solving various "mysteries", the relationship between Richard and Seigi gradually changes.


Joseph Balsamo

Joseph Balsamo 1973


Balsamo, a scoundrel with the gift of mesmerism, seeks to gain power in the French court in the days before the Revolution.



StartUp 2014


Fifteen young ambitious people are all working together in an empty building, some also live there. They try to achieve the same goal: having a selfmade business. Despite having the same goal, they're different people with different opinions about how to reach their goal. One of them is Sterre de Vries, who initiated the whole thing. Her father (Bert de Vries) is the owner of the building. It's all there: ambitions, arguments, secrets, intrigues, friendship, family ties, romance, lust.