
Pixels 2015


Keď si medzigalaktickí mimozemšťania chybne vyložia videozáznamy klasických videohier ako vyhlásenie vojny, zaútočia na Zem s armádou jednotiek, ktoré sú inšpirované objektami zo spomínaných videohier. Prezident Will Cooper je nútený zavolať na pomoc svojho najlepšieho kamaráta z detstva a neprekonateľného hráča videohier, Sama Brennera, ktorý v súčasnosti vykonáva inštalácie domácich kín, aby sa ujal vedenia tímu ostrieľaných hráčov s cieľom votrelcov poraziť a zachrániť tak našu planétu. Pripája sa k nim tiež podplukovníčka Violet Van Pattenová, špecialistka, ktorá hráčom dodáva jedinečné zbrane, určené na boj s mimozemšťanmi.


Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman 1972


Science Ninja Team Gatchaman is a five-member superhero team that is composed of the main characters in several anime created by Tatsuo Yoshida and originally produced in Japan by Tatsunoko Productions and later adapted into several English-language versions. It is also known by the abbreviated name Gatchaman. The original series, produced in 1972, was eponymously named Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman and is most well known to the English-speaking world as the adaptation titled Battle of the Planets. The series received additional English adaptations with G-Force: Guardians of Space and ADV Films' uncut 2005 release. Tatsunoko also uses the official translation Science Commando Gatchaman, as shown in numerous related products and media. Because the English-language versions are notoriously inconsistent not only with one another but also with the original Japanese series, viewers most familiar with the English versions often experience some confusion upon re-examining the series after a long hiatus. The original 1972 Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman series was followed by an animated film, two sequel series, Gatchaman II, and Gatchaman Fighter. In the 90's, episodes from both series were dubbed into English by Saban as Eagle Riders. In 1994, the original series was remade as a condensed OVA series.