Indiana Jones a posledná krížová výprava

Indiana Jones a posledná krížová výprava 1989


Rok 1938. Indiana Jones si už po tretí raz nasadzuje svoj pokrkvaný klobúk, ale tentoraz sa k nemu pridáva aj jeho svojrázny otec. Obaja Jonesovci sa vydávajú hľadať tajuplný „Svätý grál“. Len o vlások sa im darí v nebezpečných naháňačkách unikať pred zákernými nepriateľmi.


Iron Claw

Iron Claw 2023


Skutočný príbeh nerozlučných bratov Von Erichovcov, ktorí sa začiatkom 80. rokov zapísali do histórie v silne konkurenčnom svete profesionálneho wrestlingu. Prostredníctvom tragédie a triumfu, v tieni svojho panovačného otca a trénera, hľadajú bratia nadživotnú nesmrteľnosť na najväčšej športovej scéne svojho času.


Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed 2016


Usvedčený vrah Callum Lynch je nedobrovoľne vyslobodený z cely smrti len preto, aby sa stal súčasťou storočného boja medzi asasínmi, templármi a španielskymi inkvizítormi. Jeho novým väzením sa stáva tajné zariadenie Abstergo vybavené revolučnou technológiou Animus, ktorá odhaľuje v ľudskej DNA genetické spomienky a tým umožňuje vrátiť sa a prežiť spomienky predkov, ktoré boli doteraz stratené v minulosti. Callum sa vďaka Animusu prepojí so svojím predkom žijúcim v Granade a Seville v období španielskej inkvizície v 15. storočí. Volá sa Aguilar de Nerha a je členom bratstva asasínov, ktoré už niekoľko storočí vedie skrytú vojnu s templármi, svojimi odvekými nepriateľmi. Tajná organizácia asasínov sa zaviazala chrániť slobodnú vôľu ľudstva a snaží sa zabrániť tomu, aby sa templári s pomocou inkvizície zmocnili mocného artefaktu nazývaného Jablko Raja. A práve tento artefakt je podľa presvedčenia templárov nástrojom na ovládnutie celého sveta.


O myške a medveďovi

O myške a medveďovi 2012


V obyčajnom medveďom svete sú medvede väčšinou vážne a zamračené. Medveď Ernest je iný. Je hudobník, rád by bol veselý, lenže je chudobný a často hladný. Pri hľadaní niečoho do žalúdka chytí malú myšku Celestínu, ktorá utiekla zo svojho podzemného myšacieho sveta. Aby Celestína neskončila v Ernestovom žalúdku, uzavrie s ním dohodu. Keď ju nezje, ukáže mu miesto, kde môže získať mnoho čokolády, bonbónov a iných sladkostí. Ani jeden z nich ešte netuší, že sa tak dostanú na stopu chamtivých medvedích manželov, ktorí si privyrábajú tým, že cukrovinkami zámerne kazia medvedím detičkám zuby. To, čo začalo medzi ududraným Ernestom a urozprávanou Celestínou ako obyčajná dohoda, prerastie v silné priateľstvo a stane sa z nich nerozlučná dvojica. Aby odhalili veľké cukrovinkové spiknutie, budú potrebovať pomoc z myšieho i medvedieho sveta. Podarí sa im prekonať predsudky ostatných a oba svety spriateliť?


Umenie kradnúť

Umenie kradnúť 2013


Hlavným hrdinom filmu je motorkársky kaskadér a notorický zlodej Crunch Calhoun. Crunch sa snaží prestať so zločinom, ale jeho slizký brat Nicky ho presvedčí, aby sa predtým zúčastnil na poslednej krádeži v živote. Zlodej a kaskadér v jednej osobe tak dáva dokopy svoju starú partiu, aby ukradli starožitnú knihu nevyčísliteľnej hodnoty. Bratia si neuvedomujú, že obaja majú vlastné postranné motívy a ich plán sa začína postupne rúcať. V kanadskej komédií Jonathana Sobola sa okrem veteránov Kurta Russella a Matta Dilloma predstavia aj mladšie hviezdy ako Jay Baruchel a Katheryn Winnick.


Veľká ilúzia

Veľká ilúzia 1937


Počas prvej svetovej vojny padnú dvaja francúzski dôstojníci, kapitán de Boeldieu a poručík Maréchal, do zajatia. Prvý z nich je aristokrat, zatiaľ čo druhý bol pred vojnou mechanikom. Tesne pred plánovaným útekom sú však prevezení do pevnosti, ktorej velí kapitán von Rauffenstein. Medzi de Boeldieuom a von Rauffensteinom sa rozvíja priateľstvo založené na triednej príslušnosti...


El Kebeer Awi

El Kebeer Awi 2010


Al Kabeer seeks to find love again after his wife was gone, unaware that what he is looking for is closer than he imagines.


It's Okay to Not Be Okay

It's Okay to Not Be Okay 2020


Desperate to escape from his emotional baggage and the heavy responsibility he’s had all his life, a psychiatric ward worker begins to heal with help from the unexpected – a woman who writes fairy tales but doesn’t believe in them.


Better Man

Better Man 2016


The Yang brothers have it all — good looks, brains and family background. But each shuns romantic entanglements for his own reasons. Yang Zhen Wei (Lin Yo Wei) is the workaholic oldest brother who only has his mind set on expanding his catering business. Yang Zhen Hao (Tender Huang) is the middle brother who works in the entertainment industry and as a fitness instructor. Yang Zhen Kai (Jolin Chien) is the meticulous youngest brother who has been given the position of CEO of the family empire. How will the brothers handle their emotions when they each meet a woman who turns their perfect worlds upside down? “Better Man” is a 2016 Taiwanese drama series.


The Brothers Sun

The Brothers Sun 2024


When a mysterious enemy targets his family, a Taipei triad member heads to Los Angeles to protect his strong-willed mother and oblivious younger brother.


K.O.3an Guo 2017

K.O.3an Guo 2017 2017


While testing out the interdimensional traveling gear, the representatives from KO One accidentally repeated the same mistake their predecessor made: They crushed Liu Bei with a boulder. In order to maintain silver dimension's timeline, Zhi Ge assumed the identity of his doppelganger Liu Bei and completed the sworn brotherhood ceremony with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. As he awaits for Liu Bei's recovery, Zhi Ge must learn the ins/outs of Silver dimension while avoid being exposed as a fake.


Eternal Brotherhood

Eternal Brotherhood 2024


In the turbulent land of Zichuan, the clans of Zichuan and Sairong are engaged in intense warfare. Zichuan Xiu, stationed at the border, returns to the capital with remarkable military achievements, bringing a momentary peace to his homeland. However, new challenges arise as Yang Minghua, a prominent court official with sinister intentions, launches a rebellion. Zichuan Xiu, along with his sworn brothers Di Lin and Site Lin, takes action to eliminate the threat and restore tranquility to Zichuan. Yet, as the dust settles, the aggressive Sairong officially declares war on Zichuan. Amidst the flames of war, the three brothers venture far from their homeland to defend their territory, protect their loved ones, and strive for peace, composing a passionate and magnificent story.


Flying Tiger

Flying Tiger 2018


During a promotion ceremony for police officers, Senior Superintendent Ko Yat-tai is taken hostage. Seeing his father in danger, OCTB Senior Inspector Marcus Ko Ka-chun is unable to do anything. In a split second, Yat-tai’s eldest son Vincent Ko Ka-long, a member of the Flying Tigers, demonstrates his excellent marksmanship to save him, which unexpectedly acts as a trigger to bring what was buried in the Ko family back to light. A recent spate of murders of undercover cops, a surge of new drugs, and terrorist groups are a portent of a menacing future that Superintendent Lip Yu-hong relentlessly fights against. Meanwhile, caught in their own relationship dilemma, two brothers, Ka-long and Ka-chun, end up going their separate ways, turning into rivals...


Fist Fight

Fist Fight 2018


Cheung Fei Fan, Ho Tit Nam and Ha Tin Hang are brothers who have been separated for many years. When the three were young, their lives scattered because of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Many years later, they reunite and slowly they find out that there was a great conspiracy in their past.


I Know This Much Is True

I Know This Much Is True 2020


The parallel lives of identical twin brothers Dominick and Thomas Birdsey in an epic story of betrayal, sacrifice and forgiveness set against the backdrop of 20th century America.


Snowball Effect

Snowball Effect 2022


Having to unexpectedly replace his friend who inhabits the mascot of a popular festival, perpetual good-guy Simon gets caught up in a whirlwind of lies to hide his new identity from his family. However, once disguised as a friendly snowman, he sinks into a surprising world of shady activities. His goal: to become the greatest Snowman of all time… at all costs!


One in a Hundred

One in a Hundred 2020


Nan Bo Wan is a high ranking executive, but his life is not considered luxurious in Beijing, so he decides to rent out an apartment to earn extra money. Bai Li Qian Chuan is an unknown idol, who has always dreamt of becoming popular and would do anything to achieve it. By chance, Bai Li Qian Chuan becomes Nan Bo Wan's rentee. One day, while Bai Li Qianchuan is doing a live broadcast, Nan Bo Wan walks past with only a towel wrapped around him. This leads to misunderstandings that the two are in a relationship and ultimately a new group of fujoshi fans for Bai Li Qian Chuan. Finally having a taste of popularity, Bai Li Qian Chuan decides to pretend to be gay and showcase lovey dovey moments with Nan Bo Wan.


Oh My Brother

Oh My Brother 2003


Aisha suffers from the intervention of her husband (Abdul Mohsen) in matters of the house after his retirement from work, in light of her attention and care for her children and her work, and her tolerance for the pressures of life, especially after she discovered (Faisal) drug addiction.