Tajomná rieka

Tajomná rieka 2003


Traja priatelia z detstva po rokoch znovu spojí smrť dcéry jedného z nich - každý z nich ale v príbehu, plnom prebúdzajúcich sa tieňov minulosti, hrá inú rolu. Nešťastný otec plánuje pomstu, jeden z jeho priateľov prípad vyšetruje a tretí hrdina sa pod tlakom dôkazov ocitá v úlohe podozrivého.


Secrets of Playboy

Secrets of Playboy 2022


Explore the hidden truths behind the fable and philosophy of the Playboy empire through a modern-day lens. The documentary series delves into the complex world Hugh Hefner created and examines its far-reaching consequences on our culture’s view of power and sexuality.


Undercover Underage

Undercover Underage 2021


Roo Powell is a woman on a mission to expose the dangers of and prevent online child sex abuse; with the help of her nonprofit team SOSA (Safe from Online Sex Abuse), she transforms into underage girls to engage with child predators and protect the most vulnerable.