Rozzum v divočine 2024
Robot Rozzum stroskotá na neobývanom ostrove a musí sa prispôsobiť drsnému prostrediu, postupne si vybudovať vzťahy so zvieracími obyvateľmi ostrova a stať sa adoptívnym rodičom osirelého húsatka.
Robot Rozzum stroskotá na neobývanom ostrove a musí sa prispôsobiť drsnému prostrediu, postupne si vybudovať vzťahy so zvieracími obyvateľmi ostrova a stať sa adoptívnym rodičom osirelého húsatka.
Bývalý majster zločinu Gru, teraz elitný člen Ligy proti zloduchom, sa po siedmich rokoch vracia do akcie, aby čelil novému nepriateľovi – šialencovi menom Maxime Le Mal a jeho všemocnej priateľke Valentine. To však zďaleka nie je jediný problém, s ktorým sa Gru musí vysporiadať. Okrem zloduchov sú tu tri rozkošné dcérky, milujúca manželka Lucy, armáda všemocných Mimoňov a istý Gru junior, ktorý sa hneď po narodení rozhodol, že urobí oteckovi zo života peklo.
Príbeh začína záhadným zmiznutím špičkového detektíva Harryho Goodmana. Táto udalosť prinúti jeho syna Tima pátrať po tom, čo sa stalo. Pri odhaľovaní záhady mu asistuje detektív Pikachu, otcov parťák, rozkošný a vtipný supersliedič. Novovzniknutá dvojica je ako stvorená na spoluprácu, keďže Tim je jediným človekom, ktorý rozumie reči svojho pokémonského partnera, zatiaľ čo ostatní počujú len známe „pika – pika“. Ak chcú spoločne prísť záhade na kĺb, čaká ich obrovské dobrodružstvo v neónom ožiarených uliciach veľkomesta Ryme City. Ľudia a pokémoni tam žijú bok po boku bez toho, aby tušili, že ich spolunažívanie bude čeliť nevídanej hrozbe.
Najroztomilejší psí záchranári z Labkovej patroly sú späť s ďalším veľkým dobrodružstvom a s ním aj zázračný meteorit, ktorý spadne priamo na ich domov, mestečko Adventure City. Prečo zázračný? Pretože dodá už aj tak šikovným labkám úžasné super-schopnosti a z Labkovej patroly sa stanú Mocné labky. Najmenšia členka bandy, Skye, je zrejme najšťastnejšia z celej partie, pretože získala obrovskú silu, vďaka ktorej by mohla lámať skaly. Ale skôr ako Mocné labky začnú svoje super-schopnosti využívať na pomoc ďalším obyvateľom Adventury city, musia si ich poriadne vyskúšať. V tom sa im bude snažiť zabrániť ich večný a neodbytný nepriateľ pán Humdinger. Bývalý starosta Adventure City, ktorý utiekol z väzenia sa spojil so šialenou vedkyňou menom Victoria. Tá tiež túži po čarovnom meteorite. Čo sa stane, keď títo dvaja zloduchovia získajú super-schopnosti? Celé Adventure City je v hroznom nebezpečenstve. Zvládnu mocné labky zachrániť svoje mesto a ich obyvateľov ?
Trollovia sú vždy veselí a šťastní škriatkovia, ktorí najviac zo všetkého milujú hudbu, tanec a spev. Jedinou ich vážnejšou starosťou sú Bergeni. Tí si totiž myslia, že môžu byť šťastní jedine vtedy, keď budú mať Trolla v žalúdku. Bohužiaľ však už dlhú dobu žiadneho na jedálničku nemali. Trolliemu kráľovi Peppymu se totiž podarí aj so všetkými jeho poddanými utiecť a založiť vlastné veselé mestečko Trollíkovo, ktoré sa Bergenom nedarí nájsť. A tak je ich kráľovstvo oproti šťastnému a farebnému Trollíkovu naplnené hnevom a zlobou.
Keď sa ich najväčší rival Humdinger stane starostom neďalekého Adventure City a začne robiť zmätok, Ryder a všetci obľúbení hrdinskí psíkovia zaradia najvyššiu rýchlosť aby čelili výzve. Zatiaľ čo jedno šteňa musí čeliť svojej minulosti v Adventure City, tím nájde pomoc u nového spojenca, dôvtipného jazvečíka Libertyho. Spoločne vyzbrojení vzrušujúcimi novými vychytávkami a výbavou bojuje Labková patrola za záchranu občanov Adventure City!
Pán Konár žije so svojou ženou a ich troma deťmi kľudný život. Avšak jedného dňa ho zoberie malý chlapec, ktorý ho hodí psovi, potom sa stretne s labuťou, ktorá si ho pridá do hniezda, s deťmi, ktoré si na pláži stavajú hrad. Po niekoľkých ďalších hrozných stretnutiach má nečakaného záchrancu – Santa Klausa, ktorý mu pomôže dostať sa domov na Vianoce včas za svojou rodinou.
Follow Liko and Roy as they unravel the mysteries that surround them and encounter Friede, Captain Pikachu, Amethio, and others during their exciting adventures!
There is a group of mouthy children between the ages of six and nine who are asked questions. The four adult participants in the program must then guess what the little ones' answers to the questions were. Sounds easy, right? It's not that easy! As everyone knows, how a child thinks is not as predictable as one would like it to be.
Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as a virtual cast of thousands. Since the beginning, the series has been a pop culture icon, attracting hundreds of celebrities to guest star. The show has also made name for itself in its fearless satirical take on politics, media and American life in general.
Clarence Buttowski, a young boy, aspires to become the world's greatest daredevil, as he gets help from Gunther, his loyal friend and partner-in-crime.
Like most 15-year-olds, Duncan can see adulthood on the horizon: money, freedom, cars and girls; but the reality is more like: always being broke, driving with one's mom sitting shotgun and babysitting one's sister. He's not exceptional, but he has a wild imagination in which he's never anything less than amazing.
¡Vivan los niños! is a Mexican telenovela for children that premiered in 2002. It ran for 155 episodes and finished in 2003. The opening, Vivan los niños, was recorded by the Latin pop group OV7. One of its closing themes, also entitled Vivan los niños, was performed by Cuban-American singer and songwriter Ana Cristina. The show is a version of the Argentinian telenovela "Jacinta Pichimahuida, la maestra que no se olvida". The series starred Andrea Legarreta as 2nd grade teacher Lupita Gómez. After the series ended, Andrea became the long-time host of the morning talk show Hoy. On July 12, 2012, in celebration of Andrea's birthday, the producers of Hoy reunited her with the young actors who played her students on the series.
Follow the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who's doing her best to navigate through the early years of teen-dom. Penny's every encounter inevitably spirals into bigger than life situations filled with hi-jinks, hilarity and heart. Her quest to balance her home, school and social lives are further complicated by friends like the sassy Dijonay, Penny's nemesis LaCienega Boulevardez, her loving, if not over-protective parents and her hip-to-the-groove-granny, Suga Mama.
Alien reporters Ixbee, Pixbee and Squee travel to a lovely but odd planet called Earth, where they attempt to make sense of humans and their hobbies.
After 13-year-old super-genius Lunella accidentally brings ten-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur into present-day New York City via a time vortex, the duo works together to protect the city's Lower East Side from danger.
The Legend of Tarzan picks up where the 1999 feature film left off, with the title character adjusting to his new role as leader of the apes following Kerchak's death, and Jane adjusting to life in the jungle. Rounding out the cast are Jane's father, Professor Archimedes Porter; Tantor, the germophobic elephant; and Terk, a wisecracking female gorilla and Tarzan's old wrestling buddy.
Judy and Peter Shepherd are two kids that found a board game called "Jumanji". With each turn, the two of them are given a "game clue" and then sucked into a dangerous jungle until they solve their clue. There they meet Alan Parrish, who was trapped in the Jumanji jungle because he had never seen his clue.
When an evil force threatens his village, a gifted teen who can talk to ghosts puts his skills to good use, one legend at a time.
Follow the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend the Acme Looniversity to become the next generation of characters from the Looney Tunes series.
Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders and to pay it he decides to sell his daughter to Mauro Nicoliti. This plagiarism is orchestrated by Geneva, Mauro's adoptive sister. She lost her first-born daughter in childbirth and does everything to replace her dead daughter and keep her husband's fortune. On the other hand, Esteban Villa de Cortés loses his wife and becomes a widower with his three children. Elvira Moncada, Esteban's mother-in-law, holds him responsible for the death of her daughter. After a series of unexpected events, Esteban and Paz meet in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. The chemistry and great understanding that exists between them makes it inevitable that they will fall in love.
The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.
Robotboy is the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Due to fears that Robotboy would be stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to 10-year-old Tommy Turnbull, his biggest fan. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, or "G-man" as he calls himself, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy.
The Tuttle Twins show, based on the best-selling books, is the first of its kind cartoon series that aims to instruct while entertaining.
JJ and his pals sing and dance their way through fun adventures as they learn about letters, numbers, and more.
Handy and inventive pup Tag chases adventure with her best pal, Scooch, solving problems and helping the citizens of Pawston along the way.
Odd Squad saves the day whenever something unusual happens.