Spider-Man: Bez domova

Spider-Man: Bez domova 2021


Po prvýkrát vo filmovej histórii sa náš priateľský sused Spider-Man ocitá bez ochrany svojej masky, a tým bez možnosti oddeliť svoj normálny život od nebezpečného života superhrdinu. Po žiadosti o pomoc od Doctora Strangea sa Peter ocitne ešte vo väčšom nebezpečí, a musí tak zistiť čo naozaj znamená byť Spider-Manom.


Úniková hra

Úniková hra 2019


Lákavé pozvanie dá dokopy šesticu cudzích ľudí. Spočiatku sa domnievajú, že sa zišli kvôli podmanivej únikovej hre. Čoskoro však odhalia zdrvujúcu pravdu, že sú iba obyčajnými pešiakmi v sadistickej hre na život a na smrť. Spoločne si predierajú cestu od jednej desivej scény k druhej, zatiaľ čo nachádzajú ďalšie stopy a riešia najrôznejšie hádanky. Hráči veľmi skoro zistia, že ich prežitie možno závisí od tých najtemnejších tajomstiev z minulosti.


Šesť dní, sedem nocí

Šesť dní, sedem nocí 1998


Quinn Harris je drsný pilot, ktorý si bezstarostne žije uprostred rajskej prírody. Život ubieha presne podľa jeho predstáv až do chvíle, keď stretne Robin Monroeovú, bystrú, energickú a neurotickú Newyorčanku, ktorá tu trávi dovolenku so snúbencom Frankom Martinom. Ani počas nej nedokáže ambiciózna novinárka odmietnuť jednodňovú fotoreportáž z neďalekého Tahiti. Presvedčí Harrisa, aby ju tam dopravil lietadlom. Dvojica sa však počas letu ocitne v silnej búrke a musí núdzovo pristáť na opustenom ostrove...


Ohnivé peklo

Ohnivé peklo 2019


Liwei Jiang je najmladším veliteľom špeciálnej roty v histórii hasičských zborov v provincii. Až príliš sebavedomý Jiang pri požiari ignoruje protokoly misie, čo vedie k výbuchu plynu, ktorý zabije mladého hasiča. Je zbavený svojich hodností a degradovaný do roty Dongshan, malej a nevýraznej hasičskej jednotky na predmestí, zatiaľ čo Weiguo Ma, jeho druhý veliteľ, prevezme kormidlo v eskadre špeciálnych jednotiek. Jedného dňa dostane Liwei Jiang núdzové volanie od mestského hasičského zboru. V ropnom sklade Bingang v prístavnej oblasti mesta došlo k výbuchu. Všetky hasičské zbory v meste a celej provincii boli zmobilizované, aby vyrazili bojovať s následným požiarom. Liwei Jiang musí zabudnúť na všetky traumy z minulosti a spojiť sily so svojím bývalým podriadeným Weiguom Ma, aby zachránil mesto.



Stážisti 2013


Billy a Nick sú predajcovia zo starej školy, ktorí polovicu života strávili zdokonaľovaním svojich predavačských fígľov. Svoju prácu povýšili na umeleckú disciplínu, ale aj tak skončili na dlažbe. Obidvaja sú produktom svojej generácie, ktorá verila v americký sen - kto tvrdo pracuje a dodržuje pravidlá, toho úspech neminie. V snahe dokázať, že nepatria do starého železa, sa im podarí takmer nemožné a získajú stáž v prestížnej firme Google. Problém nastane, keď zistia, že tam nie sú sami. Súboj o niekoľko voľných pozícií nebude jednoduchý. Billyho a Nicka čaká neľútostný súboj s elitou národa, v ktorom musia porušiť všetky pravidlá, aby na konci šialenej cesty za získaním práce snov dosiahli to, po čom celý čas túžili. Aby získali povýšenie z Noodlerov na Googlerov, teda zo stážistov na zamestnancov, Billy a Nick musia prekonať generačnú bariéru a všetkým predviesť ich skvelú zásobu nacvičených predajných trikov.


Great Escape

Great Escape 2019


Cast members work together to escape a secret room.


Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu 2012


When the fate of their world, Ninjago, is challenged by great threats, it's up to the ninja: Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd and Nya to save the world.


LEGO Ninjago: Dragons Rising

LEGO Ninjago: Dragons Rising 2023


Two teenagers from different worlds use their newly discovered Ninja powers to defend dragons from villains who want to use their life-force for evil.



Everest 2014


group of students enrol in the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, in Uttarkashi, for undergoing training to climb Mount Everest. Anjali Singh Rawat, who feels neglected by her father, wishes to win his love by fulfilling his dream of climbing Everest. Aakash Joshi is a videographer, who is to make a documentary on Arjun Sabharwal's expedition to Everest. As the plot proceeds a relationship between Anjali and Aakash fruitions


Falling Into Your Smile

Falling Into Your Smile 2021


After joining an all-male e-sports team, an amateur gamer tests her skills and leads her team to the world championships.


Go Go Squid!

Go Go Squid! 2019


Tong Nian is a genius 19-year-old student with high IQ and low EQ, who is also a famous anime cosplay person and sings well. She’s falls in love at first sight with Han Shang Yan, who is a game genius in the e-sports world and never pays attention to the girls.


Sakura Quest

Sakura Quest 2017


Five girls work in the tourism bureau of their small provincial town. The town revives its "micro-nation" tourism program, which originated from a nationwide movement during Japan's bubble economy period, and hires the five girls as "monarchs" (tourism ambassadors).


The Spirealm

The Spirealm 2024


VR game designer Ling Jiushi decided to resign when his job was not going well. A beta game made him forget about his worries. He unexpectedly received a game CD from abroad. After a car accident, he came to a corridor with 12 iron doors. When he came to the door, a mysterious man helped him escape from the wolf's claws in the forest and snowy mountains, and welcomed him to the world of the door. The door is extremely dangerous, and you will lose your life if you are not careful. Then, Ling Jiushi discovered something strange. If he was in danger inside the door and returned to the world outside, he would also encounter unexpected events.



Bloodhounds 2023


Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.


Queen of Mystery

Queen of Mystery 2017


Yoo Seol-Ok liked mystery novels and wanted to become a detective, but she gave up her dream after marrying. Now, she is a housewife with a husband who works as a prosecutor. She meets Ha Wan-Seung. He is a passionate detective and they decide to collaborate to solve cases.



Haikyu!! 2014


Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.


Mrs. Cop

Mrs. Cop 2015


After long and grueling hours immersed in brutal crime investigations, lead detective Choi Young Jin must face the particular horrors of singlehandedly raising her daughter Ha Eun. Any way you look at it, Young Jin's got her work cut out for her, but it's only a matter of time before her professional and personal worlds collide in new and disastrous ways.


My Secret, Terrius

My Secret, Terrius 2018


A woman named Go Ae-Rin loses her husband. Along with her neighbour Kim Bon, who is a NIS agent, they discover the truth behind her husband's involvement in a huge conspiracy.



Live 2018


The police officers at South Korea's busiest patrol division toil day and night as keepers of law and peace — but the reality is far from orderly.


Healer of Children

Healer of Children 2020


Inspired by pediatrician Gu Lifeng, Jiao Jiaren joins a top children's hospital, facing intense competition and personal challenges. Alongside her colleagues, she grows into a skilled doctor, dedicated to saving young lives.



Haechi 2019


Set during the Joseon Dynasty period, the series follows three people from different walks of life who came together to help Prince Lee Geum claim the throne and reform the Saheonbu.



Vagabond 2019


Stuntman Cha Dal-geon gets involved in a tragic airplane crash and ends up discovering a national corruption scandal in the process. Go Hae-ri, the oldest daughter of a deceased marine, decides to work for the National Intelligence Service as a secret ops agent in order to support her mom and younger siblings, although all she wanted to do is to become a civil servant.


Forecasting Love and Weather

Forecasting Love and Weather 2022


Inside a national weather service, love proves just as difficult to predict as rain or shine for a diligent forecaster and her free-spirited co-worker.


Hospital Ship

Hospital Ship 2017


A story of young doctors, who provide medical care to remote island residents via a hospital ship.