Kľúčové slovo Graffiti
Shelter 2007
Pardon, nezastihli sme vás 2019
Ricky a jeho rodina bojujú s ťažkosťami kvôli dlhu od finančnej krízy v roku 2008. Príležitosť opäť sa postaviť na nohy a získať nezávislosť sa objaví s lesklou novou dodávkou, ktorá poskytne Rickymu šancu stať sa samostatne zárobkovým šoférom. Je to ťažká práca, rovnako ako aj práca jeho ženy, ktorá je opatrovateľkou. Ich rodinné puto je silné, ale nová situácia nasmeruje každého inde a prichádza bod zlomu.
Aféra Olivera Twista 2021
Pred rokmi žil chlapec menom Oliver so svojou matkou Molly a ich koníčkom bolo maľovanie. Potom, čo Molly z neznámych príčin zomrie, Oliver je vydesený a utečie, pretože nikoho iného nepozná. Učí sa životu na ulici, učí sa dobre utekať a dostáva prezývku „Twist“. Jedného dňa, keď na dodávku sprejuje graffiti, ho objaví polícia a prenasleduje ho. Oliver sa na úteku zoznámi s Dodge a Batesym. Vezmú ho do svojho brlohu blízko pivovaru Truman, kde sa Twist stretáva s Faginom, ich opatrovateľom. Fagin odhalí svoj plán kradnúť u obchodníka s umením Dr. Crispina Losberna, ktorý mu všetko vzal. Tu začína Oliverova cesta zlodeja umenia, na ktorej si ale uvedomuje dôsledky svojich činov v partii zlodejov a pracuje na tom, aby sa vymanil z pasce medzi Faginom, políciou a nepredvídateľnou Sikes.
Entergalactic 2022
Basquiat 1996
Beat Street 1984
Pinocchio 3000 2004
Bomb City 2017
Henry Poole Is Here 2008
Banksy Does New York 2014
Story Ave 2023
Style Wars 1984
Wild Style 1982
Turk 182! 1985
American Vandal 2017
A true-crime satire that explores the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left twenty-seven faculty cars vandalized with phallic images.
Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night 2024
In the bustling heart of Shibuya, four young women—an artist, a retired idol, a V-tuber, and a composer—form JELEE, an anonymous artist group. United in their quest for self-expression, they journey towards self-discovery and finding their voice.
Graffiti Rock 1984
Graffiti Rock was a hip-hop based television program, originally screened June 29, 1984. Intended as an on-going series, the show only received one pilot episode and aired on WPIX channel 11 in New York City and 88 markets around the country, to good Nielsen ratings. Graffiti Rock resembled a hip hop version of the popular television dance shows at the time such as Soul Train and American Bandstand. The show was created and hosted by Michael Holman, who was the manager of the popular break-dancing crew, the New York City Breakers. The episode features Run D.M.C., Shannon, The New York City Breakers, DJ Jimmie Jazz and Kool Moe Dee and Special K of the Treacherous Three. The New York City Breakers, who were fresh off of their success from the movie, Beat Street, made a showcase appearance. The episode also features television and film actress, Debi Mazar and actor/director Vincent Gallo as dancers on the show. A segment of the show was sampled on The Beastie Boys' LP Ill Communication. "[...] alright, you're scratchin it right now, cut the record back and forth against the needle, back and forth, back and forth, make it scratch, but let me tell you something don't try this at home on your dad's stereo only under hiphop supervision, alright ?" The show has since become an important 'must-see' for hip-hop enthusiasts, alongside such titles as Wild Style and Beat Street.