Legenda o vášni

Legenda o vášni 1994


Plukovník Ludlow opustil armádu Spojených štátov, lebo nesúhlasil s genocídou indiánskych kmeňov. So svojimi troma synmi Alfredom, Samuelom a Tristanom sa usadil na farbe v Montane. Keď si v roku 1913 priviedol Samuel na usadlosť krásnu snúbenicu Susannah, nikto netušil, akým významným spôsobom ovplyvní život rodiny. Medzitým ale v Európe vypukla vojna a všetci bratia sa proti otcovej vôli dobrovoľne prihlásia do armády. Vojna si onedlho vyberie svoju krutú daň – Alfred je ťažko ranený a Samuel umiera. Tristan pomstí smrť svojho brata a po skončení vojny odchádza na more. Keď sa po nejakom čase vráti do Montany, netuší, že ho čaká vášnivý milostný vzťah s osamelou Susannah, že sa jeho brat Alfred stane kongresmanom a že on sám bude musieť kvôli záchrane rodinnej farmy pašovať alkohol a bojovať s bezohľadnou zákernou konkurenciou.



Austrália 2008


Lady Ashly je bohatá anglická aristokratka, ktorá sa rozhodla vzdať sa všetkého svojho komfortu a presťahovať sa do Austrálie, kde práve zdedila statok o veľkosti Marylandu a k tomu dvojtisícové stádo dobytka. Lenže nie všetci jej nový majetok prajú, a tak Lady Ashly musí za pomoci statného, aj keď trochu hrubého dobytkára presunúť celé stádo na druhú stranu Austrálie. Lenže zúri vojna a japonské bombardéry nemajú za cieľ len Pearl Harbor...



Obor 1956


Zámožný Texasan Bick Benedict sa ožení s krásnou, cieľavedomou a húževnatou Leslie z Marylandu. Ich život na ranči nie je vôbec jednotvárny. Musia denne riešiť problémy s pastiermi dobytka, pomocnými robotníkmi z Mexika aj s ich mladým predákom, z ktorého sa nakoniec stane mocný ropný magnát.


Scooby-Doo na strašidelnom ranči

Scooby-Doo na strašidelnom ranči 2017


Partia ide navštíviť Shaggyho sesternicu Tawny, ktorá vlastní Ranč bláznivého Qčka na Divokom západe. Keď tam prídu, sú všetci miestni ľudia, ktorých stretnú, zdesení a utekajú pred Shaggym, ako by to bol duch. Tawny im potom vysvetlí, že Shaggy akoby z oka vypadol svojmu predkovi, vyvrheľovi Fešákovi Jackovi, ktorý kedysi sužoval celý kraj. Jeho duch stále straší osadníkov a Tawny kvôli tomu uvažuje o predaji svojho ranča. Partia však na duchov neverí a rozhodne sa prípad vyšetriť.


Mladé pušky

Mladé pušky 1988


Na farmě Johna Tanstalla našli domov a práci mladí muži, patřící ke spodině společnosti. Tanstall je navíc vychovává, učí je číst a psát a dodržovat určitá pravidla. Ten, kdo pravidla nedodrží, musí zpátky na ulici. Na farmu přichází nový "přírůstek", sebevědomý mladík zvaný Billy Kid. Na rozdíl od ostatních umí číst, chová se ale poněkud výstředně. Šerif oznamuje Tanstallovi, že ostatní farmáři, Dullen a Murphy, obviňují jeho hochy z přepadávání jejich vozů se zbožím, ke kterým v poslední době dochází, ten však své hochy srdnatě brání. I když mu pak Murphy vyhrožuje osobně, je přesvědčen, že jako poctivý člověk má stejná práva jako ostatní, jimž je trnem v oku. Rozhodne se sejít s guvernérem a odhalit pravé viníky, jenže Murphy je rychlejší. Přepadne Tanstallovu farmu a v přestřelce je Tanstall usmrcen. Jeho muži se rozhodnou Tanstalla pomstít, a tím začíná malá válka mezi Murphyho přívrženci a Tanstallovými hochy..


El Dorado

El Dorado 1966


Do městečka El Dorado, kde je šerifem J. P. Harra, přijíždí muž jménem Thorton. Dostal nabídku, aby spolupracoval s jistým Bartem Jasonem. Šerif Thortona zná, a tak se ptá, co tu Thorton hodlá dělat. Poté Thortonovi vysvětlí, že Jason je darebák, který se snaží nezákonným způsobem získat studnu na pozemku, patřícím početné rodině MacDonaldsových, takže Thorton Jasonovi spolupráci odmítne. Při odjezdu z města se však situace pořádně zamotá. Thorton narazí na jednoho z MacDonaldsových synů, který po něm začne střílet, a Thorton mladíka těžce zraní...



1922 2017



Veľká zem

Veľká zem 1958


Bývalý námorný kapitán James McKay príde na Západ so svojou snúbenicou Patriciou Terrillovou. Mladá žena je dcérou najmocnejšieho muža v kraji, Henryho Terrilla, majiteľa obrovského ranča. James sa budúcemu svokrovi pozdáva, avšak len do chvíle, kedy sa odmietne brániť proti násiliu. Do tohoto kraja ruka zákona nedosiahne a muži musia často bojovať s honcami Terrillovho konkurenta Rufusa Hannasseyho. V stávke je totiž drahocenná voda, ktorú obaja rančeri potrebujú pre svoj dobytok. Nenávisť medzi oboma rodmi vrcholí a schyľuje se k vojne. James nevie, ako to na Divokom západe chodí, aj napriek tomu však stále odmieta zmeniť svoje zásady. Len málokto vidí, že je v mnohých ohľadoch statočnejším mužom ako miestni bitkári a siláci...



Vyvolený 2016


Royov najmladší syn Alton má nadprirodzené schopnosti, kvôli ktorým sa stane cieľom náboženských fanatikov, ktorí ho unesú na odľahlý ranč v Texase. Jednej noci sa Roy a jeho priateľ Lucas chlapca zmocnia a unesú ho. Pastor vysiela dvoch mužov zo svojich farníkov, aby Altona priviedli späť. Naháňačka však postupne prerastá v celoštátnu poľovačku za účasti najvyšších vládnych vrstiev. Jeden z agentov je chlapcom doslova fascinovaný, pretože tuší, že je kľúčom k niečomu prevratnému. Roy dáva do stávky všetko, čo má, len aby odhalil synovo životné poslanie. Nech už je akékoľvek.


Číslo 5 žije 2

Číslo 5 žije 2 1988


Ben Jahrvi sa najnovšie živí na ulici ako predavač malých robotov, akýchsi miniverzií Čísla 5 - ale keďže nemá obchodného ducha, takmer by prepásol jedinečnú príležitosť! Jeho malé roboty totiž okúzlia peknú Sandy Banatoniovú, nákupcu veľkej firmy. Našťastie je tu kolega z ulice, predavač hodiniek Fred Ritter - a kým sa Ben spamätá, je z neho veľkovýrobca hračiek! Smolou je, že si novopečení podnikatelia pre svoju výrobnú linku vybrali miesto, kde sa práve skupina lupičov chystá na krádež diamantov... V boji s gangstrami, ktorí sa neštítia ničoho, však obaja muži dostávajú nečakaného spojenca - skutočného robota Číslo 5! Vojna s lupičmi sa teda môže začať...


Zvláštne puto 2

Zvláštne puto 2 2010


Mladá skateboardistka Carrie je typická tínedžerka, ktorá vyrástla vo veľkomeste. Je nešťastná, že musí opustiť ulice mesta a presťahovať sa k svojmu otcovi Hankovi na konský ranč vo Wyomingu. So svojím skateboardom a bez jediného kúska betónu alebo rampy sa tu cíti veľmi osamelá a urobila by čokoľvek, len aby sa mohla vrátiť späť do mesta. Medzitým sa však spriatelí s divokým koňom menom Flicka, čiernou kobylou mustanga, ktorá je rovnako tvrdohlavá ako Carrie. Medzi dievčaťom a kobylou sa vyvinie výnimočné puto a Carrie otvorí svoje srdce nielen svojmu otcovi, ale aj miestnemu sympatickému mladíkovi. Lenže potom Flicku odvezú preč a jej život sa ocitne v ohrození. Carrie sa rozhodne, že kobylu zachráni a privedie ju späť domov.



Yellowstone 2018


Follow the violent world of the Dutton family, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States. Led by their patriarch John Dutton, the family defends their property against constant attack by land developers, an Indian reservation, and America’s first National Park.



Bonanza 1959


The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.



Dallas 1978


The world's first mega-soap, and one of the most popular ever produced, Dallas had it all. Beautiful women, expensive cars, and men playing Monopoly with real buildings. Famous for one of the best cliffhangers in TV history, as the world asked "Who shot J.R.?" A slow-burner to begin with, Dallas hit its stride in the 2nd season, with long storylines and expert character development. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 1980's.


The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral 1967


The High Chaparral is an American Western-themed television series starring Leif Erickson and Cameron Mitchell which aired on NBC from 1967 to 1971. The series, made by Xanadu Productions in association with NBC Productions, was created by David Dortort, who had previously created the hit Bonanza for the network. The theme song was also written and conducted by Bonanza scorer David Rose, who also scored the two-hour pilot.



Empire 1962


Empire is an hour-long Western television series set on a 1960s 500,000-acre ranch in New Mexico, starring Richard Egan, Terry Moore, Charles Bronson, and Ryan O'Neal. It ran on NBC from September 25, 1962, to May 14, 1963. In the second abbreviated season, from September 24 to December 31, 1963, it was renamed Redigo after Egan's title character, Jim Redigo, the general manager of the fictitious Garrett ranch in Empire, and reduced to a half-hour. (Unaired Pilot: This Rugged Land)


The Virginian

The Virginian 1962


The Shiloh Ranch in Wyoming Territory of the 1890s is owned in sequence by Judge Henry Garth, the Grainger brothers, and Colonel Alan MacKenzie. It is the setting for a variety of stories, many more based on character and relationships than the usual western.



Wildfire 2005


After serving time at a juvenile detention center, eighteen-year-old Kris Furillo is given the opportunity to start a new life. Her talent with horses is recognized by a volunteer and local trainer, who arranges a job for her at the Ritter's family run ranch.



Laramie 1959


Laramie is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from 1959 to 1963. A Revue Studios production, the program originally starred John Smith as Slim Sherman, Robert Fuller as Jess Harper, Hoagy Carmichael as Jonesy and Robert L. Crawford, Jr., as Andy Sherman.


The Ranch

The Ranch 2016


Being a pro athlete didn't pan out for Colt. Now he's helping his dad and brother keep the ranch afloat, and figuring out how he fits into the family.


McLeod's Daughters

McLeod's Daughters 2001


When Jack McLeod passes away, his two daughters inherit Drovers Run, a vast cattle ranch in the Australian outback. Ultimately, Tess and Claire decide to run the ranch together, with their housekeeper, Meg, her teenage daughter, Jodi, and a local girl, Becky. Their lives are hard and the obstacles many, but the rewards are every bit as grand as the wild open land they've inherited.



Lancer 1968


Lancer is an American Western series that aired on CBS from September 1968, to May 1970. The series stars Andrew Duggan, James Stacy, and Wayne Maunder as a father with two half-brother sons, an arrangement similar to the more successful Bonanza on NBC.


The Doris Day Show

The Doris Day Show 1968


The Doris Day Show is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until March 1973, remaining on the air for five seasons and 128 episodes. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run. It is also remembered for Day's statement, in her autobiography Doris Day: Her Own Story, that her husband Martin Melcher had signed her to do the TV series without her knowledge, a fact she only discovered when Melcher died of heart disease on April 20, 1968. The TV show premiered on Tuesday, September 24, 1968.



Redigo 1963


Redigo is a 15-week Western dramatic series, set on a New Mexico ranch during the early 1960s, which aired over NBC from September 24 to December 31, 1963. The series features Richard Egan as ranch owner Jim Redigo, Roger Davis as Mike the ranch hand, and Elena Verdugo as Gerry. Don Diamond appeared in four episodes, three as the character Arturo. Redigo was the truncated second half-hour season of the previous one-hour series, Empire, which aired from September 25, 1962, to May 13, 1963. Both programs were placed on the Tuesday evening schedule against CBS's The Red Skelton Show. Redigo also lost out in the ratings to the ABC military sitcom, McHale's Navy, starring Ernest Borgnine and Tim Conway. In Redigo, Egan's character Jim Redigo was no longer the manager of the large Garrett Ranch but the owner of his own smaller spread nearby. The half-hour format made it hard for the program to develop complex characters as had been done in the initial one-hour version of the show.


The Man from Snowy River

The Man from Snowy River 1994


The Man from Snowy River is an Australian television series based on Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River". Released in Australia as Banjo Paterson's The Man from Snowy River, the series was subsequently released in both the United States and the United Kingdom as Snowy River: The McGregor Saga. The television series has no relationship to the 1982 film The Man from Snowy River or the 1988 sequel The Man from Snowy River II. Instead, the series follows the adventures of Matt McGregor, a successful squatter, and his family. Matt is the hero immortalized in Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River", and the series is set 25 years after his famous ride.



Dallas 2012


J.R., Bobby and Sue Ellen Ewing are all back at Southfork, with plenty of secrets, schemes and betrayals in mind. This time, they're joined by the next generation of Ewings, who take ambition and deception to a new level.


Faraway Downs

Faraway Downs 2023


The story of an English aristocrat, Lady Sarah Ashley, who inherits a large cattle ranch in Australia after her husband dies. When Australian cattle barons plot to take her land, she joins forces with a cattle drover to protect her ranch.



Fury 1955


Fury is an American western television series that aired on NBC from 1955 to1960. It stars Peter Graves as Jim Newton, who operates the Broken Wheel Ranch in California; Bobby Diamond as Jim's adopted son, Joey Clark Newton, and William Fawcett as ranch hand Pete Wilkey. Roger Mobley co-starred in the two final seasons as Homer "Packy" Lambert, a friend of Joey's. The frequent introduction to the show depicts the beloved stallion running inside the corral and approaching the camera as the announcer reads: "FURY!..The story of a horse..and a boy who loves him." Fury is the first American series produced originally by Television Programs of America and later by the British-based company ITC Entertainment.


The Roy Rogers Show

The Roy Rogers Show 1951


Roy Rogers is the owner of the RR Ranch in the Mineral City area, which he runs with the help of the German shepherd dog Bullet and his horse Trigger. Roy, supported by his friend Pat Brady, is often helping the weakest usually threatened by cattle thieves, dishonest sheriffs and villains of various kinds. Pat Brady works as a cook at the Eureka Café, owned by Dale Evans.


Bret Maverick

Bret Maverick 1981


Bret Maverick is a 1981-82 American Western television series starring James Garner in the role that made him famous in the 1957 series Maverick: a professional poker player traveling alone year after year through the Old West from riverboat to saloon. In this sequel series, Maverick has settled down in Sweetwater, Arizona Territory, where he owns a ranch and is co-owner of the town's saloon. However, Maverick is still always on the lookout for his next big score, and continues to gamble and practice various con games whenever the chance arises. The series was developed by Gordon Dawson, and produced by Garner's company Cherokee Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.


Wild Roses

Wild Roses 2009


The series focuses on the conflict between the McGregors, a family of wealthy oil developers residing on Montrose Ranch, and the Henrys, a widow and her three daughters living in the neighbouring Rivercross Ranch.