Vesmírne žraloky: Nekŕmená strana Mesiaca

Vesmírne žraloky: Nekŕmená strana Mesiaca 2022


Počas studenej vojny Sovieti vyšľachtili kríženca žraloka a človeka ako zbraň proti USA. Experiment sa však vymkol spod kontroly a žraločí kríženci unikli na slobodu. Jednému vedcovi sa ich podarí nalákať do raketoplánu a odletieť s nimi na Mesiac. Tam ich po rokoch objaví americká expedícia po núdzovom pristátí...


Útek zo Sibíri

Útek zo Sibíri 2010


Príbeh založený na skutočnej udalosti z roku 1940, popisuje útek medzinárodnej skupiny väzňov z ruského gulagu. Počas silnej snehovej búrky sa utečencom podarí uniknúť z tábora a zanechať za sebou prenasledujúcich strážcov. Prejdú krutou sibírskou krajinou, dostanú sa do oblasti jazera Bajkal a prekročia Transsibírsku magistrálu. Pred sebou však majú ešte ďalšie kruté skúšky ľudskej odolnosti, sily a vôle. Čaká ich prechod cez púšť Gobi ďalej cesta do Himalájií a Tibetu. Zachránia sa až po 4 000 míľach dlhej a útrpnej cesty v Indii.


Černobyľ: Posledná Bitka Sovietskeho Zväzu

Černobyľ: Posledná Bitka Sovietskeho Zväzu 2021


Príbeh najväčšej atómovej katastrofy, spôsobenej výbuchom jadrovej elektrárne, ku ktorej došlo v apríli 1986 na Ukrajine, sa týka aj Slovenska. Rádioaktívny mrak, ktorý unikol z Černobyľu, zasiahol vtedy aj našu krajinu.... Tvorcovia tohto dokumentu vám priblížia nielen priebeh, ale aj dôsledky havárie, ktorá po prvý raz otvorila celosvetovú diskusiu o bezpečnosti prevádzky atómových elektrární. Tri desaťročia po tejto katastrofe bolo už povedané takmer všetko na túto tému. Ale Černobyľská katastrofa zmenila aj historický vývoj a narušila globálnu geopolitiku. Tento film sa zaoberá aj obrovským zápasom, ktorý vtedy viedol Sovietsky zväz s radiáciou - bola to jeho posledná veľká bitka histórie.



Kitchenblock 2021


Summer 1980. While the Olympics held in the USSR, strange and horrible things are happening in a run-of-the-mill pioneer camp. It turns out pioneer vampires exist not only in horror stories. Smart beyond his years, independent, sensitive and determined to go all the way for the right reasons, main hero Valerka, arrives at summer camp ‘Thunderbird’ for 3 weeks of carefree recreation. Little brave boy secretly aim to discover the reason behind his brother death. Harmless and eternal journey begins to turn around when he soon discovers that one of his roommates is actually sucking the blood. Now, the independent hero must team up to find out how the vampires ended up in a Soviet summer camp, how to destroy them, and who actually killed his brother. Upon the way, Valerka learn how to trust, meet friends and sacrifice himself to the one he truly fell in love. The cost of everyone`s freedoms turned him into a vampire. Has he turned into a monster forever?


Patient Zero

Patient Zero 2022


USSR, 1980s. The Elista Children's Hospital is experiencing the country's first major HIV outbreak, with more than 70 children and several adults infected. Now everyone: doctors, patients, relatives need to preserve human dignity in the face of a terrible disease for which there is no cure yet.


Apocalypse: Stalin

Apocalypse: Stalin 2015


The rise of Stalin, from his early beginning as a bankrobber to the cold-blooded leader of the Soviet Union.


Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on The East (1941-1943)

Apocalypse: Hitler Takes on The East (1941-1943) 2021


June 1941, Hitler attacks the USSR: he wants to conquer this "Living space" which he dreams of for his Reich. It comes up against enemy realities: the vastness of the territory, the polar cold and the determination of a people with inexhaustible human resources. How far will Hitler take Germany?


Canada vs USSR 1972

Canada vs USSR 1972 1972


It is a moment unlike any other in time. From coast to coast, Canada is united by the game we call our own. The outcome of this historic "Summit Series" is decided in the final minute of the final game. After playing the Soviets in the Forum, Maple Leaf Gardens, Winnipeg and Vancouver, Team Canada leaves for Moscow with only one victory on home ice. Behind the Iron Curtain, they lose the first of the remaining four at the Luzhniki Ice Palace. What follows, is the most dramatic hockey series ever played.