
Pátranie 2018


Keď Davidovi zmizne jeho jediná dcéra Margot, polícia spustí pátranie. Po 37 hodinách však nemá jedinú stopu, a tak sa David rozhodne pozrieť niekam, kde zatiaľ nikto nehľadal - do dcérinho notebooku. Pomocou jej počítača a rozhovorov s jej priateľmi David odhaľuje dcérine tajomstvá a zisťuje, že Margot nebola zďaleka tou dokonalou dcérou, za ktorú ju považoval...


Odobrať z priateľov 2

Odobrať z priateľov 2 2018


Partia kamarátov si večer naplánuje spoločnú zábavu cez Skype. Jeden z nich mimochodom spomenie, že má nový notebook, ale zatají, ako sa k nemu dostal. Keď sa Matias prihlási do ukradnutého notebooku s Dark Webom, vtiahne partiu mladých ľudí do online hry na život a na smrť. Matias si neskoro uvedomí, že ho sledujú pôvodní majitelia notebooku - desiví počítačoví zločinci. A to sa im stane osudným. Všetci sa zrazu ocitnú uprostred drsnej internetovej hry, ktorá ich môže stáť život.


Odobrať z priateľov

Odobrať z priateľov 2014


Laura Barnsová bola obyčajná stredoškoláčka, pokiaľ sa na internete neobjavilo video, ktoré do nechutných detailov prezentovalo, ako sa opila na jednom večierku. Predtým všetkými obletovaná kráska verejnú potupu nezniesla a spáchala samovraždu. V deň výročia jej smrti sa partia jej spolužiakov "stretne" na videočete, kde riešia obvyklé tínedžerské problémy, pokiaľ sa do ich skupiny nenabúra užívateľ s prezývkou Billie227. Okrem toho, že ho nejde zo súkromnej diskusie vyhodiť, je na tomto užívateľovi zvláštne, že sa zaujíma, kto nahral na internet to nelichotivé video. A potom sa do diskusie zapojí aj ich mŕtva spolužiačka.


Jazykové lekcie

Jazykové lekcie 2021


Učiteľka španielčiny, ktorá sa prihlási na online hodiny ako Cariño, má dohodnuté stretnutie. Po prihlásení zistí, že študent Adam nie je na hodinu vôbec pripravený, pretože ho prihlásil jeho manžel Will. Malo to byť prekvapenie, a aj bolo. Will mu kúpil 100 lekcií, aby sa zdokonalil v španielčine. Adam vyrastal na rôznych miestach Latinskej Ameriky. Po počiatočných nezrovnalostiach sa Adam rozhodne v lekciách pokračovať. Po týždňovej prestávke však Cariño nájde Adama zrúteného. Will práve zomrel. Bol na joggingu, keď ho zrazilo auto. Adam nevie, čo má robiť. Cariño sa stane jeho záchranným lanom a vytvorí sa medzi nimi nečakané a komplikované citové puto.



未来世紀SHIBUYA 2021


This is a streaming video set in Shibuya in 2036. Through the young video streamers living at the bottom of the digital society, we will reveal the problems that will occur in Japan in the future.


Cursed Days

Cursed Days 2020


The brave new world of remoteness has created a new creature, the man of the era of self-isolation, and has given rise to amazing stories that would hardly have happened under other circumstances. Entomologist Victor was given a coupon for a Thai massage session by his colleagues, but instead of pleasure, the nerd got 2 weeks of completely unexpected quarantine away from home. Opposition leader Sasha reposted information critical of domestic medicine. The post was read by his brother - an official from the capital's mayor's office - and asked to immediately demolish everything. To feed a family accustomed to daily rib-eye steaks, Swiss ice cream and sushi, traffic police inspector Kogotkov comes up with a cunning plan to remotely bribe a car enthusiast. And Dimon owes Kostyan a decent amount of money, but he is in no hurry to return it. Kostyan hires Vitya, a scoundrel, to go to Dimon and collect the debt.


Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone 2020


Yaroslav Kostrov, the boorish and quirky owner of a small transport company in Murmansk, by coincidence ends up in a Norwegian prison, where the comfort level resembles good hotels with all amenities and the Internet. But the only thing that connects Yarik with home is the Skype window, through which he will have to somehow get out of the circumstances, as well as resist the mafia, control his business, try not to lose his wife and raise children who refuse to be brought up by video.



Gameboys 2020


Teenage streamer Cairo is caught off guard when he receives a video call from a new online rival called Gavreel. He is even more surprised when the handsome stranger asks him out. Can two gamers make romance work during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, or will it be game over for their love story?



#SittingAtHome 2020


While the whole world is singing songs from balconies and throwing video parties, Gennady Borisovich, owner of a chain of hardware stores in Podolsk, is trying to save his business. And his wife can't (or won't?) go home from Bali. Former Federal Security Service Colonel Sergey Dergach has settled in at his dacha with a load of alcohol and delivers controversial information from his dubious informants, which puts his colleagues in fear. Meanwhile, Gennady Borisovich's secretary Julia is going for possibly the last manicure in her life. She is very upset that her secret boyfriend has self-isolated with his family. He connects to a video call with his colleagues from the closet - the only place in the house where he can hide from his wife and children.


Social Distance

Social Distance 2020


Shot in isolation, this tragicomic anthology series features both dark and funny takes on how people strive to stay connected while staying apart.


Pearl Next Door

Pearl Next Door 2020


The story of Pearl from the series "Gameboys." Pearl opens herself up to the possibility of love, but gets something totally unexpected in return