Na nože: Glass Onion 2022
Detektív Benoit Blanc vyráža do Grécka rozmotať zamotanú záhadu, v ktorej figuruje jeden miliardár a partia jeho priateľov.
Detektív Benoit Blanc vyráža do Grécka rozmotať zamotanú záhadu, v ktorej figuruje jeden miliardár a partia jeho priateľov.
14 rokov po nakrútení filmu o svojej ceste naprieč USA riskuje Borat pri návrate do Ameriky so svojou mladou dcérou život a zdravie. Prezradí viac o americkej kultúre, pandémii COVID-19 a politických voľbách.
Počas pandémie COVID-19 v Seattli objaví agorafóbna technická pracovníčka pri prezeraní dátového toku dôkazy o násilnom trestnom čine a keď sa to pokúsi nahlásiť svojej spoločnosti, narazí na odpor a byrokraciu. Aby sa mohla zapojiť, uvedomí si, že musí čeliť svojmu najväčšiemu strachu tým, že sa vydá zo svojho bytu do ulíc mesta, ktoré sú plné demonštrantov po tom, čo mestská rada prijala zákon obmedzujúci pohyb bezdomovcov.
Štyri roky v karanténe. Vírus sa zmenil... a my tiež! V roku 2024 koronavírus zmutuje na smrteľný variant a svet sa ocitne vo štvrtom roku pandémie. Štyri roky po vypuknutí pandémie je svet stále uzavretý v totálnom lockdowne. V Spojených štátoch platia nové zákony a v mnohých oblastiach panuje výnimočný režim. Z Kalifornie sa stal totalitný policajný štát, v ktorom sa izolovaní ľudia márne búria proti brutálnym obmedzeniam. Všetci obyvatelia si musia neustále kontrolovať teplotu na mobilných telefónoch a v prípade, že sa nakazia smrtonosným vírusom, sú bez výnimky zadržaní, odvlečení z domovov a internovaní v karanténnych táboroch známych ako Q-zóny. Sú to vlastne koncentračné tábory pre nakazených, ktorí tu v podstate čakajú na istú smrť. A tu sa odohráva príbeh Nica a Sáry.
Linda a Paxton, ktorí sa práve rozišli, sa ocitli v nepríjemnej situácii. Povinná karanténa v čase londýnskej epidémie koronavírusu ich núti aj naďalej žiť pod jednou strechou. Linda, úspešná marketingová riaditeľka, je kvôli novým pracovným povinnostiam rozčarovaná z korporátneho sveta, a kreatívec Paxton, ktorý má za sebou kriminálnu minulosť, zostáva bez práce. Kým sa obaja spolubývajúci snažia o pokojné spolunažívanie, vďaka poézii a hektolitrov vína v sebe znovu prebudia dávno vyhasnutú túžbu po živote. Nechajú sa zlákať jedinečnou ponukou podieľať sa na riskantnej lúpeži šperkov. Uhrančivá romantická komédia Lockdown sleduje Lindu a Paxtona, ktorí sa rozhodli staviť všetko na lukratívnu príležitosť, ktorá im môže navždy zmeniť život.
Under the circumstances caused by the confinement due to COVID-19, the people in a building will have to interact in the midst of daily conflicts resulting from coexistence.
Doctor Xu Qingfeng of Yanxi Hospital and Captain Guan Yuqing, both on a voyage back from studying abroad, form a strong bond through their cooperation in helping patients, only to discover that their families each hold deep, unspoken struggles.
David Tennant and Michael Sheen (playing themselves) were due to star in a production of 'Six Characters in Search of an Author' in the West End. The pandemic has put an end to that, but their director (Simon Evans) is determined not to let the opportunity pass them by.
Comedic interactions revolving around the social life in Saudi Arabia following measures to contain the pandemic that forced the world to go into lockdown.
Acting for a Cause is a live read series of classic plays and screenplays created, produced, directed and hosted by Brando Crawford featuring young Hollywood actors such as Academy Award Nominee Florence Pugh, Emmy Nominee Margaret Qualley, and 80 other young Hollywood stars. Each reading is organized to raise money for a specific charity. The readings garnered over 500,000 viewers between the first play read on March 27, 2020 and the last announced read on July 31, 2020. The reading series was a direct response to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and launched Brando Crawford's career as a director and producer.
Take a glimpse into global star Mark Wahlberg's life as he juggles the demands of a rigorous film schedule coupled with an ever-growing network of diverse businesses including his clothing line, his gym studio, his restaurant chain; and his production company. Along the way, viewers will learn powerful business and life lessons as he navigates the numerous challenges of a global pandemic, all while trying to maintain and expand his vast portfolio.
Filmed in isolation, this narrative anthology series features both dark and funny takes on how people strive to stay connected while staying apart.
A tragic reportage from the quarantine of North East Rome. All the episodes of Rebibbia quarantine, the cartoon series written and directed by Zerocalcare.
Based on real people and stories during the fight against the new coronavirus epidemic in mainland China.
This anthology series set during the pandemic follows 10 unique love stories of passion and heartache.
Inside the halls of power, Boris Johnson grapples with Covid-19, Brexit, and a controversial personal and political life during his tumultuous first months as Prime Minister.
Acclaimed filmmakers from around the world channel their creativity during COVID-19 isolation with this diverse, genre-spanning collection of short films.
Staying at home has become a form of survival in times of pandemic and the days seem to repeat itself. Now Murilo tries not to go crazy by touching life from the inside of the house.
For the last 10 years a famous Russian celebrity Dmitriy Nagiev has been working 24/7 but suddenly he falls out of the routine once the quarantine has been announced. Constant changes of studios, shooting locations, cities, shows - everything is put on hold. And it's not happening in a movie, it's for real.
During an unexpected, deadly second wave of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City, two neighbors, Rachel and Lily, navigate life in quarantine. While Rachel juggles her many telemedicine clients as well as a shaky, passionless marriage, Lily is upstairs just trying to convince her Wall Street clientele that her very specific skillset is still just as valuable over video as it was in person.
A psychologist helps his patients to overcome their COVID-19 fears.