
Superman 1978


Superman je nadčlovek, ktorý lieta nad krajinou v neodmysliteľnom úbore a bojuje proti zlu. Film nám vykresľuje jeho príchod z planety Kryptón, mladosť a nakoniec aj dobrodružstvá v Metropolise...


Až príde oheň

Až príde oheň 2019


Amador sa po odsedení si trestu za podpaľačstvo vracia do rodnej dediny. Jeho matka Benedicta prijíma synov návrat so stoickým pokojom. Amador sa zapája do života na dedine, ktorý ticho plynie v súlade s prírodou. Stará sa o dom a tri kravy. Jedného dňa sa však opäť rozhorí oheň…



Volyň 2016


Píše sa rok 1939. Príbeh sa odohráva tesne pred vypuknutím druhej svetovej vojny v dedinke v oblasti Volyň, ktorú obývajú Ukrajinci, Poliaci a Židia. Mladá Poľka Zosia Głowacka sa zaľúbi do ukrajinského mladíka Petra, ktorý je z rovnakej dediny. Rodičia ju však vydajú za omnoho staršieho poľského vdovca a správcu dediny Macieja Skibu. Po začiatku vojny Maciej narukuje do poľskej armády, aby bojoval proti Nemcom. Keď sa vojenská výprava skončí neúspechom a Maciej a ostatní, čo prežili, sa vracajú domov, zadržia ich miestni Ukrajinci, mučia ich a napokon zabijú. Osamelá a tehotná Zosia je medzičasom nútená utiecť z okupovanej dediny a zachrániť tak život sebe aj svojim deťom.



Suro 2022




Strýc 2019


Kris žije se svým částečně postiženým strýcem na dánském venkově, kde společně provozují chátrající farmu. V jejich osobitém, ale láskyplném vztahu, založeném na každodenní rutině, není třeba slov. Kris je dominantní dříčka, která ke svému strýci přistupuje s mateřskou a přehnaně ochranitelskou péčí. Během komplikovaného porodu se Kris podaří zachránit tele a tím v sobě znovu probudí zájem o veterinární medicínu. Naváže přátelský vztah s upovídaným veterinářem Johannesem a pomalu začíná objevovat život mimo farmu. Když se zamiluje, je nucena čelit zásadním životním otázkám.



Countryfile 1988


The people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.


Feria: The Darkest Light

Feria: The Darkest Light 2022


Two sisters must face a new reality — and supernatural elements — when it's revealed their parents participated in a cult ritual ending in death.


A Tale of Thousand Stars

A Tale of Thousand Stars 2021


After receiving a heart transplant from volunteer teacher Torfun, who died in an accident, Tian discovers her life and secrets through her diary, including her promise to count a thousand stars with Chief Forest Officer Phupha. Determined to fulfill her wish, Tian becomes a volunteer teacher and tries to befriend Phupha, who initially remains distant. As they grow closer, Tian finds himself falling for Phupha, just as Torfun once did. Can he complete the thousand-star promise despite the risks?


Racket Boys

Racket Boys 2021


A city kid is brought to the countryside by his father's new coaching gig: reviving a ragtag middle school badminton team on the brink of extinction.


You're Nothing Special

You're Nothing Special 2022


Amaia's life, according to her, just sucks. Overnight, she has to say goodbye to her life in Barcelona, where she has all her friends and her day to day already established, to go live in her mother's village, where NOTHING ever happens. However, she will soon discover something that could turn her life around... that perhaps she has inherited the powers of her grandmother: a woman she never met, but with the reputation of being the only witch that has ever lived in the town of Salabarria.



Cocoricó 1996


Cocoricó is a Brazilian children's puppet show aired on TV Cultura and TV Rá-Tim-Bum.The story features Júlio, a boy who lives on a farm and interacts with his animal friends. The show has first aired in April 8th,1996.


Bright Future

Bright Future 2022


The story of county party secretary Mei Xiaoge and the reforms he and his colleagues introduce to bring about much-needed change and development to the lives of the people of Guangming County.


Star & Sky: Sky In Your Heart

Star & Sky: Sky In Your Heart 2022


Forced up to the mountains with his friends Mesa and JJ after driving while impaired, Dr. Kuafah meets volunteer teacher Prince. The two despise one another from the moment they first meet. Despite their differences, the more they argue, the more they come to understand one another.


The Story of Xing Fu

The Story of Xing Fu 2022


The journey of He Xingfu, a small-town woman from Wanjiazhuang who takes on the many life obstacles to help and protect her hometown.


Citizen A

Citizen A 2024


Almaz is assigned to a rural school far from the city. Arriving in the village, Almaz fights against illegalities, arbitrariness and women's rights in the school where she teaches.


Miles to Go

Miles to Go 2023


In the 1980s, Gao Jialin, a young man living in Gaojiagou in northern Shaanxi Province,Gao Jialin was not defeated. He strived to learn new knowledge in accordance with the times, and through the changes of the world, he wrote an extraordinary life story of an ordinary man in the tide of the times.


Our Little Summer Vacation

Our Little Summer Vacation 2020


Show about adults who enjoy an everyday vacation in an unfamiliar place in order to heal their tired minds and bodies. They will enjoy the activities either alone or with friends. Through this break, they will search for a new life far away from busy and chaotic city life.


A History of the European Rural Life

A History of the European Rural Life 2024


The history of the European peasantry, which has undergone many upheavals over the centuries: from its rise in the Middle Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, through the oppression of the nobility and the Church, to the struggles for freedom and modernization in the present era.


Daughter of the Mountains

Daughter of the Mountains 2022


According to the real deeds, the play tells that Huang Wenxiu came out of the countryside. After graduating from graduate school, he gave up the opportunity to work in a large city.


Rainbow Chart

Rainbow Chart 2021


Kureno Masora is a young doctor who was working happily at a large hospital in Tokyo. However, she found out that she has an illness and decided to continue working as a doctor, while hiding her illness at a clinic located in a small village called "Niji no Mura". Therefore, Masora gets to meet the interesting villagers and gradually learns about facing life enthusiastically.