Odložený prípad Hammarskjöld

Odložený prípad Hammarskjöld 2019


V roku 1961 za záhadných okolností havarovalo lietadlo generálneho tajomníka OSN Daga Hammarskjölda. Zomrel samotný Hammarskjöld a väčšina posádky. Ani po viac ako 50 rokoch sa prípad nepodarilo uzavrieť, a preto nás dánsky novinár, filmár a provokatér Mads Brügger vtiahne do investigatívneho honu za pravdou. Po mnohých nikam nevedúcich stopách a vyhýbavých rozhovoroch Brügger a jeho švédsky partner Göran Björkdahl prídu na stopu niečomu oveľa väčšiemu, než pôvodne predpokladali.



Adventure 1963


Long-running travel programme


Tales from Zambia

Tales from Zambia 2017


Zambia is home to some of the world’s most exotic wildlife. From elephants to eagles and baboons to hippos, this collection of films features a range of different species, exploring their fascinating behaviour and taking viewers on a virtual safari into some of the wildest and most beautiful habitats on Earth.



Luyando 2023


A young Pharmaceutical engineer must travel to the Lower Zambezi National Park to look for an Indigenous plant which she hopes to use to create a cure for her ailing mother. Things turn bizarre when she discovers that the plant she looks for, is believed to be used in witchcraft.


Lion Country: Night and Day

Lion Country: Night and Day 2017


Lions are the world's most social cats and their family dramas rival anything seen in a TV soap. This series follows two lion prides in extraordinary detail, following them night and day for six months in South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, one of Africa’s last great wildernesses