Kráľova reč

Kráľova reč 2010


Po smrti otca, anglického kráľa Juraja V. a škandalóznej abdikácii kráľa Eduarda VIII., je Bertie, ktorý celý život trpí poruchou reči, nečakane korunovaný kráľom. Krajina stojí na prahu 2. svetovej vojny a zúfalo potrebuje silného vodcu. Preto kráľova žena Alžbeta, budúca kráľovná matka, dohovorí svojmu mužovi stretnutie s excentrickým terapeutom reči Lionelom Logue. Po tuhom začiatku sa títo dvaja ponoria do neobvyklého spôsobu liečby a časom medzi nimi vznikne nenarušitelné puto. S pomocou Loguea, rodiny, vlády a Winstona Churchilla kráľ prekoná koktanie a prednesie zásadnú reč v rádiu, ktorá inšpiruje anglický ľud a spojí ho vo vojnovej bitke.


Bláznivý príbeh Robina Hooda

Bláznivý príbeh Robina Hooda 1993


Robinovi Hoodovi sa podarí ujsť z arabského väzenia. Dopláva cez celé Stredozemné more a Atlantik okolo Španielska a Francúzska až do Anglicka. Spolu s moslimským priateľom so zvláštnym menom Ahchoo dorazia na rodný Robinov hrad Loxsley. Ten však práve odváža exekútor na príkaz zlodušského šerifa z Rotinghamu, ktorý sa chce oženiť s jeho láskou - krásnou pannou Marian. Robin prisahá šerifovi pomstu, pretože zničil jeho rodinu a obral ho o dedičné panstvo. Spriatelí sa so zbojníkmi zo Sherwoodskeho lesa a spolu škodia nielen šerifovi, ale aj zradcovskému princovi Jánovi ktorý ukradol anglický trón svojmu bratovi Richardovi. Richard Levie srdce totiž už roky bojuje v Palestíne s križiakmi a podľa najnovších správ zahynul. Robin však dokáže nemožné - nielenže šerifa zneškodní , ale napriek všetkým úkladom získa aj Marianne a konečne môže odomknúť je pás cudnosti...


Ako chrániť princezné

Ako chrániť princezné 2009


Keď malú rozprávkovú krajinu napadne zlý diktátor, princeznú Rosalindu okamžite prevezú do ochranného programu v Louisiane, kde sa pod svojím novým menom Rosie Gonzaslesová musí správať ako obyčajné dievča. Pod svoje ochranné krídla si ju vezme major Joe Mason, ktorý je agentom ochranného programu, a jeho dcéra Carter. Tá popri školských povinnostiach stíha aj privyrábať si v obchode s návnadami. Rosie a Carter sa spriatelia, Carter učí princeznú správať sa ako obyčajná tínedžerka a Rosie na oplátku pomôže Carter s kráľovským vystupovaním, bontónom a s nadviazaním vzťahu so sympatickým Donniem...



Kráľovná 2006


Tento film je intímnym pohľadom do zákulisia kráľovskej rodiny, ale i vysokej politiky v období po tragickej smrti princeznej Diany. Odkrýva skutočné emócie i tragický dosah tejto udalosti na celý svet. Kto stojí za vraždou "kráľovnej ľudských sŕdc"?



See 2019


A virus has decimated humankind. Those who survived emerged blind. Centuries later when twins are born with the mythic ability to see, their father must protect his tribe against a threatened queen.


The Tudors

The Tudors 2007


The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion.


The King: Eternal Monarch

The King: Eternal Monarch 2020


Korean emperor Lee Gon tries to close the doors to a parallel world which was opened by demons; a detective tries to protect the people and the one she loves.



Królowie 2024


Follow-up series to "The Crown of the Kings" and "The Crown of the Kings. The Jagiellonians" about the reign of King Władysław III of Poland and his younger brother King Casimir IV of Poland.


Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story 2023


The story of how the young Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George sparked both a great love story and a societal shift, creating the world of the Ton inherited by the characters in Bridgerton.


The Last Empress

The Last Empress 2018


In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny, a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness.


The King 2 Hearts

The King 2 Hearts 2012


Set in the constitutional monarchy in an imaginary South Korea, South Korea's Crown Prince Lee Jae Ha is forced to join the World Officers Competition, WOC, by his brother. There, he meets North Korea's strongest female devil instructor Kim Hang Ah.



Victoria 2016


The story of Queen Victoria, who came to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become “grandmother of Europe”.


The White Queen

The White Queen 2013


Set against the backdrop of the Wars of the Roses, the series is the story of the women caught up in the protracted conflict for the throne of England.


The Legend of El Cid

The Legend of El Cid 2020


The story of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, a Castilian nobleman and war hero in medieval Spain.



Isabel 2012


Charting the life of Isabella I of Castile, one of the most important women in Spain’s history, Isabel follows her passionate story from childhood to being crowned Queen. From her political struggles within King Henry IV's court to her wedding to Ferdinand of Aragon, the drama encapsulates the passions, emotions and sacrifices of a woman who refused to just be a figurehead and whose outlook was ahead of her time.


The White Princess

The White Princess 2017


The story of Elizabeth of York, the White Queen's daughter, and her marriage to the Lancaster victor, Henry VII. Based on the Philippa Gregory book of the same name.


The Blessed Girl

The Blessed Girl 2021


In a mysterious and unknown continent named "Suchuan", there are many beautiful legends of mythology. A catastrophe caused the gods to fall, and Suchuan was thrown into chaos. After many years, the young monarch Yuan Yi ascends to the throne and vows to end the troubled times. Yuan Yi believed that the source of chaos was the falling of the gods. He fled the imperial city and found a girl named Ling Long, who possesses a strong spiritual power of the god. Ling Long and her father, Chi Xin, lived in a remote village. Although Ling Long lost her mother since young, she is independent and outstanding. At the request of Yuan Yi, Chi Xin left the village with Ling Long and Yuan Yi and embarked on an adventure to save Suchuan. Evil can never rival justice, and the trio finally defeated the power of evil and led Suchuan to a beautiful new era.


The Royals

The Royals 2015


Drama about a fictional British Royal family set in modern day London, who inhabit a world of opulence and regal tradition that caters to any and every desire, but one that also comes with a price tag of duty, destiny and intense public scrutiny.


Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I 2005


Elizabeth I is a two-part 2005 British historical drama television miniseries directed by Tom Hooper, written by Nigel Williams, and starring Helen Mirren as Elizabeth I of England. The miniseries covers approximately the last 24 years of her nearly 45-year reign. Part 1 focuses on the final years of her relationship with the Earl of Leicester, played by Jeremy Irons. Part 2 focuses on her subsequent relationship with the Earl of Essex, played by Hugh Dancy. The series originally was broadcast in the United Kingdom in two two-hour segments on Channel 4. It later aired on HBO in the United States, CBC and TMN in Canada, ATV in Hong Kong, ABC in Australia, and TVNZ Television One in New Zealand. The series went on to win Emmy, Peabody, and Golden Globe Awards. The same year, Helen Mirren starred as Queen Elizabeth II in The Queen, with which she dominated the award season.


Carlos, rey emperador

Carlos, rey emperador 2015


As the life of Charles of Habsburg is told since his arrival to Spain, it can be seen how the heir to the crowns of Germany, Burgundy, the Netherlands, the Free County, Artois, Nevers and Rethel, of the territories of the Crown of Aragon and its related Italian territories, and of the territories of the Catholic Monarchs in Castile, North Africa and the Americas, matures as a statesman and gets stronger in face of menaces around him and good and bad advice from his counselors.


The Bastard Executioner

The Bastard Executioner 2015


A blood-soaked, medieval epic that tells the story of Wilkin Brattle, a 14th century warrior, whose life is forever changed when a divine messenger beseeches him to lay down his sword and lead the life of another man: a journeyman executioner. Set in northern Wales during a time rife with rebellion and political upheaval, Wilkin must walk a tight rope between protecting his true identity while also serving a mysterious destiny. Guided by Annora, a mystical healer whose seeming omniscience keeps Wilkin under her sway; manipulated by Milus Corbett, a devious Chamberlain with grand political aspirations; and driven by a deepening connection with the Baroness Lady Love, Wilkin struggles to navigate political, emotional and supernal pitfalls in his quest to understand his greater purpose.


Long Live the Royals

Long Live the Royals 2015


Long Live the Royals follows a fictional British Royal Family—King Rufus and Queen Eleanor and their children Peter, Rosalind, Eddy, and Alex—as they honor the annual Yule Hare Festival. The family must battle having to rule their kingdom while maintaining a normal family at the same time. Meanwhile, the festival continues with the parties and feasts that comprise it.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 2001


Through dramatic reconstructions and his own passionate narration, Dr. David Starkey, the controversial Tudor historian, profiles the six women who married Henry Vlll.