Nepríjemná pravda

Nepríjemná pravda 2006


Všetci sedíme na časovanej bombe. Pokiaľ majú pravdu pesimistické hlasy, predstavované drvivou väčšinou svetových klimatológov, máme približne desať rokov na to, aby sme odvrátili ekologickú katastrofu neskutočných rozmerov, ktorú by sprevádzalo extrémne počasie a ktorá by nenávratne zmenila tvár našej planéty a život na nej. Ak ste sa teraz zarazili, určite vás zaujme hit filmového festivalu v Sundance, Nepríjemná pravda režiséra Davisa Guggenheima. V nej popisuje zapálený súboj jedného muža s mýtmi a nepravdami obklopujúcimi fenomén globálneho otepľovania a jeho návod na únik zo slepej uličky. Tým mužom je bývalý americký viceprezident Al Gore, ktorý po neúspešných prezidentských voľbách v roku 2000 presmeroval kormidlo svojho života v ústrety záchrane planéty pred nezvratnými zmenami.


Nepríjemná pravda 2

Nepríjemná pravda 2 2017


Desaťročie po tom, ako Nepríjemná pravda priniesla klimatickú krízu do centra pospolitej kultúry, prichádza jej strhujúce a vzrušujúce pokračovanie, ktoré ukazuje, ako blízko v skutočnosti sme ku skutočnej energetickej revolúcii. Bývalý viceprezident Al Gore pokračuje vo svojom neúnavnom boji, cestuje po svete, trénuje armádu klimatických bojovníkov a vplýva na medzinárodnú klimatologickú politiku. Kamery ho sledujú v zákulisí, v súkromných aj verejných situáciách, vo vtipných aj v bolestných chvíľach, kým on nasleduje inšpiratívnu myšlienku, že v stávke nikdy nebolo toľko a že riziká klimatických zmien možno zdolať ľudskou dômyselnosťou a zanietením.


Crocodile and the Plover Bird

Crocodile and the Plover Bird 2019


A story about young people hoping to pioneer architectural improvements that will benefit the generations to come. A stone-faced genius meets his opposite and they clash from the start. Hate turns to love between these two people who first meet at the animal research society. Li Na Nen is a young woman from a small town who has always been passionate about Chinese culture and traditional architecture. After graduating, she heads to Bordeaux University to pursue her studies in the field. She somehow ends up joining the animal research society where she meets Zhou Er Wen. He is a young man who advocates ecological preservation. Given his interest in modern architecture, he is devoted to finding synergies in both. Li Na Nen and Zhou Er Wen start out at odds with each other and Gao Mu finds himself to be the constant mediator. Their experiences bring them together as they strive to bring to fruition a project referred to as the hanging garden.


A Romance of the Little Forest

A Romance of the Little Forest 2022


A story following a botany professor focusing only on research and does not care for fame, money, or love. Meeting a girl he had ill feelings with in the past, their interest in one another develops as she shows off her doctorate knowledge in ornithology.


The Lady of the Forest

The Lady of the Forest 2023


Dao and her two best friends Pai and Jak-Ka-Jan called themselves ‘Nang Suea’ and they trained hard in the art of fighting to enable them to conquer illigal loggers and drug smugglers.


No Impact Day

No Impact Day 2021


Kong Hyo Jin has been friends and camping mates with Lee Chun Hee and Jeon Hae Jin, a married couple, for a long time. They've been striving to protect the environment in their own ways. This time, they gathered to set off on a week-long zero-carbon trip to Jukdo Island. Yoji, Hyo Jin's dog, also accompanies them.


Eco Eye

Eco Eye 1970


Eco Eye is an Irish television series broadcast on RTÉ One. It is presented by Duncan Stewart and focuses on environmental issues. Stewart's daughter Tania also features on the show; she reports from across Ireland, asking people their views on Ireland's environmental future. Eco Eye airs every Wednesday at 19:30, with the 2009 series being the sixth of its kind overall. The 2009 series also entered Northern Ireland for the very first time when it examined important cross border issues such as shared waters, transboundary waste problems and tourism in Northern Ireland. The series is available to watch online at RTÉ.ie.