Polnočná láska

Polnočná láska 2018


Romantický film POLNOČNÁ LÁSKA rozpráva príbeh 17-ročnej Katie, ktorá od detstva bojuje so zriedkavou chorobou a aj ten najmenší záblesk slnečného svetla jej môže ublížiť. A tak celé dni trávi doma a von chodí až po západe slnka. Jej najobľúbenejším miestom je vlaková stanica, kde hrá na gitare náhodným okoloidúcim. Jedného večera zasiahne osud a ona spoznáva Charlieho – športovú hviezdu miestnej strednej školy, ktorého tajne obdivuje už roky. Nepovie mu o svojom ochorení, aby si obaja mohli naplno užiť nádhernú romancu počas jedného takmer dokonalého leta.


Dobrá smrť

Dobrá smrť 2019


Nevyliečiteľne chorá Janette by rada ukončila svoj život dôstojne, preto sa rozhodne pre dobrovoľnú, lekárom asistovanú smrť. Keďže tú vo Veľkej Británii, kde žije, neumožňujú, rozhodne sa odcestovať do Švajčiarska. Cestu musí naplánovať skôr než jej to rýchlo postupujúca choroba znemožní. Syn Simon, ktorý po nej zdedil svalovú dystrofiu, má pre matkino rozhodnutie viac pochopenia než dcéra Bridget. Vlastníme svoj život, alebo on vlastní nás? – to je hlavný motív nového slovenského filmu. Snímka s výrazne sugestívnou kamerou využíva postupy hraného filmu a do skutočného príbehu Janette pútavo vplieta charaktery a životné príbehy jej najbližších.



House 2004


Dr. Gregory House, a drug-addicted, unconventional, misanthropic medical genius, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.


Destined with You

Destined with You 2023


A lawyer bound by a centuries-old curse becomes entangled with a civil servant who holds the key to his freedom — igniting an unexpected romance.


Deep Insanity: The Lost Child

Deep Insanity: The Lost Child 2021


Madness and unawakening sleep, Randolph syndrome. This new illness is slowly but steadily approaching humanity, caused by the huge underground world Asylum that appeared in Antarctica. There are strange creatures different from the earth, and unknown resources. People bet their lives on the depths of the mysterious new world to get huge wealth, organizational plots, or their own ambitions. And here alone, a young man with a wish in his heart is trying to challenge the front line of Asylum.


Dr. Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist

Dr. Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist 2021


So long as people have hearts, there will be those with worries and concerns. Those hearts are then invaded by something strange, causing them to show strange physical symptoms. These ailments, called "mysterious diseases", exist unseen to most people. Modern medicine offers no cure, but there is one doctor who fights these diseases along with his pupils. His name is Ramune. He looks nothing like a doctor, is foul-mouthed, and does whatever he pleases, but he has the ability to pinpoint the cause of the troubles hidden deep within his patients' hearts and cure their mysterious diseases.


Nayla's Diary

Nayla's Diary 2006


Nayla, a 15-year-old girl who lives in a simple family, is cheerful, diligent, smart, good at basketball, and diligent in worship. One day, unusual things began to happen to Nayla. She started falling frequently and walking strangely. When her mother took her to see a doctor, Nayla was diagnosed with Spinocerebellar Ataxia, a rare disease.


My Sunset Girl

My Sunset Girl 2021


A young woman pursues love and adventure despite her disease. Her world turns upside down when she discovers that her circumstances are born out of revenge and heartbreaks of the past.