Kľúčové slovo Eccentric Man
Kráska a zviera 1991
V časoch, keď ešte rozprávka bola skutočnosťou, žil vo Francúzsku krásny mladý princ, ktorý ale bol pyšný a sebecký. Stará čarodejnica sa ho rozhodla potrestať a premenila ho v hrozné zviera. Uľútostilo sa jej však mladého života a dala princovi ešte šancu na vyslobodenie: ak sa do neho zamiluje nejaké dievča, stane sa opäť človekom. Ubehlo niekoľko rokov. Vo vzdialenej dedine žil zvláštny vynálezca Maurice, ktorý mal prekrásnu dcéru - hovorili jej Kráska. Myslel si na ňu márnivý krásavec Gaston, ale Krásku zaujímali len knihy. Raz sa vynálezca Maurice vydal na cesty a zablúdil do domu obludného zvieraťa. Aby sa zachránil, musela za zvieraťom prísť jeho dcéra Kráska.
Kontakt 1997
Ellie Arrowayová zasvätila celý svoj život hľadaniu života na iných planétach. Stala sa z nej vedecká kapacita na kozmické ticho, ktorému načúva prostredníctvom sústavy gigantických teleskopov. A potom jedného dňa zachytí signál z vesmíru ... Musí tvrdo bojovať, aby bola vybraná k prvému kontaktu so vzdialenou galaxiou. Navyše ju stále prenasleduje minulosť v podobe Palmera Jossa, jedného z prezidentových poradcov a zároveň jej priateľa, ktorý by ju vo vzdialenej galaxii nerád stratil.
The Odd Couple 1968
ffolkes 1980
Friend of the World 2020
Shipbuilder 1985
American Cowslip 2009
En busca del Óscar 2019
The Dawnsayer 2020
Ty-Peupe 1971
Curb Your Enthusiasm 2000
The off-kilter, unscripted comic vision of Larry David, who plays himself in a parallel universe in which he can't seem to do anything right, and, by his standards, neither can anyone else.
Clean with Passion for Now 2018
Gil Oh-so, an employee at a cleaning company, meets Jang Seon-gyul, the boss of the company. The two are diametric opposite when it comes to cleanliness. With the help of Oh-sol, Seon-gyul faces his mysophobia and falls in love with her.
Dali & Cocky Prince 2021
An ignorant but strong-willed man and an upper-class woman who struggles through life, work to fall in love.
The Family Game 2013
Yoshimoto Koya becomes a tutor to a student, Numata Shigeyuki, an underachiever on the verge of dropping out of middle school. Expecting immediate results, Shigeyuki’s father makes a deal with Koya that if he could make Shigeyuki return to school within a week, he would receive a 100,000 yen bonus. Koya accepts the offer, replying that he would only need 5 days to complete the mission but demands that no one should interfere with his methodology in doing so.
Well Dominated Love 2020
Nie Xing Chen is the new assistant of Yan Jing Zhi. Despite meeting for the first time, she already knew the difficult daily habits of her boss. He is an arrogant CEO with a high IQ, suffers from mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, is assertive at work, pursues perfection in life, but is also a perfect man in the hearts of many girls.
One Million Stars Falling from the Sky 2002
The down-and-out detective Kanzo Dojima (Sanma Akashiya) is thinking about hanging up his job. A mysterious man named Ryo Katase (Takuya Kimura). No one seems to know what's going on in the heart of this lonely guy, what he believes in, what he really loves. Then these two men meet by chance one day. The story takes an unexpected turn of events concerning a murder case. Maybe the two of them should never have met. And then there's Kanzo's sister Yuko (Eri Fukatsu). What will the relationship between her and Ryo be like?
Rovers 2016
Established in 1884, Redbridge Rovers F.C. are one of the oldest club's in England - and one of the worst. A sitcom that introduces us to the characters who gather within the social club of a non-league football club.