Kľúčové slovo Colonization
The Nightingale 2018
Čakanie na barbarov 2019
Vojenskej pevnosti, ktorá stráži hranice neznámeho impéria, velí postarší muž vykonávajúci aj funkciu správcu. Jeho starostlivé velenie udržuje po mnoho rokov pokoj s kmeňmi nomádov a dochádza len k drobným nedorozumeniam. Všetko sa zmení s príchodom plukovníka Jolla, ktorý prichádza na základe informácií, že barbari chystajú útok. Je krutý a brutálny, správca nechápe Jollove metódy, ani jeho ciele. Jeho protesty nepomáhajú a nakoniec naň padne podozrenie z kolaborácie s nepriateľom. Musí sa rozhodnúť, či zvolí lojálnosť k impériu, alebo ľudskosť, právo a spravodlivosť.
El botón de nácar 2015
Manaos 1979
Mister Bob 2011
Propaganda 2013
Om våld 2014
امراؤ جان 1981
Mangi Meli Remains 2020
For Love 2022
Surviving Columbus 1992
Pequeño Sáhara 2023
Exterminate All the Brutes 2021
Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism, from America to Africa, and its impact on society today.
The Zulu Wars 2002
This series explores the facts and investigates the truth behind the British Redcoat Army's campaign in Zululand during 1879. The war was started by a country at the height of it's imperial powers and prosecuted by an army charged with the responsibility of implementing a policy known as Confederation - a proposal to unite various black and white factions in South Africa under British authority. Interviews, on-location footage and new geological surveys all help to reconstruct the conflicts and give insight into the tactics used in these epic battles.
Africa A Voyage of Discovery 1984
Africa: A Voyage of Discovery was a series about the history of Africa with Basil Davidson. It was produced in a collaboration between Channel 4, the Nigerian Television Authority and RM Arts in 1984 and consisted of eight parts in four episodes. The film received the Gold Award from the 1984 International Film and Television Festival of New York. Each part is around an hour long.