Hugo a jeho veľký objav

Hugo a jeho veľký objav 2011


Svetoznámy knižný román napísaný Brianom Selznickom sa dočkal svojej filmovej podoby. Dej sa odohráva na rušnom vlakovom nádraží vo Francúzsku, kde prebýva malý zlodejíček Hugo Cabreta, skrytý pred ostatnými ľuďmi, a predovšetkým pred komisármi. Raz však Huga nachytá pri lúpeži tajomný predavač a vezme mu denník. A časom sa ukáže, že to nie je len tak obyčajný predavač.



78/52 2017


Pravdepodobne neexistuje žiadna iná scéna, ktorá by bola taká dôležitá pre filmovú históriu, ako scéna v sprche z filmu Psycho, veľdiela Alfreda Hitchcocka z roku 1960. Nezáleží na tom, koľkokrát bola citovaná alebo parodovaná – keď ju sledujete viac ako pol storočia od jej premiéry, stále má zvláštnu moc vystrašiť ľudí na smrť. 78/52 je jej dekonštrukciou, zrealizovanou do najmenšieho detailu. Toto hlboké skúmanie poteší každého milovníka filmu, nielen fanúšikov Hitchcockovej bohatej tvorby.


James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction

James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction 2018


Explore the evolution of sci-fi from its origins as a small genre with a cult following to the blockbuster pop-cultural phenomenon we know today. In each episode, James Cameron introduces one of the “Big Questions” that humankind has contemplated throughout the ages and reaches back into sci-fi’s past to better understand how our favorite films, TV shows, books, and video games were born.


The Story of Film: An Odyssey

The Story of Film: An Odyssey 2011


A worldwide guided tour of the greatest movies ever made and the story of international cinema through the history of cinematic innovation.


Golden Sixties

Golden Sixties 2009


Television series Golden Sixties examines new insights into Czech and Slovak cinema of the 1960s and the role of the Czechoslovak New Wave. Each episode focuses on a different filmmaker.


Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema

Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema 2018


As told through clips from 183 female directors, this epic history of the cinema focuses on women’s integral role in the development of film art. Using almost a thousand film extracts from thirteen decades and five continents, Mark Cousins asks how films are made, shot and edited; how stories are shaped and how movies depict life, love, politics, humour and death, all through the compelling lens of some of the world’s greatest filmmakers – all of them women.


British Film Forever

British Film Forever 2007


Running for 7 weeks from July 2007, each week focused on a different genre, examining British film by genre. Presented by Jessica Stevenson (Shaun Of The Dead) the series featured over 200 exclusive interviews with leading actors and directors including Sir Michael Caine, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Kate Winslet.


Bergman's Video

Bergman's Video 2012


In the sixties, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) built a house on the remote island of Fårö, located in the Baltic Sea, and left Stockholm to live there. When he died, the house was preserved. A group of very special film buffs, came from all over the world, travel to Fårö in search of the genius and his legacy. (Released in 2013, edited and abridged, as Trespassing Bergman.)