Putovanie tučniakov

Putovanie tučniakov 2005


Každým rokom, tisíce tučniakov cisárskych opúšťa istotu ich hlbokého oceánu a putujú stovky míľ cez zradný a odpudivý Antarktický ľadovec, aby sa mohli rozmnožovať. Hrdinsky odolávajú teplotám hlboko pod bodom mrazu a nečakaným nebezpečným dobrodružstvám. Pohľad na ich putovanie očami Luca Jacquetse je plný humoru, plný odvahy malých tvorov vzdorovať drsnej prírode, plný záhad a tajomstiev. Putovanie tučniakov je výpravný film o ich hrdinskej námahe pre prežitie.



Koyaanisqatsi 1983


Skupina vysokých nehybných postáv stojacich oproti ešte vyššej postave s korunou na hlave. Jaskynné maľby z kaňonu Horseshoe Canyon v Utahu sú prvými a poslednými tónmi diela, ktoré diváka prevedie svetom, ako ho vidí Godfrey Reggio. Majestátna nestarnúcnosť stalagmitových skál, zdanlivá nehybnosť púšte a večný dynamizmus morských vĺn naznačujú prvotnú čistotu života, do ktorej po stáročiach postupného, takmer nezmerateľného vývoja náhle vstupuje človek a svojou energiou mení podobu sveta a rytmus času. Prináša technický pokrok, zrýchľuje, upadá do áno...


Erupcia lásky

Erupcia lásky 2022


Katia a Maurice Krafftoví mali v živote dve vášne – seba navzájom a sopky. On priamočiary a odvážny, ona pokojná a opatrná, no vždy spolu. Počas celých dvoch dekád sa títo vulkanológovia nechali zvádzať krásou a nebezpečenstvom bublajúcich obrov a pri svojej ceste za poznaním zachránili desiatky tisíc životov. Ich neuveriteľný príbeh a autentické zábery sopiek nasnímané z dychberúcej blízkosti na 16 mm film ožili v kreatívnom spracovaní režisérky Sary Dosy. Hit zo Sundance, pripomínajúci estetiku Wesa Andersona, hovorí nielen o vybuchujúcich sopkách, ale aj o dynamike unikátneho vzťahu dvoch svojráznych vedcov.



Zem 2007


V Arktíde sa prebudia ľadový medvedi pri úsvite prvého jarného slnka .Musia si nájsť potravu skôr ako sa roztopia ľadi .O tisíc kilometrov ďalej sa delia slony a vzácnu vodu s levmy, a je otázne kto výde zo súboja ako porazený .Na konci vydieť veľrybiu matku s mláďatkom pri ich plavbe k ľadovcom Antarktídy .



Tigre 2024


Sledujte cestu mladej tigrice, ako vychováva svoje mláďatá v bájnych indických lesoch.


Rok, ktorý zmenil planétu Zem

Rok, ktorý zmenil planétu Zem 2021


Rozprávačom je David Attenborough. Doposiaľ nezverejnené zábery ukazujú, ako život v lockdowne otvoril prírode cestu k zotaveniu a rozkvetu. Keď sme sa zastavili, Zem našla rytmus v moriach, na oblohe a na súši.



Powaqqatsi 1988


Americký film Powaqqatsi vznikol ako druhá časť plánovanej trilógie osobitých dokumentárnych filmov režiséra Godfreya Reggia s hudbou skladateľa Philipa Glassa, ktorých názvy odkazujú na jazyk indiánskeho kmeňa Hopi ("Powaqqatsi" znamená niečo ako "žiť na cudzí účet"). V roku 1983 mal svetovú premiéru film Koyaanisqatsi, ktorý sa pokúsil o komplexný pohľad na súčasnú tvár industrializovanej Ameriky. Tvorcovia filmu sa snažili podať obraz života, ľudí a krajiny tretieho sveta v akomsi celovečernom projekte bez použitia komentára. Sledujú deštrukciu kult...


Natural World

Natural World 1983


Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.


The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau

The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau 1968


The intrepid undersea explorer and author circles the globe on his floating laboratory, Calypso, in this occasional series. A pioneer in marine study, the red-capped Frenchman introduced generations of landlubbers to the creatures and mysteries of the sea.



Nature 1982


Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.


Den stora älgvandringen

Den stora älgvandringen 2019


For several thousand years the moose have walked the same path to get to the rich pastures of summer. Follow the walk live from Kullberg in the north of Sweden.


Real Life in the Zoo

Real Life in the Zoo 2019


The animals play the main role in this series. The animals are the real main characters and the supporting roles are for the caretakers or zoo staff. Decisive for the program is the camera technology, which shows the animals' lives everywhere behind the scenes and out of sight of the audience. We experience the 24-hour feeling within the walls of the zoo, just like the animals themselves. The program is recorded at Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen, the Netherlands.


The Secret Life of the Zoo

The Secret Life of the Zoo 2016


Chester Zoo is the most popular zoo in Britain. This observational documentary series uses micro-rig camera technology to capture, in incredible detail, the remarkable behaviour of the animals there.


Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet 2022


Experience the wonders of our world like never before in this epic series from Jon Favreau and the producers of Planet Earth. Travel back 66 million years to when majestic dinosaurs and extraordinary creatures roamed the lands, seas, and skies.


El Hombre y la Tierra

El Hombre y la Tierra 1974


El hombre y la Tierra is a 1974 television series produced by Radio Televisión Española.


The Crocodile Hunter

The Crocodile Hunter 1997


The Crocodile Hunter is a wildlife documentary television series that was hosted by Steve Irwin and his wife Terri. The show became a popular franchise due to its unconventional approach and Irwin's approach to wildlife. It spawned a number of separate projects, including the feature film The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course and two television spinoffs: The Crocodile Hunter Diaries and Croc Files. The series has been presented on Animal Planet and has been in international syndication on networks worldwide.



Dynasties 2018


Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves and tigers. Each in a heroic struggle against rivals and against the forces of nature, these families fight for their own survival and for the future of their dynasties.


Aussie Snake Wranglers

Aussie Snake Wranglers 2021


Full of action, suspense, and larger than life characters, ‘Aussie Snake Wranglers’ thrusts audiences into Australia’s snake catching world – where one mistake could cost you your life. Stuart and the Aussie Snake Wranglers team put their lives on the line to ensure the safety of those who find a slithering surprise in their home, school or business.


Wildlife Specials

Wildlife Specials 1995


The BBC Wildlife Specials are a series of nature documentary programmes commissioned by BBC Television. The Wildlife Specials began with a pilot episode in 1995. 20 programmes have been made to date, with three of the recent ones being in multi parts. The earlier programmes were produced in-house by the BBC's specialist Natural History Unit, but the more recent Spy in the... titles were made by the independent John Downer Productions. The first 18 programmes, up to 2008, were narrated by David Attenborough. The most recent two were narrated by David Tennant. "The world's leading natural history filmmakers meet the world's most charismatic animals" — BBC tagline


Human Planet

Human Planet 2011


A cinematic experience bringing you the most amazing human stories in the world. Humans and wildlife surviving in the most extreme environments on Earth.


Nature's Great Events

Nature's Great Events 2009


Documentary series looking at the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on our planet, showing how life responds to natural events which can dramatically transform entire landscapes.


Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II 2016


David Attenborough presents a documentary series exploring how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth.


The Blue Planet

The Blue Planet 2001


Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.


Earth at Night in Color

Earth at Night in Color 2020


Filmed across six continents, this docuseries uses cutting-edge camera technology to capture animals' nocturnal lives, revealing new behaviours filmed in full color like never before.


Nature's Weirdest Events

Nature's Weirdest Events 2012


Chris Packham takes us to the scene of some of the weirdest natural phenomena on the planet, telling the real story of the events behind the headlines. Nature can be cute, scary and stunning, but as Chris Packham discovers in these two packed programs, it can also provide the most awesome, amazing and astonishing sights you’ll ever see – including a car cocooned by caterpillars in Holland; exploding toads in Germany; fish falling from the sky and a storm that turned Sydney crimson. Watching original footage and consulting eyewitnesses and scientists, Chris unravels the facts behind some of the most bizarre and mysterious natural wonders to ever appear on the planet – and explains what on earth was going on.


Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III 2023


Journeying to the far reaches of our planet, this eight part series follows some of the world's most amazing species, telling extraordinary stories that are dramatic, thrilling, funny and sometimes heart-breaking, but always full of hope.