Kľúčové slovo What If
The Family Man 2000
Horšie to už nebude 2006
Po desiatich rokoch namáhavej práce konečne dokončuje spisovateľka Karen Eiffelová svoju najnovšiu a pravdepodobne aj najlepšiu knihu. Jedinou úlohou, ktorá ju od dokončenia delí, je nájsť spôsob, ako ukončiť život hlavnej postave, Haroldovi Crickovi. Netuší však, že Harold Crick, nech to znie akokoľvek nevysvetliteľne, skutočne existuje...a počuje jej slová. Skutočnosť a príbeh sa začnú prelínať, keď sa Harold, ohromený, ale pevne rozhodnutý odolávať, dozvie, čo s ním Karen zamýšľa. Uvedomí si, že musí za každú cenu zmeniť jej i svoj koniec...
Insignificance 1985
Fin de siglo 2019
Shadow on the Land 1968
Run for Your Life 2014
Suspicion 1970
Desolation 2024
Me Within 2020
Quem de mim se foi? 2023
El Principi 2022
Just Suppose 1948
Operación Gónada 2000
Ciné si 1989
A silhouette animation anthology TV series conceived, written and directed by Michel Ocelot and realised at La Fabrique, consisting of short fantastical stories performed by the same animated "actors." A critical success but commercial failure at the time, no further episodes were commissioned beyond the initial 8, but, following the success of Ocelot's Kirikou and the Sorceress, 6 were edited into the 2000 feature Princes and Princesses, in which form they finally saw wide exposure and acclaim both in France and internationally; a further episode was included in a home release of short works in 2008, but one remains unavailable for public consumption.
What if? 2013
What if mechanics told us the truth? What if Barbie and Ken really existed? What if hockey players were always polite with each other? These are the kinds of set-ups explored in this irreverent, absurd and nutty sketch comedy television show.