Scary Movie 3

Scary Movie 3 2003


Cindy Campbellová úspešne ukončila štúdium a momentálne pracuje ako televízna redaktorka a moderátorka. V rámci investigatívnej žurnalistiky sa stretne s neuveriteľnými prípadmi: objaví tajomné kruhy v obilí, stretne sa s mimozemskými tvormi, rieši problém so smrtiacimi videokazetami, vidí deti so zvláštnymi očami a v jej okolí dokonca dôjde k incidentu s Michaelom Jacksonom! A aby toho nebolo málo, dozvie sa, že ona je tá vyvolená, ktorá musí pomôcť americkému prezidentovi zachrániť Spojené štáty a samozrejme celý svet pred inváziou zlých a škaredých votrelcov z vesmíru.



Kruh 2002


Znie to ako ďalší z neuveriteľných príbehov. Existuje videopáska plná obrazov ako vystrihnutých z tých najpálčivejších snov. Tam, kde bola prehraná, vzápätí zazvoní telefón s varovaním, že ten, kto si ju pozrel, zomrie presne za sedem dní. Rachel Kellerová, reportérka renomovaného denníka, prirodzene odmieta uveriť takejto fantazijnej informácii. Lenže keď dôjde k záhadnej a nevysvetliteľnej smrti štyroch teenagerov, rozhodne sa prísť celej veci na kĺb, pretože jednou z obetí bola aj jej neter. Nie je to vôbec jednoduché, ale nakoniec aj ona získa pásku, aj ona si ju premietne, so svojím malým synom a telefón skutočne vzápätí zazvoní. Zostáva len sedem dní a nocí, aby s priateľom Noahom našla spôsob, ako zachrániť seba i svojho jediného syna. Netuší na akú dlhú, smrťou a zúfalstvom zahalenú cestu sa s Noahom budú musieť vydať.


Zakázaná planéta

Zakázaná planéta 1956


V roku 2200 pristávajú astronauti vo vzdialenom planetárnom systéme, kde majú pátrať po stroskotancoch z prechádzajúcej vesmírnej expedície. Tam sa stretnú s vedcom zo Zeme, ktorý má poznatky o už zaniknutej civilizácií. Žije tu so svojou krásnou dcérou a fenomenálnym robotom. Planéta však skrýva aj jedno strašidelné tajomstvo...



Rebecca 1940


Príbeh o žene, ktorá sa zamiluje do bohatého, ovdovelého obchodníka, vydá sa za neho a odíte s ním žiť do jeho sídla. Tu však prichádza do konfrontácie s duchom jeho mŕtvej ex-manželky a jej život sa mení v peklo.


Smrtiaca nenavist

Smrtiaca nenavist 2006


Ked niekto zomrie v zachvate zlosti, zostane po nom tien, ktory sa postupne siri na dalsie obete a neda im spat, pokym ich nedozene k sialenstvu alebo samovrazde. Dokaze niekto zastavit tuto kliatbu? Tambllyn sa dostane pod rovnaku kliatbu, aaka postihla jej sestru Gellar. Nadprirozene sily, ktore naplnaju cloveka zlobou a nenavistou, spoja dohromady niekolko ludi, ktori sa snazia odhalit toto temne tajomstvo a zachranit si svoje zivoty.


S láskou Vincent

S láskou Vincent 2017


Van Goghove práce, ale aj jeho pohnutý osud a záhadná smrť, inšpirovali tisícky ďalších autorov a sú predmetom živej odbornej diskusie aj 128 rokov po jeho smrti. Filmový projekt, prvý svojho druhu na svete, bol nakrútený kombináciou hraného filmu a animácie originálnych olejomalieb. Presnejšie 66 960 originálnych olejomalieb vytvorených 125 umelcami z celého sveta podľa 94 pôvodných van Goghových diel. Slovami tvorcov, rozložené obrazy by dokázali pokryť celý Londýn alebo Manhattan. Predlohou pre animované obrazy boli okrem malieb i hrané scény so skutočnými hercami. Scenár vznikol na základe 800 van Goghových listov adresovaných predovšetkým jeho bratovi. Príbeh vrcholí v júni 1890, kedy sa van Gogh lieči z depresií, postrelí sa do hrudníka a o dva dni neskôr, vo svojich 37 rokoch na následky zranenia umiera. Všetky okolnosti jeho smrti však neboli dodnes objasnené....



Rebecca 2020


Naivné dievča sa bláznivo zamiluje do bohatého vdovca. Po svadbe sa nasťahuje do jeho rodinného sídla, ale nedokáže uniknúť všadeprítomnému tieňu jeho zosnulej prvej ženy.


Lovci pokladov: Zvitky od Mŕtveho mora

Lovci pokladov: Zvitky od Mŕtveho mora 2016


Rachel Rozmanová pracuje ako lekárka v Los Angeles. Jedného dňa sa dozvie, že jej brat David bol nájdený mŕtvy v jordánskej púšti, a Rachel musí identifikovať jeho telo. Brata nevidela tri roky. Vždy chcel byť archeológom, ale bol tiež idealista a lovec pokladov. Hľadal náboženské predmety a artefakty. Keď Rachel brata identifikuje, dozvie sa, že Jordánci jej telo nevydajú, pretože majú podozrenie, že David pašoval starožitnosti. Jeho smrť nebola nehoda. Niekto ho pripútal k volantu, prestrelil mu pneumatiky a ponechal napospas spaľujúcej púšti. Rachel musí zistiť, prečo David zomrel a kto za to nesie vinu...


Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider 1971


Takeshi Hongo is a promising young man with a passion for motorcycle racing. However, his dreams are suddenly ruined when he gets kidnapped by Shocker, the evil secret organization planning to dominate the world. After being remodeled into a cyborg, Takeshi escapes and swears to protect the world from the inhuman monsters.


Night Has Come

Night Has Come 2023


Trapped in a deadly cursed Mafia game, the students of Yoo-il High must play the game to survive while unraveling the mysteries behind the curse.


Big Mouth

Big Mouth 2022


A lawyer with a ten-percent winning rate is caught up in a murder case and becomes the notorious and genius con artist, Big Mouse, overnight. In order to survive and protect his family, he tries to reveal the true colors of the privileged people involved in a huge conspiracy.


A Shop for Killers

A Shop for Killers 2024


A niece who lost her parents and grew up in the hands of an uncle who runs a shopping mall faces a new truth after her uncle's sudden death.


The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher 2023


Ruthless siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built Fortunato Pharmaceuticals into an empire of wealth, privilege and power. But past secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying at the hands of a mysterious woman from their youth.



Revenant 2023


A woman possessed by an evil spirit and a man who can see evil spirits uncover the secrets of mysterious deaths surrounding five spirits.


And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None 2015


Ten strangers, drawn away from their normal lives to an isolated rock off the Devon coast. But as the mismatched group waits for the arrival of the hosts -- the improbably named Mr. and Mrs. U.N. Owen -- the weather sours and they find themselves cut off from civilization. Very soon, the guests, each struggling with their conscience, will start to die -- one by one, according to the rules of the nursery rhyme 'Ten Little Soldier Boys' -- a rhyme that hangs in every room of the house and ends with the most terrifying words of all: '... and then there were none.


Kemono Jihen

Kemono Jihen 2021


When a series of animal bodies that rot away after a single night begin appearing in a remote mountain village, Inugami, a detective from Tokyo who specializes in the occult, is called to investigate. While working the case, he befriends a strange boy who works in the field every day instead of going to school. Shunned by his peers and nicknamed “Dorotabo” after a yokai that lives in the mud, he helps Inugami uncover the truth behind the killings — but supernatural forces are at work, and while Dorotabo is just a nickname, it might not be the only thing about the boy that isn’t human.



Adamas 2022


Twin brothers Woo-sin and Soo-hyun lose their father in a murder case. Twenty-two years later, the brothers seek to clear their father's name.



Whistler 2006


Local snowboarding legend Beck McKaye returns home from the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics with a gold medal, only to be later found dead.


Kamisama Dolls

Kamisama Dolls 2011


One night, Kyouhei and Hibino discover a dead body and coincidentally Kyouhei’s sister appears with the doll called Kamisama she controls.


Glory Days

Glory Days 2002


Wunderkind author Mike Dolan achieved literary fame at age 21 with a steamy expose on his seemingly idyllic Maine town. Four years later, he hasn't written another word and reluctantly returns home in search of an antidote ... where he is welcomed back with all the warmth of a lynch mob.



Rubicon 2010


An intelligence analyst at a national think tank in New York City called the American Policy Institute discovers that he may be working with members of a secret society that manipulates world events on a grand scale.


Stolen Face

Stolen Face 2019


Shirato Takamasa is a detective at the Investigation Cooperation Section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. His job is to catch wanted criminals by only relying on their faces. One day, he sees Sunami's face who was a senior detective, but had a mysterious death 4 years ago.



FreakyLinks 2000


FreakyLinks is an American television show that combined elements of horror, mystery, and comedy. It aired on the Fox Network from October 2000 until June 2001, for a total run of 13 episodes. The feel of the show closely modeled that of The X-Files and other supernatural-themed shows that were popular at the time. In 2008, the series began airing on Universal's horror network Chiller. It can also be seen on the Canadian ONE channel.


The Staircase

The Staircase 2004


Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, presents a gripping courtroom thriller, offering a rare and revealing inside look at a high-profile murder trial. In 2001, author Michael Peterson was arraigned for the murder of his wife Kathleen, whose body was discovered lying in a pool of blood on the stairway of their home. Granted unusual access to Peterson's lawyers, home and immediate family, de Lestrade's cameras capture the defense team as it considers its strategic options. The series is an engrossing look at contemporary American justice that features more twists than a legal bestseller.



Wilder 2017


A detective returns to her home town in the Swiss mountains, to remember her brother who died in an accident many years ago along with several other children. After a murder in town, she stays and starts to investigate.


Happy Town

Happy Town 2010


The residents of Haplin, Minnesota - also known as "Happy Town" - have enjoyed an uneasy peace while haunted by a number of unsolved kidnappings. Now facing a disturbing new crime that brings unresolved fears to the surface, Haplin's most prominent citizens come under scrutiny as their own secrets are revealed.


Hidden Palms

Hidden Palms 2007


Johnny Miller was a typical 15-year-old until his father committed suicide. Now Johnny lives in Palm Springs with his mother and her new husband. On the outside, Palm Springs is a paradise - but as Johnny learns the secrets that lie just beneath the surface of this seemingly typical neighborhood, he and his family wonder how well they really know the people who live right next door.


Death Unexplained

Death Unexplained 2012


Death Unexplained is a British documentary series about the investigation of deaths in West London. It was shown on BBC One in February 2012 and follows coroner Alison Thompson, pathologists and other staff who deal with over 4,000 cases per year. The team work in co-operation with her to determine the cause of initially unexplained deaths which occur in her jurisdiction. Each episode is 40 minutes long.