Ako sa zbavit priatelov a zostat uplne sam

Ako sa zbavit priatelov a zostat uplne sam 2008


Novinar Sidney Young (Simon Pegg) pracuje v Londyne pre nieprilis uspesny bulvarny platok, ktory si striela z celebrit tuziacich po slave vo svetle snobskych vecierkov. Na jednej strane je hrdy na svoj satiricky nadhlad a odstup od prostredia, o ktorom pise, na strane druhej ho vsak povrchny svet slavy a krasnych ludi laka. Sidney dostava prekvapivu pracovnu ponuku od sefredaktora prestizneho newyorskeho casopisu Sharps a pohlave sa vrha do viru newyorskych vecierkov. Rychlo vsak zisti, ze zdaleka nie vsetko je take, ako si predstavoval. Je sklamany upatou atmosferou a stava sa z neho rebel. Neochotu zaradit sa do davu a sekat dobrotu vsak necakane narusi stretnutie s povabnou hereckou Sophiou, ktora mu uplne popletie hlavu… Nametom pre film bola kniha Tobyho Younga z roku 2001, v ktorej zachytil vlastne zazitky, ked koncom 90. rokov odisiel z Londyna pracovat do prestizneho casopisu Vanity Fair v New Yorku a ani nie po dvoch rokoch bol odtial vyhodeny.


Oshi No Ko

Oshi No Ko 2023


Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to the top, but what can a child do about the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry?





Two pop idol Ai fans are reincarnated as her "secret" baby twins, Aqua and Ruby, and grow up supporting her until the tragic day she is stabbed by a stalker. Flash forward a few years later and Aqua and Ruby are high school students determined to make it on their own in the cutthroat world of entertainment for personal reasons.


In Memory Of Leslie Cheung

In Memory Of Leslie Cheung 2023


TV programme commemorates the 20th anniversary of Leslie Cheung's passing on April 1, 2023. The show features his iconic works and performances in different genres, such as his collaboration with Anita Mui in a legendary duet. The programme includes interviews with renowned figures in the music and film industries, who share their memories and experiences with Cheung. Cheung's professionalism and unique charisma continue to resonate with audiences today, and this programme acts as a tribute to the legendary singer and actor.