Vojna bohov

Vojna bohov 2011


Dlhé veky po tom, ako Bohovia vyhrali mýtický boj proti Titanom, ohrozuje ríšu nové zlo. Kráľ Hyperion, posadnutý mocou, vyhlásil ľudstvu vojnu. S armádou dychtiacou po krvi vyplieni Grécko v úsilí nájsť legendárny Epirov šíp, zbraň nesmiernej moci ukovanú Bohom vojny Aresom. Iba ten, kto sa zmocní tohto šípu, môže vypustiť Titanov túžiacich po pomste a uväznených v priepasti Tartaros. Šíp v rukách kráľa by znamenal zahubenie ľudstva a zánik Bohov. Avšak starobylý zákon nedovoľuje Bohom zasahovať do sporov ľudí. Pred Hyperionom preto ostávajú bezbranní, ale len do chvíle, keď sa objaví smrteľník Theseus, ich jediná nádej. Tajne zvolený najvyšším Bohom Diom, Theseus musí zachrániť svoj ľud pred Hyperionom a jeho krvilačnými bojovníkmi. Odvážny Theseus vedie povstanie so skupinou verných druhov, ktorých dopĺňajú kňažka Phaedra s vizionárskymi schopnosťami a vynaliezavý otrok Stavros. Nedopustí, aby sa jeho rodná krajina premenila na ruiny a jeho Bohovia navždy zanikli.



Krapopolis 2023


In mythical ancient Greece, a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters tries to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other.


Jason and the Argonauts

Jason and the Argonauts 2000


At a young age, Jason witnesses the brutal deposement and murder of his father at the hands of his uncle Pelias. Twenty years later, Jason returns home to claim his rightful place as king, but Pelias orders him to be executed, and in order to save himself Jason is forced to go on a dangerous quest to find the legendary Golden Fleece. So Jason gathers a motley crew of men and sets sail on the Argos.


Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods 2009


Clash of the Gods is a one-hour weekly mythology television series that premiered on August 3, 2009 on the History channel. The program covers many of the ancient Greek and Norse Gods, monsters and heroes including Hades, Hercules, Medusa, Minotaur, Odysseus and Zeus.



Olympus 2015


The story of how a few brave men and women banished the Gods to the realm of the unconscious - a place they called the Underworld or the Kingdom of Hades. The series follows the protagonist as he seeks the truth about his past, which may be intertwined with the Gods themselves.


Odyssey: Behind the Myth

Odyssey: Behind the Myth 2023


Who was Homer, and what is the meaning of The Odyssey? In this documentary we follow the footsteps of Ulysses, also known by his Greek name Odysseus—a hero as relevant today as he was nearly three thousand years ago, on a journey across some of the most fascinating landscapes and seascapes of the Mediterranean region. With the help of prominent international scholars, we seek to resolve the questions that still surround one of humanity’s greatest literary works and its enigmatic author.