Dospeláci 2010
Ubehlo už tridsať rokov od promócie na vysokej škole a tak sa päť dobrých priateľov opäť stretáva, aby spoločne prežili dovolenku a zaspomínali na staré časy pri príležitosti sviatku Dňa nezávislosti.
Ubehlo už tridsať rokov od promócie na vysokej škole a tak sa päť dobrých priateľov opäť stretáva, aby spoločne prežili dovolenku a zaspomínali na staré časy pri príležitosti sviatku Dňa nezávislosti.
Hal svojmu otcovi sľúbil, že jeho ženy budú v prvom rade krásne. Na ostatnom nezáleží. Žena má byť podľa Hala predovšetkým pekná. Lenže všetko sa zmení vo chvíli, keď sa vo výťahu stretne s človekom, ktorý zmení jeho nazeranie na opačné pohlavie radikálnym spôsobom. Okrem vonkajšej krásy totiž existuje aj krása vnútorná. Teraz je všetko inak a pre Hala je teraz ženou číslo jedna obézna Rosemary. Za týmto obratom v Halovom živote však môže byť niečo, čo sa môže skončiť rovnako rýchlo, ako sa to celé začalo.
Profesor genetiky Sherman Klump sa zamiloval do svojej atraktívnej kolegyne Cyrly Purtyovej. Má to však malý háčik. Klump je takmer dvestokilový chlap a má vážne obavy, že práve jeho handicap by sa mohol stať prekážkou v získaní si srdca ľúbenej dámy. Hnaný desivými snami sa rozhodne na sebe vyskúšať svoj nový preparát, ktorý doposiaľ testoval iba na svojich morčatách. Ten z neho síce urobí mladého štíhleho muža s tak trošku extravagantným správaním, ale prípravok má iba dočasný účinok. Do pôvodného stavu sa začína meniť celkom nečakane a v tých najnevhodnejších chvíľach. Naviac sa po čase jeho štíhle "ja", ktoré sa nazýva Buddy Love, začne až príliš miešať Shermanovi do života. Pokúsi sa mu prebrať Carlu, pripraví ho o miesto v zamestnaní, strechu nad hlavou a dokonca sa pokúsi natrvalo zaujať miesto v jeho tele. Lenže dobrácky profesor sa nemieni podvoliť cudziemu votrelcovi a je odhodlaný zostať sám so sebou, aj za cenu nepríjemnej obezity...
Muriel žije so svojou rodinou v zapadnutom mestečku, ktorého jedinými atrakciami sú nákupné stredisko, morské parky a obchodný dom Tupperware. Muriel, žijúca vo vysnívanom svete pesničiek ABBY a obklopujúca sa katalógmi pre nevesty, čaká princa z rozprávky, ktorý by prišiel a vyslobodil ju zo spoločnosti tyranizujúceho otca a otrasných kamarátok. Pretože princ stále neprichádza, rozhodne sa uchopiť osud do svojich rúk a vyráža za žiarou svetiel veľkomesta...
A shallow model suddenly dies in an accident only to find her soul resurfacing in the body of a brilliant, plus-sized attorney.
Telling powerful stories in hourlong episodes, TLC follows medical journeys of morbidly obese people as they attempt to save their own lives. The featured individuals - each weighing more than 600 pounds confront lifelong emotional and physical struggles as they make the courageous decision to undergo high-risk gastric bypass surgery. In addition to drastically changing their appearances, they hope to reclaim their independence, mend relationships with friends and family, and renew their feelings of self-worth.
A comedy about a working class Chicago couple who find love at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.
Annie is a fat young woman who wants to change her life — but not her body. Annie is trying to start her career while juggling bad boyfriends, a sick parent, and a perfectionist boss.
Fat Friends was an ITV drama, following a group of overweight people, their laughter and pain and addresses the absurdities of dieting in our modern age. The drama looks at people and how they relate to one another and use body weight as an excuse for all sorts of failings in their relationships, or not living their lives to the full. Four of the cast, Ruth Jones, James Corden, Sheridan Smith and Alison Steadman, went on to appear in Gavin & Stacey.
Set in 1996 in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young girl Rae, who has just left a psychiatric hospital, where she has spent four months after attempting suicide, begins to reconnect with her best friend Chloe and her group, who are unaware of Rae's mental health and body image problems, believing she was in France for the past four months.
The Biggest Loser features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight.
The Slaton sisters averaging over a thousand pounds, have always depended on each other for support. Now in their 30s, Amy wants to have children, but cannot due to her weight, while her elder sister Tammy is near bedridden.
Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."
Check in on the men and women featured in "My 600lb Life." Since the show, have they maintained their weight loss and continued working toward their goals? We get an update on where they are now and what's changed since the show.
A working-class family struggles to get by on a limited income in the fictional town of Lanford, Illinois.
Seven teens from different backgrounds attend a weight loss camp as they embark on their individual journeys of self discovery.
Young people work with their families so that they can all lose weight and improve their health and fitness.
Bogan Pride is an Australian comedy television series which first screened on SBS TV in 2008. The six-part series created by and starring actress, Rebel Wilson, is directed by Peter Templeman and produced by Tony Ayres and Michael McMahon. The series centres around the life of a teenage bogan girl. The series was not renewed for a second season by SBS.
Ronny Brede Aase enjoys his life with hamburgers and beer, but also dreams of a long and good life. So he, despite being fat, decides to make a TV show about health.
Singer-actor Mélissa Bédard and comedian Christine Morency examine the many prejudices and preconceived ideas about overweight people in this sensitive and authentic exploration of fatphobia.
Follow three couples who have gained weight during their relationship and want to make a change. Over the course of several months, they will attempt to break old habits and make positive lifestyle changes in an effort to revive their love and mutual attraction.
A two-part documentary following obese mothers at Leicester Royal Infirmary's high risk maternity unit.