
Ben-Hur 1959


Ben Hur je syn významného židovského rodu, ktorý sa kvôli nešťastnej zhode okolností ocitne na galejach po zrade svojho priateľa Messalu. Prisahá, že sa vráti, a Messalovi sa pomstí, a napokon po mnohých peripetiách naozaj dostane šancu vybojovať si späť svoju slobodu v závode štvorzáprahov.


Daj mi tvoje meno

Daj mi tvoje meno 2017


Keď si Eliovi rodičia pozvú na leto do domu hosťa, sedemnásťročný tínedžer z toho nie je vôbec nadšený. Spočiatku sa zdá, že s americkým študentom Oliverom toho nemajú veľa spoločného, no keď spolu začnú tráviť viac času, rozvinie sa medzi nimi niečo oveľa hlbšie než len priateľstvo… Film si po premietaní na New York Film Festival vyslúžil najdlhší potlesk v 55-ročnej histórii festivalu.


Zázračný obuvník

Zázračný obuvník 2014


Osamelý opravár obuvi z New Yorku postupne začína pociťovať, ako mu život preteká pomedzi prsty. Každý deň sa stretáva so zákazníkmi, ktorí žijú svoj život naplno, a začne im závidieť ich dovolenky a životné dobrodružstvá. Všetko sa zmení, keď pri jednej príležitosti zistí, že jeho rodinné dedičstvo mu magicky umožňuje "chodiť v topánkach iného muža" a vidieť tak svet doslova v novom svetle, z pohľadu iného človeka.


Nedodržaný sľub

Nedodržaný sľub 2009


Slovensko v predvečer vypuknutia druhej svetovej vojny. Rodina mladého Žida Martina Friedmanna sa zíde na oslave jeho bar micva a slávnostne si sľúbia, že sa o rok opäť stretnú pri jednom stole; vojnové búrky a antisemitský fanatizmus však každého z nich zavedú na úplne inú cestu.


Friday Night Dinner

Friday Night Dinner 2011


Two siblings share their Friday night dinners at their parents home and, somehow, something always goes wrong.


State of Grace

State of Grace 2001


State of Grace is an American comedy-drama series that ran for two seasons on the Fox Network's Fox Family channel during 2001 and 2002.


Summer of Rockets

Summer of Rockets 2019


Samuel, a Russian-born Jewish inventor who specialises in the development of hearing aids, is tasked with a secret mission by MI5 to use his technological expertise to contribute to western Cold War efforts. Following the tensions of the space race and the first hydrogen bomb test, Samuel's efforts factor in to the emergence of the modern world.


Less Than Kind

Less Than Kind 2008


Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."


Dinner with the Parents

Dinner with the Parents 2024


When the loving but dysfunctional Langer family gets together for dinner each week, things always go horribly, hilariously wrong.


Grandma's House

Grandma's House 2010


Sitcom about a former television presenter searching for something more meaningful to do in life.