
Chudiatko 2023


Neuveriteľný príbeh a fantastický vývoj Belly Baxterovej, mladej ženy, ktorú priviedol späť k životu skvelý a neortodoxný vedec. Aby uspokojila svoju túžbu po poznaní a zážitkoch, uteká za búrlivým dobrodružstvom naprieč kontinentmi. Zbavená predsudkov svojej doby odhodlane bojuje za rovnosť a oslobodenie.


After: Navždy

After: Navždy 2023


Hardin a Tessa sa uberajú životom každý sám. Ich spaľujúca láska, ktorá sa zdala byť nekonečná, je v troskách. Hardin utápa svoj žiaľ v alkohole a v dôsledku Tessinho zdrvujúceho odchodu ho pri písaní druhej knihy trápi spisovateľský blok. V najtemnejších chvíľach svojho života sa rozhodne zúčtovať s minulosťou. Odchádza do Portugalska, aby našiel dievča, s ktorým kedysi chodil a ku ktorému sa zachoval hrozne. Potrebuje nájsť odpustenie aj sám seba. Potrebuje sa vyrovnať so svojimi chybami, aby sa potom mohol pokúsiť získať Tessu späť. Bude ho však Tessa ešte niekedy chcieť vidieť? A ako by takéto stretnutie mohlo dopadnúť?



Tabu 2012




o28 2019



Conta-me Como Foi

Conta-me Como Foi 2007


Conta-me como foi (transl. Tell me how it was) is a Portuguese television drama series which has been broadcast on RTP1 of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal from 2007 to 2011 and since 2019. It recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Lopes (Portuguese: Os Lopes), during the last years of the Estado Novo. In February 2019, RTP announced that the series, after eight years shelved, would be renewed, with the storyline moving firmly into the 1980s. The first episode of the sixth season was broadcast on 7 December 2019 with the Lopes entering 1984.


Mysteries of Lisbon

Mysteries of Lisbon 2011


The tragic story of the many lives of Father Dinis, his dark origins and his pious works, and the different fates of all those who, trapped in a sinister web of love, hate and crime, cross paths with him through years of adventure and misfortune in the convulsed Europe of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. (A longer television version of the film of the same name, released in 2010.)


In Our Care. The Keeper's Choice.

In Our Care. The Keeper's Choice. 2022


Nine security guards from the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, in Lisbon, invite us to appreciate works of their choice from the Museum's permanent exhibition, in a presentation that crosses art, everyday life and biography.