Život s Mikeyom

Život s Mikeyom 1993


Michael Chapman bol kedysi hviezdou detského seriálu Život s Mikeyom. Teraz je už dospelý a spolu s bratom Edom vedie v New Yorku agentúru detských televíznych a filmových hviezd. Raz ho na ulici okradne malá zlodejka Angie Vegaová, ale keď ju chytia, dokáže natoľko úspešne zahrať úbohú sirotu, že Mikey okamžite rozpozná jej veľký talent. Ponúkne jej prácu a nestačí sa čudovať, aké prefíkané stvorenie z desaťročnej Angie urobil život na ulici. Mikey sa s ňou zúčastní konkurzu na reklamu a Angie okamžite očarí zákazníka, bohatého výrobcu keksov. Začne nakrúcať reklamy, a na veľké Mikeyho prekvapenie sa k nemu nasťahuje, pretože u sestry Geeny, kde doteraz žila, vraj nemá dostatok pokoja a slobody...


Ver mi

Ver mi 2013


Snaživý agent pre vyhľadávanie filmových detských talentov a bývalá detská filmová hviezda, Howard Holloway (Clark Gregg), trávi svoje roky prácou s najtalentovanejšími klientmi. Všetko sa zmení v deň, kedy Howard stretne brilantnú 13-ročnú Lydiu (Saxon Sharbino). V nasledujúcom období sa pre svoju novú klientku zúfalo snaží uzavrieť dohodu, výhodnú na celý život, uchrániť ju pred všetkými nástrahami filmového priemyslu a možno jej tak trochu i nahradiť otca. Avšak čím bližšie sa dostáva k svojmu cieľu, ktorým je urobiť z Lydie hviezdu, tým viac narastá jeho podozrenie, že táto nevinná mladá klientka nemusí byť vôbec tým, kým sa zdá.


Toast of London

Toast of London 2013


Steven Toast, an eccentric middle-aged actor with a chequered past, spends more time dealing with his problems off stage than performing on it.


Paquita Salas

Paquita Salas 2016


One of Spain's best talent agents in the '90s, Paquita now finds herself searching desperately for new stars after suddenly losing her biggest client.



Sophie 2008


Sophie is a Canadian television sitcom that aired on CBC from January 9, 2008 to March 23, 2009. It stars Natalie Brown as Sophie Parker, an unmarried single mother and talent agent. The show is an English-language adaptation of Télévision de Radio-Canada's show Les Hauts et les bas de Sophie Paquin. The show was created by Richard Blaimert and its executive producer is Jocelyn Deschênes, the same creative team behind the original series. It was the CBC's second attempt in as many years to create an English adaptation of a successful series from its French sister network, following the less successful Rumours. In February 2008, it was announced that the show had been bought by ABC Family, part of Disney-ABC Television Group in the United States. The network signed on for the first 13 episodes, as well as an option for the second season of the show. On March 27, 2009, the series was cancelled by CBC due to poor ratings.


The Famous Teddy Z

The Famous Teddy Z 1989


A mailroom clerk becomes a top agent at a Hollywood talent agency after he impresses a notoriously self-centered client. The series was inspired by an actual 1940s encounter involving Marlon Brando.


Private Secretary

Private Secretary 1953


Private Secretary is an American sitcom that aired from February 1, 1953 to September 10, 1957 on CBS, alternating with The Jack Benny Program on Sundays at 7:30pm EST. The series stars Ann Sothern as Susan Camille "Susie" MacNamara, devoted secretary to handsome talent agent Peter Sands, played by Don Porter.


Free Agents

Free Agents 2009


Free Agents is a romantic black comedy starring Stephen Mangan, Sharon Horgan and Anthony Head. Originally a pilot for Channel 4 in November 2007, the series began on 13 February 2009. It spawned a short lived US remake, which was cancelled after just 4 episodes aired, although 4 more were later released on Hulu.



Weemoedt 2016


First, go back to the story. Job Weemoedt's talent manager at the management company Talent Republic in Amsterdam. Effortless maneuvering through the snake pit of the entertainment world. He kept "his" Famous Dutch for the pitfalls and temptations in their path and keep their scandals in the press. Until he himself off the road and his carefully constructed world completely collapses...


Call My Manager

Call My Manager 1970


Philippine adaptation of the French TV show of the same name.