Levie srdce 1990
Jean-Claude Van Damme utiekol z cudzineckej légie za bratom do Ameriky. Ten bojuje medzi životom a smrťou a jeho rodina nemá peniaze na liečbu. Lenže ako získať nejaké prostriedky? Pomôže pouličná bitka?
Jean-Claude Van Damme utiekol z cudzineckej légie za bratom do Ameriky. Ten bojuje medzi životom a smrťou a jeho rodina nemá peniaze na liečbu. Lenže ako získať nejaké prostriedky? Pomôže pouličná bitka?
Mladý Jimmie Wagner jazdí po okrese a hľadá si prácu. Zastaví sa na osamelom ranči, kde ho Gino Valdez síce neprijme s otvorenou náručou, pretože je samotársky pustovník a za prácu mu nemôže zaplatiť, ale pozve ho k svojmu stolu a ponúkne mu nocľah. Gino pracuje s koňmi a v ohrade má niekoľko krásnych mustangov. Na druhý deň musí Gino odviezť niekoľko koní do mesta, kde ich predá. Jimmie mu pomáha a je zrejmé, že vie, ako s koňmi zaobchádzať. Mladík sa zdráha pokračovať v potulkách a Gino, ktorý si naňho rýchlo zvykol, mu predsa len ponúkne, aby zostal na ranči ako pomocník. N...
Gifted with special powers, fighting skills and slick hair, the rowdy KO One navigates tough friendships and high school romance.
Stuntman Cha Dal-geon gets involved in a tragic airplane crash and ends up discovering a national corruption scandal in the process. Go Hae-ri, the oldest daughter of a deceased marine, decides to work for the National Intelligence Service as a secret ops agent in order to support her mom and younger siblings, although all she wanted to do is to become a civil servant.
Ordered to take down a villainous business leader who controls the city, a prosecutor gathers a team of men who may not be so clean themselves.
An inconspicuous middle school psychic confronts an organization plotting to use other psychics to rule the world. Based on the hit manga.
A tough young man with a short temper and no patience for bullies gains a legendary reputation as the best street fighter in Busan.
High school student, Kamishiro Yu doesn't fit in and is constantly bullied; fed up with the abuse Yu secretly trains in boxing and takes revenge on those who once bullied him. Eventually Yu's defeats call the attention of the local thugs, and Yu soon finds himself forced to keep fighting in order to keep his place, his holyland.
The drama about men who engage in fights and the deep bond that develops between them.
Set in 1980s Guangzhou, the story follows the lives of six families on Mayang Street, focusing on a love triangle between rebellious Ou Xiaojian, schoolgirl Ma Xiaoxiao, and the quiet yet devoted Yi Dongdong. As they navigate youth, love, and personal struggles, their relationships evolve, leading them on different life paths shaped by their choices and experiences.
A property of Kmd Studios Philippines Ever After the series starring Kent Martin Dy, Ace Delos Reyes, Xerxes Chen and Jayson Dimaranan. A story of love hate and sacrifice.