Jack Reacher: Nevracaj sa

Jack Reacher: Nevracaj sa 2016


Bývalý vojenský vyšetrovateľ Jack Reacher prichádza na svoju bývalú vojenskú základňu, kde je na svoje prekvapenie obvinený, že je zodpovedný za vraždu, ktorá sa na základni stala pred mnohými rokmi. Aby dokázal svoju nevinu, pustí sa Reacher do vlastného vyšetrovania, aby čo najskôr očistil svoju povesť.



Zvrátený 2002


Mladá a krásna Alex je v opustenom podchode znásilnená a bezcitne zbitá neznámym mužom. Jej impulzívny a nezávislý manžel Marcus a ich spoločný a zdržanlivý priateľ Pierre sa potom rozhodnú vziať spravodlivosť do svojich rúk ...


Ja, robot

Ja, robot 2004


V roku 2035, sú roboty súčasťou každej domácnosti a ľudia im dôverujú, okrem jedného trochu paranoidného detektíva Del Spoonera, ktorý je presvedčený, že zločin, ktorý práve vyšetruje spáchal robot. Vyšetrovanie ho privedie, k objaveniu desivej hrozby pre ľudskú rasu... Spoločne s psychologičkou Susan Calven vyšetrujú smrť doktora Milesa Hogenmillera vedca, ktorý pracoval s robotmi pre U. S. Robotics. Dôvod smrti bola samovražda, no Spooner je presvedčený, že vedca zavraždil robot. Ale 3 zákony robotiky určujú, že takáto udalosť je nemožná ...


Halloween končí

Halloween končí 2022


Štyri roky po udalostiach zachytených vo filme Halloween zabíja žije Laurie s vnučkou Allyson a dokončuje svoje pamäte. Michaela Myersa od tej doby nikto nevidel. Lauria sa potom, čo mu dovolila určovať a riadiť jej realitu po celé desaťročia, rozhodla oslobodiť od strachu a hnevu a prijať život. Ale keď je mladý muž, Corey Cunningham, obvinený zo zabitia chlapca, ktorého strážil, zapáli to kaskádu násilia, ktorá donúti Laurie, aby sa raz a navždy postavila zlu, ktoré nedokáže ovládať.


Tajomstvo ich očí

Tajomstvo ich očí 2009


Benjamín Chaparro odchádza na odpočinok z celoživotnej práce na kriminálnom súde. Aby vyplnil voľný čas, rozhodne sa napísať román na motívy prípadu, ktorý kedysi riešil a zohral v ňom dôležitú úlohu. Motívom je vražda, ktorá sa stala v roku 1973 v Buenos Aires a pátranie po jej páchateľovi. Keď však Benjamín otvorí dvere do minulosti, už ich nedokáže zavrieť. Turbulencie v Argentíne oných časov totiž zasiahli do osudov jeho postáv so všetkou silou násilia a smrti. A hoci si Chaparro myslí, že jeho príbeh je len o minulosti, pátranie v nej stavia do iného svetla aj jeho súčasný život a donúti ho postaviť sa čelom k dileme jeho dlhoročnej neopätovanej lásky. Benjamín musí prehodnotiť svoje pocity, činy aj urobené rozhodnutie. A nájdenie pravdy bude víťazstvo nielen literárne, pomôže tiež uvoľniť cestu k spokojnému zvyšku života.


Dievča vo vlaku

Dievča vo vlaku 2016


Rachel každé ráno cestuje rovnakým vlakom do Londýna, aby nikto z jej okolia neprišiel na to, že prišla o prácu. Je celkom na dne - jej manželstvo sa rozpadlo a musela sa presťahovať do lacného podnájmu. V jednom z domov pri železničnej trati pozoruje šťastný a na prvý pohľad dokonalý pár a celkom im závidí. Jedného dňa však v tom dome uvidí niečo veľmi zvláštne a od toho okamihu za začne odvíjať šokujúci príbeh, ktorý jej obráti život naruby.



Insomnia 2002


Detektívi Will Dormer a Hap Eckhart vyšetrujú prípad nedovoleného pristátia, avšak sú odvolaní, aby pomohli objasniť brutálnu vraždu stredoškolskej študentky, ktorá sa stala na Aljaške. Tam sa stretnú s miestnou mladou detektívkou Ellie, ktorá čudáckeho Dormera obdivuje už od čias, keď chodila na Policajnú akadémiu. Má ešte schovanú školskú prácu, v ktorej analyzovala jeho geniálne postupy. Vyzerá to, že rutinné metódy budú k nájdeniu vraha stačiť, ale hlavným podozrivým je šikovný a manipulatívny spisovateľ Walter Finch, ktorý Dormera deptá a stane sa jeho nočnou morou. A potom je Hap zastrelený ...


Talent pána Ripleyho

Talent pána Ripleyho 1999


Tom Ripley je vypočítavý mladý muž, ktorý verí, že je lepšie za niekoho sa vydávať, ako byť úplnou nulou. Príležitosť zaklope na dvere v osobe bohatého amerického staviteľa lodí, ktorý si Toma najme na cestu do Talianska, aby priviedol späť jeho syna, playboya Dickieho. Ripley sa votrie do idylického života Dickieho a jeho priateľky a vrhne sa do odvážneho plánu plného dvojtvárnosti, lží a vrážd.



Maniak 2012


Film Maniak je Jack Rozparovač 21. storočia odohrávajúci sa v súčasnom Los Angeles. Maniak je novým spracovaním kultového filmu, ktorý je mnohými označovaný za najlepší thriller všetkých čias - intímne, obrazovo odvážny, psychologicky komplexné a hlboko desivý výlet do nočnej mory vraha a jeho obetí.


Generálova dcéra

Generálova dcéra 1999


Paulovi Brennerovi sa len ťažko darí odhaliť pravdu o násilnej smrti krásnej kapitánky Elisabeth Cromwellovej, ktorej otec, generál Joe Campbell, mieri do najvyššej americkej politiky. Podozriví sú všetci príslušníci posádky, len ťažko sa pred Paulom a jeho kolegyňou Sarah Sunhillovou odkrývajú skryté fakty, odhaľujú lži a roky ukryté tajomstvá. Nič nie je také, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá, a príčiny smrti krásnej a príťažlivej kapitánky siahajú hlboko do minulosti. Česť armády je pre mnohých cennejšia ako život jednej ženy.


V údolí Elah

V údolí Elah 2007


Vojenský veterán Hank Deerfield sa snaží spojiť so svojim synom, ktorý by mal byť späť na základni po návrate z misie v Iraku. Dozvedá sa však, že zmizol a nikto netuší, kde by mohol byť. S tým sa ale Hank nechce zmieriť, a preto sám pátra po synovi. Čaká ho však poznanie, o ktoré možno ani nestál.



Dexter 2006


Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police also leads a secret life as a serial killer, hunting down criminals who have slipped through the cracks of justice.



Dateline 1992


Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now focuses mainly on true crime stories with only occasional editions that focus on other topics.


Fatal Attraction

Fatal Attraction 2013


Each pulse-pounding hour-long episode centers around an incredible and dangerous romance. Shocking crime, kidnapping or even murder is only half of the story! In the end, the “true love” that draws these couples together isn’t the kind that celebrates silver anniversaries – instead it leads to cross-country manhunts, bizarre cover-ups and dramatic trials. Driven by powerful, real-life stories, Fatal Attraction weaves together intimate, first-person interviews, exclusive interrogation footage and rare archival material. Along the way, it gives you a glimpse into the dark heart of a dangerous romance. Listen as the key players, family of the survivors and those that investigated the horrific crimes reveal the secrets to each sordid tale. Fatal Attraction… because love doesn’t just hurt, it can kill!


Cobras & Lagartos

Cobras & Lagartos 2006


Is it possible that in a world ruled by appearance, there is room for loyalty, ethics, true love, honesty and solidarity? Is it possible, today, when unrelenting consumption is a way of life, to find someone who equates more value to being rather than having? Cobras & Lagartos is an urban tragic comedy, modern and humanist, that deals with two increasingly different worlds: one which values loyalty and solidarity and the other, where the seduction of superfluity and the power of money reign.



Snapped 2004


The fascinating cases of every day, seemingly average moms, wives and girlfriends accused of murder. Did they really do it? And if so, why?


Behzat Ç.: An Ankara Policeman

Behzat Ç.: An Ankara Policeman 2010


Centered around a personally troubled, officially discredited police chief and his inharmonious police team in Ankara Police Force. Even though the show usually focuses on murders and other crimes that happens on a weekly basis, the undertone of the story leads to an eventual duel between Behzat Ç. and the rotten department officials and bureaucrats.



Redrum 2013


When it comes to murder, no detective starts their search at the beginning of the crime. Rather, a murder investigation always begins with the body, after the deed is done. It is up to the police to piece together the story, moving backwards in time until they arrive at the root of the crime. In REDRUM, viewers follow the backwards tale of murder from false motives and mistaken witnesses to conversations taken completely out of context, until the truth finally comes out at the very end.


Dateline: Unforgettable

Dateline: Unforgettable 2021


A series of reports chosen by "Dateline" correspondents that answers the question they most often get asked — what their most memorable story is and why.



Epitaphs 2004


Epitafios is a 2004 13-episode, Argentinian crime fiction TV mini-series with the tagline: El Final Está Escrito ... The End Is Written. The series, which takes place in an unnamed South American city, was shot in Buenos Aires. The series was produced by HBO Latin America and Argentinian TV/film company Pol-Ka Producciones. It was written by Marcelo Slavich and Walter Slavich and directed by Alberto Lecchi and Jorge Nisco. Although all of the actors were Argentinian, a neutral Spanish was used instead of the local Rioplatense Spanish, avoiding colloquialisms such as the local vos in favor of the more common tú. The series debuted in Australia on SBS in May 2007 under the title If The Dead Could Speak. It premiered in Poland on Cinemax on November 6, 2008. In Germany, it premiered on November 6, 2009 on pay TV channel FOX under the title Epitafios - Tod Ist Die Antwort.


ATL Homicide

ATL Homicide 2018


Homicide detectives David Quinn and Vince Velazquez are veterans of the Atlanta Police Department. They are sitting down to share some of the grittiest stories of their careers. Quinn and Velazquez recall these cases and talk about their personal experiences while solving the crimes. They have tackled hundreds of cold cases together, with anything from murder to everyday crime, and they try to bring these criminals to justice and give peace to the victims' families.


Dateline: Secrets Uncovered

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 2017


For more than 25 years, Dateline has brought viewers investigations into some of biggest mysteries in America. This entry in the franchise takes a second look at some of the most mysterious cases of recent history. It explores the stories through firsthand accounts told by people who are close to the crime, including investigators who dedicated their time to the cases and family members who are still trying to confront the tragedies that befell their loved ones.


Swamp Murders

Swamp Murders 2013


Swamps, bogs, marshes, bayous and riverbeds can be murky, dark, crazy places, but when a body pops up, things get downright mysterious. Through stylish recreations, Swamp Murders will bring the viewer into the the subculture that's captivating America.


Evil Lives Here

Evil Lives Here 2016


The true stories of people who lived with a killer. How well do you really know your family? Would you recognize the warning signs? Or would you become entangled in evil?


On the Case with Paula Zahn

On the Case with Paula Zahn 2009


Award winning journalist Paula Zahn unravels shocking crimes interviewing those closest to the case including lawyers, the victim's family, detectives and the convicted murderer themselves.


Cold Case Files

Cold Case Files 2017


There are over 100,000 cold cases in America, and only about 1% are ever solved. With recent advancements in technology and the methods used to solve these cases, as well as the unwavering dedication of victims’ families, law enforcement and the public, “Cold Case Files” explores the cases that defied the odds. Each episode of the Emmy-nominated series examines the twists and turns of one murder case that remained unsolved for years, and the critical element that heated it up, leading to the evidence that finally solved it. Featuring interviews with family members, friends, detectives, and others close to the cases, the refreshed classic series examines all facets of the crime and shines a light on a range of voices and victims.


See No Evil

See No Evil 2015


Every second of every day, millions of Americans are caught on CCTV. Living in a surveillance society means everyday actions are caught on camera, mostly of honest citizens going about their daily lives. But a few are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Video doesn't discriminate; criminals also end up on film. See no Evil is a groundbreaking series that presents dramatic stories about how real crimes are solved with the aid of surveillance cameras. Police reveal how CCTV footage has unlocked the answer to cases that otherwise might have remained unsolved- leaving dangerous killers at large. The series features real footage and dramatic reconstruction, combined with first-hand testimony from police, witnesses, and families.


Fear Thy Neighbor

Fear Thy Neighbor 2014


These are the terrifying tales of the unwanted neighbors who turn home sweet home into home sweet hell. A look inside the lives of horrific neighborly disputes and what happens when a simple issue turns into the worst night of a family's life. Do you really know who lives next door? This true-crime series tells the chilling tales of those with the misfortune to unwittingly take up residence within a stone’s throw of a psycho or killer.


Bizarre Murders

Bizarre Murders 2018


Bizarre Murders reveals a true and surprisingly strange crime story. These are not serial murderers evading the FBI, but Fargo-like capers with shocking twists and unusual characters.


Death by Fame

Death by Fame 2023


Death by Fame goes behind the scenes to uncover the sinister side of fame and reveal the shocking true stories behind the rise, fall and murder of some of Hollywood's most promising stars.


Dead Silent

Dead Silent 2016


A snap of a twig. A rustling leaf. In the woods, myth, urban legend, and horror collide with real-life killers. Transporting viewers into a vortex of dark mystery and psychological terror, each episode tells the true story of a crime set in a desolate location.