Nočné mory z temnôt

Nočné mory z temnôt 2019


V opustenom dome úplne na konci mesta nájde partia tínedžerov knihu, ktorá je strašnejšia než čokoľvek, čo si kedy dokázali predstaviť. Zanechalo ju tu mladé dievča s hrozivým tajomstvom ešte pred tým, než samo bez stopy zmizlo. Starobylá kniha je plná desivých príbehov a ešte desivejších monštier, ale nie je tak úplne na čítanie. Kniha naopak číta toho, kto s ňou príde do styku. Prečíta jeho najväčšie nočné mory, napíše z nich príbeh a začne ho rozprávať a odvíjať aj v skutočnom živote. A to vrátane hrozivých príšer. Partia tínedžerov sa dostala na miesto neobvyklého zla. Nemali túto knihu nikdy otvárať a mali včas utiecť. Neutiekli. Preto teraz musia čeliť svojmu strachu, nočným morám a desu, ktoré ich prišli zabiť.


Na pokraji slávy

Na pokraji slávy 2000


William Miller vyrastá s prísnou matkou, ktorej neustále konflikty s jeho staršou sestrou vyvrcholili až jej odchodom z domu. Bratovi však nechala darček - zbierku platní rockových kapiel. Pätnásťročný chlapec sa do rockovej hudby zamiluje, prispieva do školského časopisu, a sníva o tom, že sa stane uznávaným hudobným kritikom ako jeho vzor Lester Bangs. Jedného dňa sa jeho sen stane skutočnosťou a William vyráža na svoje prvé turné...



Slová 2012


Keď Rory Jansen (Bradley Cooper) vydá svoju prvú knihu, je výnimočná. Je to udalosť, ktorá sa prihodí raz za generáciu a ktorá rozbúri literárny svet i verejnosť. Priatelia ju s nadšením odporúčajú, kritika je tiež nadšená. Kniha je všade - od knižných klubov, po lietadlá a akademickú pôdu. Štýlom, ktorý je svieža a múdrosťou o živote, sa zdá byť akosi nadčasovou. Rory sa okamžite stáva literárnou hviezdou. Charizmatický, talentovaný, inteligentný, mladý autor má zdá sa všetko: báječný život, milujúcu manželku (Zoe Saldana), svet mu leží pri nohách - a to všetko vďaka jeho slovám. Ale čie to sú slová? A čí to je nakoniec príbeh?


Spôsob vraždy

Spôsob vraždy 2016


Walter Stackhouse je v šesťdesiatych rokoch úspešný newyorský architekt ženatý s krásnou Clarou, ktorý vedie zdanlivo dokonalý život. Ale jeho fascinácia nevyriešenými vraždami ho zavedie do dramatického chaosu, pretože je nútený hrať hru na mačku a myš s chytrým zabijakom a príliš ambicióznym detektívom ... a zároveň túžia po inej žene



Girls 2012


The assorted humiliations, disasters and rare triumphs of four very different twenty-something girls: Hannah, an aspiring writer; Marnie, an art gallery assistant and cousins Jessa and Shoshanna.


Buzz Mag

Buzz Mag 2007


The Latest Buzz is a Canadian teen sitcom from Decode Entertainment aired on the Family Channel, the series ran from September 1, 2007 to April 19, 2010. This is Family Channel's first original multi-camera sitcom. In this series, a struggling youth magazine, Teen BUZZ, replaces its staff with actual teens. Instead of being in class, five young writers take their last period of the day at the magazine’s office, learning about the fast-paced world of publishing.



Awkward. 2011


An irreverent look at the conflict, chaos and humor that defines teenage life through the eyes of 15-year-old Jenna Hamilton whose life begins to change when a simple accident becomes an epic misunderstanding and is blown way out of proportion. Narration in the first-person voice of Jenna's blog posts captures the humor within the struggles and experiences everyone can relate to from their formative years.


Student Bodies

Student Bodies 1997


Student Bodies is a syndicated television comedy program that was produced in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 1997 to the end of 1999. While a live-action series, animations are used throughout as thoughts and imaginations. The segments are usually dark and comical. Though the show enjoyed much bigger success in Canada, the show was originally made for the American market under the distribution of 20th Television and aired on many Fox affiliated stations for one year. The show aired in Canada on Global and YTV. It has been called "an imitation of Saved by the Bell" by critics, and featured an ensemble cast of high school students at Thomas A. Edison High School.


Odd Perfect Match

Odd Perfect Match 2011


Kai Ying Tai is the heir of a wealthy family. His dream is to become a famous writer, but his father does not agree with such a career path, so Ying Tai leaves home in order to pursue his dreams. Looking for inspiration for a new book, he meets Huai Zhen, who by mistake accuses him of murder. Ying Tai decides to take revenge on it and use it as a major theme of his book, provoking various events. That is, until, when his heart starts to pound for Huai Zhen. Which turns out to be stronger - love or dreams for the release of the book?

2011 2004


Aboriginal hip-hop artist Jack Sinclair and his best friend Zoey Jones established an underground ezine called What started as a pet project soon took on a life of its own pushing Jack, Zoey and their crew of renegade reporters to deliver the goods on what's really going on in the lives of today's teens.


My Sister Eileen

My Sister Eileen 1960


My Sister Eileen is an American situation comedy based on a series of autobiographical short stories by Ruth McKenney originally published in The New Yorker, as well as the 1940 play and 1942 and 1955 film adaptations they inspired. The series premiered at 9:00pm ET/PT on CBS on October 15, 1960 and ran for one season of 26 episodes, the last of which was telecast on April 12, 1961. It aired opposite Hawaiian Eye on ABC and Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall on NBC.


Bye Bye, My Friend

Bye Bye, My Friend 2023


This coming-of-age drama follows Hayakawa Mai, a contract worker with aspirations of becoming a novelist. After her agency terminates her contract, she begins to lose hope in her dreams. However, a chance reunion with her best friend from high school, whom she hasn't seen in ten years, helps her regain her positivity. Despite this, Mai struggles with guilt over her past actions towards her friend.


The Debbie Reynolds Show

The Debbie Reynolds Show 1969


The Debbie Reynolds Show is an American situation comedy which aired on the NBC television network during the 1969-70 television season. The series was produced by Filmways, but the distribution rights are currently owned by Universal Media Studios through its ownership of NBC Productions.


Come to Papa

Come to Papa 2004


Come to Papa is an American sitcom that aired from June 3 until June 24, 2004.


Welcome to the Captain

Welcome to the Captain 2008


The lives of a wildly eclectic group of people are intertwined through the place they all call home, a fabled Hollywood apartment building, El Capitan, which they've dubbed "The Captain." Josh, is a Hollywood whiz kid whose filmmaking career has hit a wall. Just when Josh is about to move back to New York, his accountant-to-the-stars best friend, Marty, convinces him to move into his legendary apartment building.


This Space for Rent

This Space for Rent 2006


This Space for Rent is a Canadian dramedy on CBC starring Dov Tiefenbach that premiered on January 4, 2006 as a 'special' CBC pilot as part of its "Comedy Week". Tiefenbach plays Lucky Carroway, a recent university graduate and writer who finds that life after university is not as perfect as it might seem. The show begins shortly after his valedictorian speech, when his world comes crashing down after his first book is rejected by his literary agent. His life becomes worse as his arch-nemesis becomes a published author who appears in "Vancouver Magazine's" top 10 writers list. He becomes a recluse who constantly wears his graduation robe and plays video games all day. However, he quickly recovers by writing a vicious 'letter to the editor' to Vancouver Magazine where he decries the selection of his arch-nemesis as a top 10 writer. This letter angers so many readers of the magazine that they offer him a job as an anonymous "Hate Male" article writer. He lives in downtown Vancouver in a flat with several friends. Emily Hampshire plays a recent law school graduate named Iona Goldenthal, a binge drinker who must deal with the chauvinistic world of law. Rainbow Sun Francks plays a recent graduate named Barnaby Sharpe who majored in economics and Russian literature. He fails his first audition and ends up working at a Jar Heads, a Starbucks parody, as a "coffee jerk". Kea Wong plays Rumour Wong, a medical intern and Lucky's girlfriend, who must deal with Lucky's mental breakdown and reclusive nature. Jason Bryden plays Elliot Hayden, a mutual gay friend who speaks Mandarin and frequents Chinatown. He teaches English to immigrant children and acts as a foil to the rest of the characters.