Hľadá sa ideálny muž 2005
Predstavte si, že milujete krásnu ženu, no ona Vás považuje len za svojho najlepšieho kamaráta. A práve, keď sa jej rozhodnete povedať, že ju milujete, nastane najtrápnejšia situácia na svete.
Predstavte si, že milujete krásnu ženu, no ona Vás považuje len za svojho najlepšieho kamaráta. A práve, keď sa jej rozhodnete povedať, že ju milujete, nastane najtrápnejšia situácia na svete.
Keď je jedného dňa napadnuté veliteľstvo americkej spravodajskej tajnej služby a identita väčšiny zamestnancov je prezradená, jej šéfovi neostáva nič iné, než do akcie poslať horlivého analytika Maxwella Smarta, ktorý už dlho sníva o tom, že so super hviezdnym Agentom 23 vytvorí neporaziteľnú dvojku. Miesto toho je Smart pridelený k jedinému voľnému agentovi, ktorého identita ostala doposiaľ skrytá: milej, avšak nevyspytateľnej Agentke 99. Čím hlbšie sa Smart a 99 norí do temných vôd zločineckého syndikátu KAOS, tým je im jasnejšie, že jeho veliteľ Siegfried s pobočníkom Shtarkerom chcú na šírení atmosféry strachu zarobiť milióny. Napriek tomu, že Smart má len minimálnu prax v obore a času menej, než by v danú chvíľu potreboval, poháňaný nadšením a vybavený niekoľkými dômyselnými vynálezmi, sa vydáva zachrániť svet pred KAOSom.
Peter LaFleur je charizmatický muž a zároveň zadlžený majiteľ nevábnej telocvične zvanej Average Joe's (Obyčajní chlapíci). Petrova zanedbaná telocvičňa upúta White Goodmana, ctiteľa silových športov a do seba zahľadeného majiteľa fitness centra Globo Gym. White chce prevziať Average Joe's a Petrove neexistujúce účtovníctvo mu to veľmi uľahčí. Chce totiž na jej mieste vybudovať parkovisko pre svoj v susedstve stojaci komplex. Banka, ktorá má na starosti prevod telocvične v prospech Globo Gym, menuje právnu zástupkyňu Kate Veatchovú , aby proces dokončila. Petrov chlapčenský šarm však vyhrá a Kate sa pridá na jeho stranu a pokúsi sa Average Joe's zachrániť. Za Petrom stoja aj jeho verní klienti, ktorú tiež chcú zabojovať o zachovanie telocvične.Ako? Účasťou na šampionáte vo vybíjanej, kde sa za víťazstvo vypláca prémia 50-tisíc dolárov, čo je presne toľko, koľko Peter potrebuje na záchranu telocvične. Dajú sa v šibeničnom termíne zvládnuť základy vybíjanej?
Check in on the men and women featured in "My 600lb Life." Since the show, have they maintained their weight loss and continued working toward their goals? We get an update on where they are now and what's changed since the show.
Telling powerful stories in hourlong episodes, TLC follows medical journeys of morbidly obese people as they attempt to save their own lives. The featured individuals - each weighing more than 600 pounds confront lifelong emotional and physical struggles as they make the courageous decision to undergo high-risk gastric bypass surgery. In addition to drastically changing their appearances, they hope to reclaim their independence, mend relationships with friends and family, and renew their feelings of self-worth.
A bullied teenager turns to beauty pageants as a way to exact her revenge, with the help of a disgraced coach who soon realizes he's in over his head.
Dumped by her boyfriend of 15 years for gaining weight, a lawyer gets help from a hotshot personal trainer to get in shape and turn her life around.
The Biggest Loser features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight.
June Shannon ('Mama June') gained fame as the mother of young beauty-pageant contestant 'Honey Boo Boo' (Alana Thompson) on various reality shows. With that notoriety came jokes from comedians and people on social media about her weight. Ending her marriage to Sugar Bear and facing health issues, Mama June wants to slim down so she can start a new life with a new body and, she hopes, a new love.
Four larger-than-life best friends battle morbid obesity using hard work, heart and a wicked sense of humor. This girl gang has had each other's backs since high school, and they share the secrets of their crazy yo-yo diet sisterhood.
Celebrity Fit Club is a reality television series that follows eight overweight celebrities as they try to lose weight for charity. Split into two competing teams of four, each week teams are given different physical challenges, and weighed to see if they reached their target weights. They are monitored and supervised by a team that includes a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a physical trainer, the latter of which is former U.S. Marine Harvey Walden IV.
An adorable love story of Park Ji Yong, a good-looking home shopping host, and Sohn Ana, a secluded girl who never leaves home and whose only joy of life is home shopping. (Source: OnDemandKorea)
Kirstie Alley's semi-autobiographical tale describes her struggles as a former television star with weight loss, getting roles, and finding love.
Seven teens from different backgrounds attend a weight loss camp as they embark on their individual journeys of self discovery.
Explore how the late Gwen Shamblin Lara, who founded the controversial Remnant Fellowship Church and created the Christian weight loss program The Weigh Down Workshop, rose to fame as a diet guru and church leader.
I Used To Be Fat is an MTV reality series that follows overweight teens striving to achieve weight loss through means of diet and exercise. Each episode follows one teenager who is paired with a motivational personal trainer. A trainer teaches them new exercise and eating habits over the next few months while offering emotional support. Documented students share their personal trials and tribulations in the series. Several episodes of the show have covered a high school student's last summer before college. These students expressed a desire for a metamorphosis before they start their new lives away from home.
Ruby is an American reality-documentary television series on Style. The series debuted on November 9, 2008 and follows the life of Ruby Gettinger who lives in Savannah, Georgia as she attempts to lose weight. On December 12, 2011, it was announced that Style has passed on a fifth season order of the series and it has since been cancelled.
De Afvallers is a Dutch reality television series which first premiered on SBS 6. The series is a spin-off of the American reality television series The Biggest Loser and the SBS 6 weight-loss series Big Diet, which was canceled after two seasons due to low ratings.
Weight loss expert Steve Miller moves into the homes of some of the UK’s fattest families, exposing them to the risks their bulging bellies and bad habits have on their health. And he’s not going to hold back until he has turned their ‘house of fatness’ into a ‘house of fitness’.
This companion series to TLC's popular "My 600-Lb. Life" presents profiles of people who go through extensive surgeries to remove up to 50 pounds of excess skin. Using modern technology and reconstructive surgical options, massive amounts of skin are removed, creating a full-body transformation.
You Are What You Eat is a dieting programme aired in various forms between 2004 and 2007 on British broadcasting company Channel 4, and presented by Gillian McKeith. The fourth series was called You Are What You Eat: Gillian Moves In.
Geneticist Giles Yeo and his team assess five overweight volunteers, before putting them on personalised diets tailored to their bodies and brains.