Kľúčové slovo Police Interrogation
Čo má Jennifer na svedomí 2024
Jennifer Panová zavolá na tiesňovú linku, že jej rodičov niekto zastrelil. Vyšetrovanie prípadu sa ale rychle začne točit hlavne okolo nej.
Na love 1980
Jak mohou dosvědčit fanoušci Nelítostného souboje, Serpica či Moře lásky, role drsných, odhodlaných detektivů nejsou Al Pacinovi cizí. Ve filmu Na lovu se ovšem noří do ještě bouřlivějších vod, neboť se jako newyorský policista infiltruje do temné sadomasochistické subkultury, aby odhalil sériového vraha homosexuálů. Stále kontroverzní a stále strhující detektivka, vtahující diváky do svého nebezpečného a přesto fascinujícího světa, je dílem Williama Friedkina (Vymítač ďábla, Francouzská spojka), který se vedle režie podepsal i pod scenáristickou adaptaci románu Geralda Walkera. Naprostým vrcholem filmu ovšem zůstává herecký výkon Al Pacina v roli muže, jehož vlastní identitu a vztahy vyšetřování případu poznamená navždy.
Diablov uzol 2013
5. mája 1993 vo West Memphise v Arkansase zmizne za záhadných okolností trojica malých chlapcov. Na druhý deň v miestnom močiari objavia ich zviazané a rituálne zavraždené telá. Policajti aj miestna náboženská komunita si myslia, že zločin je dielom satanistov. Vyšetrovatelia ohavného činu, ktorý otriasol celou Amerikou i svetom, konajú pod tlakom hnevu miestnych obyvateľov aj verejnej mienky, ktorá žiada okamžité odhalenie vinníkov a ich exemplárne potrestanie.
Garde à vue 1981
误杀 2019
At Close Range 1986
La chambre bleue 2014
Mortal Thoughts 1991
விசாரணை 2016
Napoli violenta 1976
Identikit 1974
Kuulustelu 2009
ひき逃げ 1966
Un crime à Abidjan 2000
Jungle Gents 1954
Murder Box 2019
Killer Cases 2020
All the emotion, drama and suspense of America's most memorable murder trials are captured. Produced by an Emmy-award winning team, each episode takes viewers through the criminal justice process, from the crime to the investigation to the courtroom testimony and finally, the verdict. It's a journey through the criminal justice process that gives viewers an inside look at real cases like never before.
Emergency Interrogation Room 2014
Yukiko Makabe works at the #3 Special Investigation Team of the Metropolitan Police Department. She has excellent negotiation skills. Yukiko then attempts to negotiate with a hijacker on a bus, but something unexpected happens and her mission fails. Yukiko takes full responsibility and takes a transfer to a special interrogation team "Kintori". Her boss is Katsutoshi Kajiyama and Yukiko has had a difficult working relationship with him in the past. Her other coworkers include Susumu Hishimoto, Zenjiro Nakata and Haruo Koishikawa.
Interrogation 2020
Based on a true story that spanned more than 30 years in which a young man was charged and convicted of brutally murdering his mother. Each episode is structured around an interrogation taken directly from the real police case files, with the goal of turning the viewer into a detective.
PMTA 2018
Marcel Ben David is a former police officer that joins PMTA (initials in Hebrew for: Tel Aviv District Attorney), and herself in the middle of an entangled corruption story. A suspenseful legal drama with Chen Amsalem, Shlomo Bar-Aba and Oshri Cohen.
Appropriate Adult 2011
The extraordinary story of Gloucester housewife Janet Leach who played a key role in the uncovering of the crimes of Fred and Rosemary West.
Criminal Confessions 2017
Delve into the psychological showdown that takes place inside actual police interrogation rooms and dissect what happens to yield a confession.
Kill or Be Killed 2024
"Kill or Be Killed" reveals the stories of those who lost their lives at the hands of someone they knew, who then claimed it was self-defense. In these complex cases, the lines between murder and justifiable homicide are blurred, making them some of the hardest cases to solve. When the killer is the best and sometimes only witness, investigators must scrutinize every other detail. Law enforcement, prosecutors and defense attorneys unravel every detail, from the harrowing stories, forensics, interrogations and witness statements that led up to the gruesome event in order to find answers.
Home Sweet Homicide 2019
When a killer wants you dead, there's one place to search: home sweet home. With the twist of a lock, your home should be your sanctuary. For some, it becomes a hunting ground - and no lock, security system or call to 911 will save them.
Body Language 2014
The series shows the use of investigation interview psychology, which observes non-verbal language of suspects during police interrogations to try to discover important clues. Through reconstitution, analysis and visual archives, it shows how experts of human behaviour could now decrypt micro-facial expressions or micro-movements from the suspects, as they looked for the truth.