Krycie meno Donnie Brasco

Krycie meno Donnie Brasco 1997


Špeciálny agent FBI, mladý Joe Pistone, sa pod krycím menom Donnie Brasco votrie do priazne newyorského mafiána Leftyho Ruggiera. Nič netušiaci zločinec, ktorý v rebríčku patrí k nižšie postaveným Snímka z prostredia newyorskej mafie Krycie meno Donnie Brasco vznikol podľa skutočných udalostí: zachytáva úspešnú akciu FBI, ktorej agent Joe Pistone pod falošným menom prenikol medzi mafiánov a strávil sedem rokov mapovaním ich činnosti. Ide o zasvätený, veľmi prodrobný a autentický pohľad do sveta organizovaného zločinu . Režisér snímky Mike Newell sa sústreďuje na postihnutie neobvyklých vzťahov vnútri zvláštnej, uzavretej komunity, založenej na "feudálnom" spôsobe organizácie a riadenia. Každodenný život príslušníkov podsvetia, so zabehanými modelmi správania či ritualizovaným spôsobom reči, predstavuje Newell vo veľmi surovom svetle.


Molly a jej hra

Molly a jej hra 2017


Molly Bloomovú kedysi poznali ľudia ako talentovanú mladú lyžiarku. Športovú kariéru však vymenila za niečo omnoho lukratívnejšie - hazardné hry. Niekoľko rokov prevádzkovala sieť tajných herní, v ktorých utrácali státisíce dolárov slávni športovci, finanční magnáti či hollywoodska smotánka. Postupne sa jej klientela rozšírila aj o členov ruskej mafie a o Molly a jej aktivity sa začala zaujímať tajná služba. Po 10 rokoch úspešného podnikania ju agenti FBI zatkli kvôli podozreniu z nelegálnych príjmov. Najala si právneho zástupcu, ktorému porozprávala svoj životný príbeh do najmenších detailov, aby očistila svoje meno a dokázala, že bulvárne médiá o nej nevedeli všetko.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 2014


Swing into action with Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V! Yuya Sakaki’s dream is to follow in his father’s footsteps and become the greatest “duel-tainer” in history – and he just might pull it off when he suddenly discovers Pendulum Summoning, a never-before-seen technique that lets him summon many monsters at once! But when countless rivals emerge to steal his spotlight, Yuya needs to gear up his game because dueling has evolved into a non-stop world of action! In the all-new Action Duels, monsters literally come to life with advancements in holographic technology! Duelists no longer stand by and let their monsters battle for them on the playing field - they now ride their monsters as they race through real locations to take down their opponents with their Action Cards! From exotic castles to dense jungles, Yuya and his friends better prepare for any possibility because there’s no telling where the next battle will be! Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Where dueling gets REAL!


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2008


The future of dueling is revving up! And with it begins a new legend! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's! Welcome to New Domino City! Once the playground to legendary duelist Yugi Muto, this sprawling metropolis has since been transformed into a futuristic society where dueling has kicked into overdrive. With recent technological advancements made by KaibaCorp, dueling has undergone a metamorphosis that has revolutionized the makeup and pace of the game! It’s now a heart-pounding, adrenaline-filled and fuel injected competition where duelists ride supercharged hyper cycles called Duel Runners and battle it out in hi-octane contests called “Turbo Duels.” The winners and losers aren’t just separated by skill and strength… but by SPEED! However, for five special duelists, it's not just about winning or losing anymore - it's about survival, for they are the chosen "Signers" who have been marked by destiny to uncover the secrets of the five dragons!


Das Duell um die Geld

Das Duell um die Geld 2016


A game show where stars compete at Texas Hold 'em to win a cash prize of 6000 Euros. They don't use playing cards, but they guess a question's answer, then bet according to the hints given per round.