Bohovia Egypta

Bohovia Egypta 2016


Nemilosrdný boh temnoty Set obsadil egyptský trón. Kedysi mierumilovné a prosperujúce impérium sa teraz jeho vinou zmieta vo vojne a chaose. Setovej krutovláde si trúfa vzdorovať len hŕstka odvážnych povstalcov. Obyčajný zlodejíček Bek a mocný boh Horus uzavrú prekvapivé spojenectvo. Dych berúci boj proti Setovi a jeho krvilačným poskokom ich zavedi do podsvetia aj na nebesia. Smrteľník aj boh musia prejsť skúškami odvahy a obetavosti. Inak nebudú mať najmenší šancu nakoniec zvíťaziť.


Hviezdna brána

Hviezdna brána 1994


Vedecká expedícia objavila neďaleko pyramíd zvláštny objekt pokrytý neznámymi symbolmi. V prísnom utajení ho začala skúmať armáda. Ubehlo však niekoľko desaťročí, než sa našiel človek, ktorý by nápis rozlúštil. Egyptológ Daniel Jackson zistil, že znaky predstavujú súradnice pre cestu vesmírom na vzdialenú planétu. Rozhodnú sa vyslať prieskumnú jednotku pod vedením plukovníka O'Neilla. Expedícia však potrebuje Danielove znalosti a tak sa nepraktický intelektuál ocitá v prapodivnom svete starej civilizácie.



Múmia 2017


Pred dvetisíc rokmi v Egypte sa veľmi ambiciózna princezná Ahmanet (Sofia Boutella) chystá na prevzatie vlády v krajine po svojom otcovi a pre naplnenie svojho cieľa sa neváha spojiť s temnými silami a vykonávať veci, z ktorých tuhne krv v žilách. Za svoje činy bola potrestaná mumifikáciou zaživa a pochovaná tak, aby ju nikto nenašiel. O dvetisíc rokov neskôr sa v mieste jej večného odpočinku ocitli dobrodruh Nick Morton a archeologička Jenny Halsey. Lenže lietadlo prevážajúce múmiu prekliatej princeznej sa zrúti k zemi krátko pred pristátím a na miesto určenia už nedoletí. Nickovi sa akoby zázrakom podarí katastrofu prežiť, nakoniec ale zistí, že smrť v troskách lietadla by bola pre neho vykúpením. Princezná Ahmanet sa vďaka jeho nepremysleným činom prebudí a túži po nadvláde nad svetom. K tomu ale potrebuje aj svojho domnelého osloboditeľa – Nicka.


Blood Diner

Blood Diner 1987


Dvaja bratia prevádzkujúci reštauráciu sa špecializujú na telá mladých dievčat. Ich záujem o opačné pohlavie je však čisto pracovný, sú to kanibali snažiaci sa pripraviť novú chuťovku, a na to potrebuju kvantum čerstvého kvalitného mäsa. Okrem takejto prízemnej starosti majú aj jednu oveľa vznešenejšiu - hľadajú vhodnú obeť pre istú egyptskú bohyňu.


Puppet Master 5

Puppet Master 5 1994


Rick Myers sa po masakre v hoteli Bogeda Bay stal síce hlavným podozrivým, pre nedostatok dôkazov je však prepustený na kauciu. Jeho nový šéf si jeho príbeh o bábkach so záujmom vypočuje a v noci sa spoločne s trojčlennou skupinkou vlamačov vyberie do objektu hotela, aby sa niečoho tak úžasného zmocnil. Nie je však jediný, kto sa tam vybral...


Záhady sfingy

Záhady sfingy 2008


Keď Thomas objaví tajomnú komnatu, prebudí tak aj bájnu Sfingu. Tesne predtým, než sfinge podľahne, požiada svoju kolegyňu, aby išla za jeho synom Robertom, ktorý je jediný, kto môže Sfingu zastaviť. Začína nekonečná naháňačka za siedmimi divmi plná zvratov, dych vyrážajúcich momentov a tajomstiev.


Moon Knight

Moon Knight 2022


When Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee, becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life, he discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/Marc’s enemies converge upon them, they must navigate their complex identities while thrust into a deadly mystery among the powerful gods of Egypt.


Montana Jones

Montana Jones 1994


The series takes place in the 1930s and is about the adventures of Montana Jones, who goes treasure hunting with his cousin Alfred Jones and the beautiful reporter Melissa Thorn. They visit real locations and cities like the Pyramids of Giza, the Taj Mahal, Istanbul or Easter Island. Frequently they cross paths with Lord Zero - a rich, eccentric art lover and master thief.



Yu-Gi-Oh! 1998


A timid young boy who loves all sorts of games, one day solves an ancient puzzle known as the Millennium Puzzle, causing his body to play host to a mysterious spirit with the personality of a gambler.


House of Anubis

House of Anubis 2011


Strange things are happening at an English boarding school called House of Anubis. Popular student Joy goes missing, the school's cranky caretaker has a creepy stuffed crow and the school's attic may be haunted. When recent American transplant Nina gets thrust into the school during this time, she decides to investigate along with her new friend, Fabian, and housemates.


Evil God's Balance Public Security Analysis Team

Evil God's Balance Public Security Analysis Team 2022


Takano has been transferred to the Public Security Department, which is considered to be an elite among the Japanese police. A murder of a ruling party tycoon occurred near the scene of a bombing that occurred. An organ was removed from the body, and a balance with a heart and wings was left in the vicinity. Takano, who attended the scene of the bizarre incident, felt uncomfortable with the killing method that imitated ancient Egyptian mythology, and even though he began to tell the story, his colleague Himuro dismissed it.


Mummies Alive!

Mummies Alive! 1997


Mummies Alive! is an American animated series from DIC Entertainment. It originally aired for one season in 1997. In ancient Egypt, an evil sorcerer named Scarab, kills the pharaoh's son, Prince Rapses, so he can become immortal. Entombed alive for his crime, Scarab revives in the modern world and begins his search for Rapses' reincarnation, a San Francisco-dwelling boy named Presley Carnovan to retrieve the spirit of Rapses' so he can become immortal. Rapses' bodyguards, Ja-Kal, Rath, Armon, and Nefer-Tina, along with Rapses' cat, Kahti, awake from the dead to protect him from Scarab. They use the power of Ra to transform into powerful guardians. Each of the mummies is aligned with the power of an Egyptian god. Ja-Kal uses the spirit of falcon, Rath uses the spirit of snake, Armon uses the spirit of ram, and Nefer-Tina uses the spirit of cat. They are able to call upon it for magical armor and powers to fight superhuman evildoers. Although, once their strength is exhausted, they must rest in their sarcophagi to regain the ability. In order to access these powers, the mummies call out the phrase "With the Strength of Ra!", which triggers their transformation. The mummies also have the power to make a horrifying face, usually used to scare away nosy bystanders.


The Power of Myth

The Power of Myth 1988


The Power of Myth is a television series originally broadcast on PBS in 1988 as Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. The documentary comprises six one-hour conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers.


The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery

The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery 2019


The construction of the Egyptian pyramids remains an enigma, an unsolved mystery. But today, Egyptologists and archaeologists have developed a new tool which uses aerial and satellite images to provide valuable fresh clues about the position, construction, and evolution of these edifices. This series sets out to decode the mysteries of the pyramids' construction, and to recreate Egypt as it was more than 5000 years ago.


Mummy Nanny

Mummy Nanny 2001


Mummy Nanny is a French-German television series. It follows the story of Nile, an Egyptian mummy who is awoken from her sleep after thousands of years and is hired as a nanny for Capucine and Alex's family.