Pasca na rodičov

Pasca na rodičov 1998


Annie a Hallie sa stretávajú v letnom tábore. Sú si veľmi podobné, narodeniny slávia tiež v rovnaký deň a každá žije len s jedným z rodičov. Keď zistia, že sú sestry, rozhodnú sa podniknúť všetko pre to, aby sa ich rodičia znovu dali dokopy.


Ona je on!

Ona je on! 2006


Viola je hráčka v dievčenskom futbalovom tíme. Po tom, čo sa jej tím rozpadne, Viola sa rozhodne, že bude hrať v chlapčenskom družstve. Ale to jej vedenie tímu nepovolí z jednoduchého dôvodu - je dievča. Lenže Viola je tvrdohlavá a keď si niečo zaumieni, tak to dosiahne. Rozhodne sa teda predstierať, že je dvojča svojho brata Sebastiana. V prezlečení za Sebastiana sa Viola začlení do chlapčenského tímu. A tak sa začínajú dobrodružstvá, ktoré dajú Viole poriadne zabrať. Čo však absolútne neplánovala, je, že sa zamiluje do svojho spoluhráča Dukea. Návrat Sebastiana však Viole všetko skomplikuje. Sebastian totiž netuší, že jeho miesto v tíme zaberá jeho sestra. Podarí sa nakoniec Viole priviesť veci na správnu mieru, vrátane vzťahu s Dukeom?



Radius 2017


Liam sa preberie po autonehode a nepamätá si, kto je. Keď sa vydá do mesta pre pomoc, nachádza len mŕtve telá s podivne bledými očami. Liam sa najprv domnieva, že to spôsobil vírus, ktorý je prítomný vo vzduchu. Čoskoro však odhalí desivú pravdu - každý, kto sa k nemu priblíži na vzdialenosť 15 metrov, okamžite zomrie.


Pán prílivu

Pán prílivu 1991


Tom Wingo je nezamestnaný a prechádza krízou stredného veku. Má pocit, že prestáva milovať svoju manželku, keď dostane dopis od psychiatričky, ktorá sa snaží vyliečiť jeho sestru Savannah a správne tuší, že jej depresie majú korene niekde v hlbokej minulosti. Tom odcestuje do New Yorku a spočiatku neochotne začína spolupracovať s doktorkou Lowensteinovou. Postupne sa medzi nimi rodí hlboký cit, o ktorom však obaja vedia, že nemôže trvať navždy...



Twitches 2005


Jednovaječné dvojčatá Alex a Camryn sa narodili v magickom kráľovstve Coventry, ale vzápätí po narodení boli rozdelené. Ich otec ich musel poslať preč, aby deti ochránil pred nebezpečnými silami Temnoty. Sestry vyrastajú v rôznych rodinách, ale keď dosiahnu 21 rokov, znovu sa stretnú a zisťujú, že sú nadané podivuhodnou silou. Najprv však chcú nájsť svoju skutočnú matku Mirandu, ktorá žila v presvedčení, že jej dcérky zomreli. Dievčatá sa musia vyrovnať so svojou minulosťou a ukáže sa, že len ony dokážu zachrániť rodnú Coventry. Musia sa však pustiť do boja so silami zla, ktoré ich chcú zničiť.



Nell 1994



Olsen Twins: Jeden deň v New Yorku

Olsen Twins: Jeden deň v New Yorku 2004


Dvojičky Roxy a Jane Ryanové sa vydávajú do New Yorku s cieľom splniť si svoje sny. Výborná študentka Jane chce získať štipendium na univerzite, kým jej rebelská sestra Roxy by tu rada odštartovala svoju hudobnú kariéru. Ale v New Yorku sa môže stať čokoľvek a veru sa aj stane! Sestry sú nútené čeliť problému, ktorého súčasťou je nahnevaný policajt, pašerák a dvaja „sympaťáci“. Dievčatá si uvedomia, že keď sa dostanú do ťažkostí, jedna druhej si môžu byť tým najlepším priateľom a spojencom.


Júliine Oči

Júliine Oči 2010


Jedného dňa dostane Julia nepríjemné tušenie, že sa jej sestre Sara, ktorá trpí vrodenou vadou zraku, stalo niečo zlé. So svojím manželom sa preto hneď za ňou vydáva a dôjde k zdrvujúcemu zisteniu, že Sara potom, čo po neúspešnej operácii definitívne oslepla, spáchala samovraždu. Okolo tejto tragickej udalosti je však veľa podivných okolností a Julia sa rozhodne pátrať po pravde. Avšak to ešte netuší, že pravda bude bolieť a čo je horšie - Julia tiež začne podliehať rovnakej chorobe ako Sara a potom, čo jej s odhaľovaním ďalších a ďalších skutočností začne sledovať tajomný tieň sa dostane do nebezpečnej hry, pri ktorej pôjde o život aj jej samotnej.


Olsen Twins: Sestry v Londýne

Olsen Twins: Sestry v Londýne 2001


Mary-Kate a Ashley sa ocitli v meste nad riekou Temžou, aby tam spolu s ďalšími tínedžermi skúsili riadiť celý svet. Aj pri všetkých zmätkoch, ktoré na nich čakajú, si buďte istí, že obe blondínky zažijú správnu dávku dobrodružstva, zábavy a zavedú vás na žúry, kde to naozaj fičí. Sestry Olsenové zase vyčíňajú a vy musíte byť pri tom!


Olsen Twins: Sestry v akcii

Olsen Twins: Sestry v akcii 2000


Dvojčatá Ashley a Mary-Kate Parkerové túžia po tom, aby na škole stali populárnymi osobnosťami. Spôsob, akým sa im to nakoniec podarí, si určite nepredstavovali ani v tých najdivokejších snoch. Stanú sa totiž stredobodom pozornosti médií po tom, ako sa im náhodou podarí skrížiť plány mafii a prekaziť lúpež nesmierne cenného diamantu. Pri návšteve múzea sú totiž stanú náhodnými svedkami krádeže. Postriekajú utekajúceho lupiča kečupom a on podľahne panike, pretože si myslí, že ho postrelili. Dievčatá však netušia, že ukradnutý diamant zločinec ukryl do batôžteka jednej z nich...


Olsen Twins: Slnečné prázdniny na Bahamách

Olsen Twins: Slnečné prázdniny na Bahamách 2001


Dvojičky Madison a Alex Stewartové si počas prázdninového pobytu v rezorte Atlantis - na bahamskom ostrove Paradise - naplánovali výlet za svojimi priateľmi na Havaj. Čoskoro prídu na to, že za kulisou tropického raja s nádhernou prírodou, jazdami na koni a priateľskými morskými živočíchmi sa skrýva aj čosi viac, ako len príjemné leňošenie a nasávanie slnka. Spolu s kamarátmi totiž skrížia plány pašerákom so starobylými pamiatkami! Neboli by to však Madison a Alex, keby sa nepokúsili zlodejom ich plány prekaziť...


Total Divas

Total Divas 2013


An inside look of the lives of seven WWE Divas from their work within WWE to their personal lives.


I Have a Lover

I Have a Lover 2015


A woman who lost her memory falls in love with the husband she despised.


Liv and Maddie

Liv and Maddie 2013


The exploits of identical twins Liv, a former television star back home in Wisconsin and in the process of adding movie star to her credits, as well as beginning to focus on her music career, and Maddie, an outstanding student and basketball phenomenon recovering from an injured knee. The series centers on the unbreakable bond the twins share though they have wildly different personalities. To complicate their teenage lives, both parents work at their high school and their younger brothers are always stirring up trouble.


When We Were Young

When We Were Young 2017


Bad things are going on at an elite high school, and innocent people are falling prey. Chu Yin Yin and Xia Er are identical twin sisters who were orphaned at a young age. One grew up in an orphanage while the other grew up with a loving adopted mother. But when one twin sister, who is bullied at school, tries to commit suicide, her twin comes to the rescue, and they decide to take matters into their own hands. The sisters switch identities, but they must deal with emotional entanglements with Xu Kong Lin and Li Bai, who both want to be a part of their lives.


Sister, Sister

Sister, Sister 1994


Twins Tia Landry and Tamera Campbell were separated and adopted at birth. Fourteen years later, they encounter each other by chance at the mall. After the families meet, Tia's widowed father agrees to let Tamera and her single mother move in with them.


Total Bellas

Total Bellas 2016


Although these twins share the same genes, they will never share the same jeans as living together was more tolerable when they just shared a womb. The free-spirited, vegan-loving, live-and-let-live lifestyle of Brie and Bryan has always clashed with the fancy panache of the designer handbag-loving Nikki and the meticulously organized tendencies of John. However, when the four world-renowned WWE Superstars move in under one roof, the comical clash of titans rings all throughout the suburbs of Tampa, Fla.


Mulheres de Areia

Mulheres de Areia 1993


The story of the rivalry between the twin sisters Ruth and Raquel takes place in the fictional Pontal D'Areia, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. They have very different personalities. Ruth is sweet, calm and has a good heart. Raquel, on the other hand, is selfish, aggressive and mean.


Double Trouble

Double Trouble 1984


Double Trouble is an American sitcom that aired from 1984 to 1985 on NBC. The series stars identical twins Jean and Liz Sagal as Kate and Allison Foster, two teenagers living under the watchful eye of their widowed father. The show was considered an updating of the "twins in mischief" concept seen in films like The Parent Trap or the Patty Duke Show of the 1960s.


100% Senorita

100% Senorita 2003


When a surrogate mother gives birth to twins, she keeps Liang Xiaofeng by her side and gives Zhuang Feiyang away, who ends up in a wealthy family. Years later, Zhuang Feiyang becomes the heiress of Formosa Inc., a company created by her father and his partner, Peter. When Feiyang’s father passes away, Peter tries to kill Feiyang and take the company for his own. Despite Peter’s attempts, Feiyang escapes and undergoes cosmetic surgery in a bid to change her looks. From then on, the twins’ fates entwine once more.



Twins 2005


Twins is an American situation comedy series that first aired on The WB in the United States and on CTV in Canada in September 2005. The series is produced by KoMut Entertainment in association with Warner Bros. Television. The show was cancelled on May 18, 2006 due to the merger of the WB and UPN that created the new network The CW.



Re:STARS 2019


Qin Ze is a young man who has just entered university . From an early age he excels in singing but following a trauma, he is no longer able to sing in public . However one day, his twin sister Qin Ya, a popular singer, will change his fate by asking him to replace her


I Know What You Did Last Summer

I Know What You Did Last Summer 2021


In a sun-soaked Hawaiian town with a mysterious past, a group of friends is left with a dark secret after a tragic accident. One year later, a member of the group receives a threatening message, and the friends now know that someone intends to make them pay for last summer.


Sweet Valley High

Sweet Valley High 1994


Twins Jessica and Liz face the ups and downs of life at Sweet Valley High.


Esa no soy yo

Esa no soy yo 2015


After finding her twin sister Anahi's dead body with no clue of the perpetrator, Judith impersonates her with the hope that living her sister's life will unveil the murderer's identity.


Soulou Domou'i

Soulou Domou'i 2021


After they were adopted by two different families as children, fate brings the two orphaned sisters together when they become involved with the same man.


So Little Time

So Little Time 2001


So Little Time is an American sitcom starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen that aired on Fox Family. The first half of the series aired from June 2, 2001, to August 15, 2001. The series then went on a four-month hiatus owing to network management changes. By December 2001, Fox Family had become ABC Family, and the remaining episodes aired until May 4, 2002.


The Lying Game

The Lying Game 2011


Emma, a kind-hearted foster kid who can't catch a break, finds out she has an identical twin sister, Sutton, who - unlike Emma - was adopted by wealthy parents and is seemingly living an ideal life. After their initial meeting, Sutton talks Emma into stepping into her life for a few days while she pursues a lead on their birth mother. Initially excited to do this favor for her sister, Emma soon learns that Sutton has gone missing and could be in trouble. Now, Emma must decide whether to come clean to Sutton's family and risk her own safety in the hope of uncovering her twin sister's true whereabouts, along with the truth about why they were separated in the first place.



Ringer 2011


Six months after deciding to pull herself together and get sober, Bridget witnesses a murder. Realizing her life is in danger and not trusting the FBI to protect her, she runs to her wealthy twin sister, Siobhan, in New York. Things start out well—with the two patching up a fractured relationship—when Siobhan suddenly goes missing. Bridget assumes her sister's identity, but soon learns that Siobhan's life is not as perfect as it looks and she is no safer than she was before


Nothing But You

Nothing But You 2022


Jiang Lili, the "loser" was forced to pretend to be her twin sister because of an accident. After experiencing the extreme contrast between the life of a top-notch producer, she strives to become a better version of herself.


Two of a Kind

Two of a Kind 1998


Two of a Kind is an American sitcom that aired on ABC as part of the network's TGIF line-up, starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. The show aired from September 25, 1998 to July 9, 1999. The series was produced by Griffard/Adler Productions, Dualstar Productions, and Miller-Boyett-Warren Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. It was the last series to be produced by Miller-Boyett Productions in any of its identities.