Prízrak v Benátkach

Prízrak v Benátkach 2023


Prízrak v Benátkach, nový detektívny thriller na motívy románu “Halloweenská párty”od kráľovnej detektívok Agathy Christie a v réžii držiteľa Oscara® Kennetha Branagha v hlavnej úlohe slávneho detektíva Hercula Poirota. V Benátkach po druhej svetovej vojne sa slávny detektív Hercule Poirot, ktorý je už na dôchodku a žije vo vlastnom exile, neochotne zúčastní na jednej seanse. Keď je však jeden z hostí zavraždený, je na bývalom detektívovi, aby opäť odhalil vraha.


The Devil All the Time

The Devil All the Time 2020


V povojnovom zapadákove plnom korupcie a brutality žije mladý muž, ktorý je odhodlaný chrániť svoje najbližších pred všadeprítomným zlom.



Pamiatkari 2014


Film podľa skutočnej histórie rozpráva o najväčšom love pokladov v histórii. Pamiatkári sú menej známou vojenskou jednotkou, ktorá pôsobila behom svetovej vojny. Jej úlohou bolo nájasť, zachrániť a vrátiľ európske umelecké poklady, ktoré nakradli nacisti v nimi obsadených krajinách - počnúc dielami Michelangela a Da Viciho až po Van Eycka a Vermeera. Bola to takmer nesplnteľná úloha, ktorá sa často odohrávala za nepriateľskými líniamia pod paľbou nemeckej armády, ktorá mala rozkazy tieto poklady zničiť, aby po páde ríše neostalo vôbec nič. Týchto sedem vojakov - pôvodne riaditeľov galérií, kurátorov a historikov umenia - bojuje s časom, aby zabránili zničeniu stáročej európskej histórie. Scenár filmu bol napísaý podľa knihy Robert M. Edsela.


Tretí muž

Tretí muž 1949


Kriminálny triler nakrútený na motívy románu Grahama Greena. Úspešný autor rodokapsov v ňom prichádza do povojnovej Viedne (nakrúcalo sa v reáloch) za svojím priateľom zo školy. Ten však umrel pri autonehode. Záhadný „tretí muž“ sa ponúkne, že mu objasní priateľovu smrť.


Úsmev Mony Lízy

Úsmev Mony Lízy 2003


Katherine Watsonová prichádza v roku 1953 na prestížnu univerzitu Wellesley, kde získala miesto profesorky histórie umenia. Čoskoro zistí, že prostredie na prestížnej škole je veľmi konzervatívne. Jej kolegyňa, profesorka Nancy Abbeyová, nie je jediná, kto si ešte vždy myslí, že zásnubný prsteň je pre mladú ženu omnoho väčšou životnou výhrou než kvalitné vzdelanie. Keď Katherine svoje študentky povzbudzuje, aby začali rozmýšľať nezávisle, dostane sa do konfliktu s ostatnými profesormi, niektorými absolventmi a dokonca aj s jednou zo svojich študentiek - arogantnou Betty Warrenovou.


White Christmas

White Christmas 1954


Dvojica úspešných tenoristov a spevákov sa romanticky zapletie s dvoma sestrami - speváčkami. A tak sa na Vianoce ocitnú vo Vermonte bez snehu a vyťahujú svojho veliteľa zo slepej uličky.


Zranené srdcia

Zranené srdcia 2019


Povojnové Nemecko v roku 1946. Rachael Morgan prichádza do rozbombardovaného Hamburgu, aby sa stretla so svojím manželom Lewisem, britským plukovníkom. Ten je poverený obnovou zničeného mesta, v ktorom stále vládne chaos a beznádej. Vo chvíli kedy sa vydajú do svojho nového domova, je Rachael zaskočená neočakávaným rozhodnutím, ktoré Lewis urobil – dom budú obývať spolu s jeho predchádzajúcim nemeckým vlastníkom Stefanem Lubertom a jeho dospievajúcou dcérou Fredou. Rachael stratila cez vojnu syna pri nemeckých náletoch na Londýn, a tak vníma bývanie s nedávnym nepriateľom ako nemysliteľné. Medzi ňou a Stefanom vzniká silné napätie. Keď zistí, že aj on utrpel cez vojnu veľkú osobnú stratu, začína sa jej postoj meniť. Povinnosťami zaneprázdnený Lewis až veľmi neskoro zistí, že jej pôvodné odmietanie a zármutok vystriedala vášeň a zrada.



Lore 2012



Kamene bolesti

Kamene bolesti 2016


Gabrielle a José uzatvorili na konci 2. svetovej vojny manželstvo z rozumu. Nedarí sa im však splodiť dieťa, a tak Gabrielle odchádza na liečenie do švajčiarskych kúpeľov. Tam stretáva očarujúceho vojnového veterána, v ktorom objaví svoju spriaznenú dušu.


Majster podvodu

Majster podvodu 2019


Takmer zabudnutý skutočný príbeh židovského vojaka, ktorý vyšetruje známeho holandského umelca obvineného z kolaborácie s nacistami.



Airwolf 1984


As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.


The Man in the High Castle

The Man in the High Castle 2015


Explore what it would be like if the Allied Powers had lost WWII, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States. Based on Philip K. Dick's award-winning novel.


Ellery Queen

Ellery Queen 1975


Ellery Queen is an American television detective mystery series based on the fictional character Ellery Queen. It aired on NBC during the 1975-76 television season and stars Jim Hutton as Ellery Queen, David Wayne as his father, Inspector Richard Queen, and Tom Reese as Sgt. Velie. Created by the writing/producing team of Richard Levinson and William Link, the title character "breaks" the fourth wall to ask the audience to consider their solution.


Labyrinth of Peace

Labyrinth of Peace 2020


1945 Zero hour. Europe is reduced to rubble. Thirty million displaced and uprooted people. At the heart of this ravaged continent lies Switzerland. This small neutral country, which has been all but spared by the war, becomes a hub for Nazi war criminals, Allied Secret Services and Holocaust survivors.


Tokyo Trial

Tokyo Trial 2016


In the wake of World War II, 11 Allied judges are tasked with weighing the fates of Japanese war criminals in a tense international trial.


The Outcast

The Outcast 2015


Set in post-war Britain, ten year-old Lewis Aldridge is grief-stricken as he struggles to cope with the death of his beloved mother. Left under the care of his emotionally distant father Gilbert, whom he barely knows and who quickly remarries, Lewis is forced to bury his feelings.


Jun-chan's Cheering Song

Jun-chan's Cheering Song 1988


The year is 1947, August. Ono Junko's family is being evacuated to Wakayama and the father is going to war. A few years later, the father has returned from Manchuria but he also brought a boy that had been abandoned by his mother. The boy is Yuta and the family will adopt him.


The War

The War 2008


The story of the Second World War through the personal accounts of a handful of men and women from four American towns. The war touched the lives of every family on every street in every town in America and demonstrated that in extraordinary times, there are no ordinary lives.


The Turncoat

The Turncoat 2020


Summer 1944. Walter Proska is about to return to the Eastern Front when his train is blown up by partisans. Together with a scattered bunch of German soldiers, cut off from the front, he awaits certain death while the commands of his superior Willi Stehauf are becoming more and more senseless and inhuman.



Homefront 1991


Homefront is an American television drama series created and produced by Lynn Marie Latham and Bernard Lechowick in association with Warner Bros. Television for ABC. The show was set in the fictional city of River Run, Ohio in 1945, 1946, and 1947. The show's theme song, "Accentuate the Positive", was written by Johnny Mercer and performed by Jack Sheldon. Forty-two episodes were broadcast in the United States over two seasons from 1991 to 1993. TV Guide, Abigail Van Buren, and fans showed determination in getting ABC to continue the show for a third season before it was cancelled.


The Collection

The Collection 2016


A gripping family drama and entrepreneurial fable, set in a post-war Paris fashion house. It exposes the grit behind the glamour of a rising business, spearheaded by two clashing brothers.


The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco

The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco 2018


During the thrilling social change of the mid-1950s, four remarkable women who previously served secretly during WWII as code-breakers, turn their skills to solving murders overlooked by police. In the process they are plunged into fascinating corners of the city, forge powerful relationships, and rediscover their own powers and potential.


The Battleships

The Battleships 2002


The story of how the Battleship was used and not used as the ultimate weapon of war during its day up to its demise.


The True Believers

The True Believers 1988


The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."


The Bletchley Circle

The Bletchley Circle 2012


The Bletchley Circle follows the journey of four ordinary women with extraordinary skills that helped to end World War II. Set in 1952, Susan, Millie, Lucy and Jean have returned to their normal lives, modestly setting aside the part they played in producing crucial intelligence, which helped the Allies to victory and shortened the war. When Susan discovers a hidden code behind an unsolved murder she is met by skepticism from the police. She quickly realises she can only begin to crack the murders and bring the culprit to justice with her former friends. The Bletchley Circle paints a vivid portrait of post-war Britain in this fictional tale of unsung heroes.


Ein Hauch von Amerika

Ein Hauch von Amerika 2021


In a small area of West Germany, the American military presence opened up a new world in the early 1950s and paved the way for individual freedom, freedom of movement and capitalism in Germany. In this time of upheaval, two friends are looking for their place and have to fight time and again with the 'old order', the conservative forces from politics, church and society. Confronted with the seductions of the new world, the two dissimilar women make an opposing development that puts their intimate friendship to a severe test ...


The Far Country

The Far Country 1987


Just after the second world war, an English girl from a sheltered background, Jennifer Morton, falls in love with Czech migrant Carl Zlinter. But Carl is not all that he seems and even Jennifer is not privy to his dark secret.


The Struggles for Poland

The Struggles for Poland 1987


This 9-episodes documentary series extensively examines the history of Poland in the 20th Century, telling the story through archival films, newsreels, interviews, and readings from novels and poems.