Lovecká sezóna

Lovecká sezóna 2006


Do života Booga, zdomácneného medveďa grizlyho bez akýchkoľvek schopností nutných k prežitiu v divočine, vtrhne ako uragán vychudnutý a utáraný jeleň Elliot. Keď Elliot Booga presvedčí, aby opustil svoj pohodlný domov v garáži správcu parku a okúsil, ako chutí život v naozajstnej prírode, veci sa rýchlo začnú vymykať kontrole. Obaja hrdinovia sú len tri dni pred začiatkom loveckej sezóny premiestnení do lesa, kde sa musia čo najrýchlejšie aklimatizovať. Obaja musia urobiť všetko preto, aby sa im podarilo rýchlo zjednotiť ostatné zvieratá a uchrániť seba aj les pred skupinou rozbesnených lovcov...


Horiace kríže

Horiace kríže 1988


Federálna agentka Katie vyšetruje beštiálnu vraždu. Jej pátranie ju zavedie do zdanlivo pokojného a malebného mestečka, ktoré však skrýva desivé tajomstvo. Všetci tí strašne milí a priateľskí ľudia sú totiž len dokonalou maskou toho, že žijú v srdci toho najodpornejšieho rasizmu a nenávisti.


Nakazení: Pacient nula

Nakazení: Pacient nula 2018


Po tom, čo bezprecedentná globálna pandémia premení väčšinu ľudstva na násilných infikovaných tvorov, muž nadaný schopnosťou hovoriť novým jazykom nakazených vedie posledných preživších pri pátraní po pacientovi nula a lieku.



Varg 2008



Wolf's Rain

Wolf's Rain 2003


Paradise—a legend, a myth, and a hopeless dream in a world that has become a wasteland. It is not meant for everyone, only the wolves thought to be extinct yet still roam the lands. When the Flower Maiden awakens, the path to the end will open. Kiba, a lone white wolf, wanders into a poverty stricken city on a quest. The scent of Lunar Flowers and the will to find Paradise is all he has. Along the way, he runs into other outcast wolves—Tsume, Hige, and Toboe, each with their own story and troubles. Fate bringing them together, they seek out the Flower Maiden, Cheza, and their way to Paradise. But, doing so is no simple matter. Up against a world that fears them and a man with mysterious abilities, their journey is overrun with challenges and worse—sacrifices. With limited time, they must fight to protect Cheza against everyone who seeks her and discover the hidden path to their destiny.


Heroes: Legend of Battle Disks

Heroes: Legend of Battle Disks 2015


The story is set in the galaxy located near the center of the universe. There are Planet Aernia (a planet for Heroes) and Planet Orbs (a planet for robots), governed by Orbiton, in this same galaxy. Various countries are present in Planet Aernia; they are, Volculm (volcanic country of fire), Zylan (oceanic country of water), Elvan (green-rich country of forest), and Aleum (celestial country of clouds). Antania, is a nucleus of all the present countries. It has an academy that fosters Heroes. Under the reign of the Governor General, Antania upholds a national policy to train Heroes to prevent Planet Aernia to be infringed by the Dark Desire. Heroes are not only the reliable source of battle who have special abilities to freely use the battle discs, but also a symbol of unfailing justice.


The Hunt

The Hunt 2015


This major landmark series looks in detail at the fascinating relationship between predators and their prey. Rather than concentrating on ‘the blood and guts’ of predation, the series looks in unprecedented detail at the strategies predators use to catch their food and prey use to escape death. Sir David Attenborough narrates.



MeatEater 2012


Hunter, author, cook and conservationist Steven Rinella treks into the world's most remote, beautiful regions, bringing game meat from field to table.