District 9

District 9 2009


Pred viac než dvadsiatimi rokmi došlo k prvému kontaktu mimozemskej civilizácie s ľudstvom. Ľudia očakávali desivú bitku alebo významný technologický pokrok. Nedošlo ani k jednému. Mimozemšťania boli utečencami z vlastnej planéty. Stvorenia boli ubytované v núdzových domovoch v juhoafrickom Districte 9, zatiaľ, čo sa štáty sveta dohadovali, čo a ako ďalej. Teraz všetkým dochádza trpezlivosť.


Moja sestra je vlkolak

Moja sestra je vlkolak 2000


Ginger a jej sestra Brigitte sú tie najväčšie kamarátky a majú naozaj neobvyklé záľuby. Stredná škola, biológia, rodičia, randenie - to všetko je pre nich nuda. Blíži sa spln. Šestnásťročná Ginger má svoju prvú menštruáciu a jedného večera sa vráti domov pokúsaná po celom tele. Obe vedia čo sa stalo - pokúsal ju vlkodlak. Dievča sa pomaly ale iste mení v krvilačnú beštiu. Mesto plní strach a v uliciach pribúdajú mŕtvoly zvierat aj ľudí. Vlk vládne telu každú noc, po ktorej sa Ginger prebudí s chuťou krvi v ústach a je jasné, že za chvíľu bude aj jej vzťah k vlastnej sestre ďalekou minulosťou. Zostane len hlad..



Nightbitch 2024


Žena pozastaví svoju kariéru, aby sa doma mohla starať o svoje dieťa. No čoskoro jej domáci život zmení surreálny zvrat.



Metamorphosis 1990


Dr. Peter Houseman je geniálnym vedcom, expertom v oblasti genetiky. Podaril sa mu vzrušujúco objav – chromozóm zodpovedný za starnutie. Teraz sa snaží nájsť procedúru, ktorá by starnutie ako také eliminovala. Jeho výskum však naráža na nepochopenie zo strany kolegov a nedôveru u mecenášov univerzity. Aby dokázal, že jeho teória je správna a zaistil si aj naďalej tok financií, rozhodol sa pre riskantný krok – spraviť zo seba pokusného králika a dokázať všetkým, že ma pravdu.


Tale of the Nine Tailed

Tale of the Nine Tailed 2020


A TV producer discovers a secret supernatural world as she becomes entangled with a former deity who's spent centuries searching for his lost lover.


Meow, the Secret Boy

Meow, the Secret Boy 2020


What if your cat was capable of turning into a charming boy? After taking time off, Sol Ah returns to school as she finds herself a place to live alone. Per her friend’s favor, Sol Ah takes in a cat named Hong Jo, and a story of the life of two housemates unfolds. However, Sol Ah is not aware that the cat, Hong Jo, has the ability to shapeshift into a human. Sol Ah’s friends start to notice weird things about Hong Jo whenever they run into his human form. Things are about to change around the peaceful single-resident complex, and Hong Jo finds it difficult just being a mere cat whenever Sol Ah is too busy with her life to pay attention to him. Will Sol Ah be able to recognize Hong Jo in his human form? Sol Ah and Hong Jo “Welcome!” you into their romance fantasy story.


Barbapapa: One Big Happy Family!

Barbapapa: One Big Happy Family! 2020


The daily life of the extraordinary blob-shaped Barbapapa family, who can morph into other forms but retain their original colors. The Barbapapa family consists of parents Barbapapa and Barbamama and their seven children; the intellectual Barbalib, the coquette Barbabelle, the powerful Barbabravo, inventor Barbabright, animal lover Barbazoo, artist Barbabeau, and musician Barbalala, along with their pet dog, Lolita.



Transformation 2014


Somebody’s brain is living inside of me. Medical thriller based on the novel by Keigo Higashino which has sold over 1,250,000 copies.


Wolfpack of Reseda

Wolfpack of Reseda 2012


Ben March’s mundane life is transformed when he becomes convinced he’s been bitten by a werewolf loose in the suburban sprawl of Reseda. As strange events begin to occur, Ben embraces his new “wolfman” identity wholeheartedly. He ascends at work, gets the attention of unattainable women, and becomes a leader amongst his colleagues and friends. Ben forms his very own “wolfpack,” and together they find new confidence and freedom.