Kľúčové slovo Former Child Star
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 1962
Príbeh o dvoch starnúcich sestrách, ktoré spoločne žijú v dome na predmestí Los Angeles. Zatrpknutá Jane, kedysi známa ako zázračné spievajúce dieťa Baby Jane Hudson, sa však v dospelom veku dostala do tieňa jej sestry Blanche, úspešnej filmovej hviezdy 30. rokov, ktorá je po autonehode pripútaná na invalidný vozík. Jane tak nevynechá ani jednu príležitosť, aby ju terorizovala. Bezmocná Blanche sa nedokáže brániť fyzicky ani psychicky a s hrôzou pozoruje, ako jej sestra prepadá do čoraz väčšej demencie.
Child Star 2024
Bad Behaviour 2023
Ver mi 2013
Snaživý agent pre vyhľadávanie filmových detských talentov a bývalá detská filmová hviezda, Howard Holloway (Clark Gregg), trávi svoje roky prácou s najtalentovanejšími klientmi. Všetko sa zmení v deň, kedy Howard stretne brilantnú 13-ročnú Lydiu (Saxon Sharbino). V nasledujúcom období sa pre svoju novú klientku zúfalo snaží uzavrieť dohodu, výhodnú na celý život, uchrániť ju pred všetkými nástrahami filmového priemyslu a možno jej tak trochu i nahradiť otca. Avšak čím bližšie sa dostáva k svojmu cieľu, ktorým je urobiť z Lydie hviezdu, tým viac narastá jeho podozrenie, že táto nevinná mladá klientka nemusí byť vôbec tým, kým sa zdá.
Mes jours de gloire 2020
Buddymoon 2016
A Tale of Two Coreys 2018
Babygirl 2018
Hey Viktor! 2024
Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields 2023
Actor, model, and global superstar Brooke Shields’ journey from a sexualized young girl to a woman who embraces her identity and voice.
I Hate Suzie 2020
Suzie Pickles, a star on the wane, has her whole life upended when her phone is hacked and a photo of her emerges in an extremely compromising position.
Strip Mall 2000
Tammi Tyler is an ex-child actress who, at 12, murdered her adult co-star after eating a PCP laced cupcake. Now, as an adult, Tammi works as a waitress at the Funky Fox, a bar located in the Plaza del Toro. In the first episode, Tammi marries the owner of Starbrite Cleaners, Harvey Krudup, who she thought was worth millions, but realized that Starbrite's lone location was at the Plaza. For the rest of the show's run, Tammi tries to end her marriage.
Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil 2021
Demi Lovato holds nothing back in this powerful four part documentary series exploring every aspect that led to their nearly fatal overdose in 2018, and their awakenings in the aftermath. Director Michael D. Ratner is granted unprecedented access to the superstar’s personal and musical journey during the most trying time of their life as they unearth their prior traumas and discovers the importance of their physical, emotional, and mental health. Far deeper than an inside look beyond the celebrity surface, this is an intimate portrait of addiction, and the process of healing and empowerment.
Gigantic 2010
Gigantic is an American comedy-drama television series that aired on the TeenNick TV channel. The series is the first scripted show for the channel since its rebranding from The N in September 2009. It premiered on October 8, 2010. On April 19, 2011, cast member Tony Oller announced on his Twitter account that series would not be renewed for a second season. The show's final episode aired on April 22, 2011.