Kľúčové slovo Pursuit
Le Ballon rouge 1956
The Chase 1994
Niagara 1953
Noc patrí nám 2007
Bobby Green vedie úspešný nočný klub ruského boháča Bužajeva a usilovne sa snaží, aby sa tam nikto nedozvedel, že ako jeho otec Albert, tak brat Joseph Grusinsky sú policajti. Lenže prostredie, kde sa pohybuje, je ako stvorené na distribúciu drog. A keď v klube začne vysedávať ruský emigrant, majiteľov synovec Vadim Nižinsky, podozrivý z dovozu drog, dostane sa mladý muž do situácie, kedy si musí vybrať, na ktorú stranu sa pridá. Bobby si nakoniec uvedomí, kam patrí, rodinné puto je silnejšie než povrchné zhýralé prostredie nočných klubov. Než sa však odhodlá zločincov odovzdať spravodlivosti, prežije osobné peklo a príde o všetko, čo miloval - stratí otca, zabije človeka a jeho milovaná Amada ho opustí.
Kontroll 2003
Serpentíny 1997
Slow West 2015
The Clearing 2004
The Last Run 1971
Perros callejeros 1977
Perros callejeros II 1979
Pork Pie 2017
Smash His Camera 2010
Eyewitness 1970
The Fugitive 1963
Richard Kimble is falsely convicted of his wife's murder and given the death penalty. En route to death row, Kimble's train derails and crashes, allowing him to escape and begin a cross-country search for the real killer, a "one-armed man". At the same time, Dr. Kimble is hounded by the authorities, most notably dogged by Police Lieutenant Philip Gerard.
La Mante 2017
Jeanne Deber, known as "La Mante", the famous serial murderer who terrorized France more than 20 years ago, is forced by the police to come out of isolation to track down her copycat. She agrees to collaborate on one condition: to have only one interlocutor, Damien Carrot, her son, who became a cop because of the crimes of his mother, and who refuses all contact with her since her arrest.