Orol deviatej légie

Orol deviatej légie 2011


V roku 140 n. l. sa dvaja muži, rímsky vojak Marcus a jeho otrok Esca, vydávajú na nebezpečnú cestu na sever za hranice doteraz známeho sveta. Dvadsať rokov pred osudnou výpravou sa rímska Deviata légia pod vedením Flavia Aquila vydala dobývať divoký Sever. Žiadny z piatich tisíc vojakov slávnej légie sa z vojnovej výpravy nevrátil. Spolu s nimi sa stratil aj zlatý Orol, ich emblém a odznak sily. Teraz sa začína hovoriť, že Orol deviatej légie bol videný v divošskej svätyni ďaleko na severe. Flaviov syn Marcus neváha a v sprievode svojho otroka Escu vyráža do rozľahlých a neprebádaných končín kaledónskych hôr (dnešné Škótsko) s jasným cieľom: postaviť sa divokým severským kmeňom, obnoviť česť zmiznutého otca a získať naspäť posvätného Orla.



Centurion 2010


Rok 117 nášho letopočtu. Rímske impérium sa rozprestiera od Egypta k Španielsku, na východe siaha až k Čiernemu moru. Len v severnej Británii sa nedarí dobyť územie obývané divokým a krutým kmeňom Piktov, bojujúcich proti organizovaným rímskym jednotkám partizánskymi metódami. Quintus, ktorý ako jediný prežil piktský útok na rímsku pevnosť, tiahne spolu s legendárnou deviatou légiu pod vedením generála Virila na sever, aby splnili jasne znejúci rozkaz - odprevadiť Piktov zo sveta a zničiť ich vodcu Gorlacona.


Panstvo Downton: Nová éra

Panstvo Downton: Nová éra 2022


Panstvo Downton si počas svojej filmovej a televíznej existencie prešlo mnohým, ale asi nikto by netušil, že v minulosti starej mamy Violet sa skrýva tajomstvo, ktoré môže otriasť základmi celej šľachtickej rodiny Crawleyovcov. Všetko sa začína šokujúcou správou, že Violet sa stala dedičkou zámku na juhu Francúzska, ktorý jej odkázal muž, ktorého stretla v mladosti. Čo sa medzi nimi mohlo stať, že si na ňu po toľkých rokoch spomenul v závete a odkázal jej taký majetok? Časť rodiny sa s nadšením vydá na Francúzsku riviéru, aby preskúmala novozískaný majetok, ale Violetin skeptický syn Robert tuší, že za dedičstvom zámku sa môže skrývať príbeh, o ktorom by radšej nechcel počuť.


V mene cti

V mene cti 2002


Príbeh z roku 1898 sleduje britského dôstojníka Harryho Favershama (Heath Ledger), ktorý sa odmietne postaviť do čela svojho pluku, keď zistí, že jeho regiment odchádza do Sudánu kvôli vojenskému konfliktu s "mohamedánskými fanatikmi". Priatelia a snúbenica mu pošlú štyri biele pierka, ktoré symbolizujú zbabelosť. Aby znovu získal stratenú česť, vydá sa v prezlečení za Araba do Sudánu, aby sa mohol dostať za nepriateľskú líniu a slúžiť britským silám ako špeh a prieskumník. Keď je jeho bývalý pluk napadnutý, Faversham tajne zachráni životy tým, ktorí ho predtým označili za zbabelca.


Orol Eddie

Orol Eddie 2016


Orol Eddie je inšpirovaný skutočnými udalosťami. Je to dojemný príbeh o Michaelovi „Eddie“ Edwardsovi, nepravdepodobnom, ale odvážnom britskom skokanovi na lyžiach, ktorý v seba nikdy neprestal veriť. S pomocou rebelujúceho a charizmatického trénera sa Eddie ujíma vedenia a získava si srdcia športových fanúšikov na celom svete tým, že na zimných olympijských hrách v Calgary v roku 1988 predvedie nepravdepodobné a historické predstavenie.


Little Britain

Little Britain 2003


A zany comedy show with Matt Lucas and David Walliams, featuring characters from all over Little Britain.



Victoria 2016


The story of Queen Victoria, who came to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become “grandmother of Europe”.



Hospital 2017


The story of the NHS in unprecedented times.



Coast 2005


The nation's love affair with the coast will be reawakened for this entertaining and ambitious exploration of the entire UK coastline. Every part of the 9,000-mile coast is covered to explore how we've shaped it - and how it shapes us. Hosted by a team of history and geography experts who investigate everything from life on a nuclear submarine; rebuilding the Titanic using computer images; the story behind the first Butlins holiday camp; and the birth of the Severn Bore. Discover the curious, sometimes dysfunctional, relationship between the British and the seas.


The Railway: Keeping Britain On Track

The Railway: Keeping Britain On Track 2013


Documentary series revealing the inner workings of Britain's railways, introducing the track-workers, train guards, drivers, police officers and management teams determined to keep the country moving.


The Great Train Robbery

The Great Train Robbery 2013


8 August 1963: Britain wakes up to news of the biggest robbery in the country’s history. A train has been hijacked and robbed, 35 miles from its arrival in central London. The country is stunned. Who could be behind it? How did they pull off such an audacious raid?



SS-GB 2017


Adapted from Len Deighton’s 1978 alternate history novel. A British detective investigates a murder in German-occupied Britain during World War II.


The Great Sport Relief Bake Off

The Great Sport Relief Bake Off 2012


Well-known faces don their aprons in this charity special. Who has got what it takes to go all the way and compete for the Great Sport Relief Bake Off crown?


The Royal House of Windsor

The Royal House of Windsor 2017


Drawing on newly available evidence, this epic series explores the Windsor dynasty's gripping family saga, providing fresh insights into how our royal family have survived four generations of crisis.


The Interceptor

The Interceptor 2015


A gripping eight-part series about a state-of-the-art law enforcement team whose unswerving mission is to hunt down some of Britain’s most dangerous criminals. The Interceptor delves into the adventures of a dedicated surveillance team known as the UNIT. Keeping their quarries under ultra-tight surveillance, they take us into the real world inhabited by the criminals of today. And it’s easy to recognize because it’s the same world the rest of us inhabit.


For the Greater Good

For the Greater Good 1991


While three politicians try to reform Britain’s brutal prison system, the tabloid press publish exposés of their scandalous private lives, leaving their careers in peril.


A History of Britain

A History of Britain 2000


Stretching from the Stone Age to the year 2000, Simon Schama's Complete History of Britain does not pretend to be a definitive chronicle of the turbulent events which buffeted and shaped the British Isles. What Schama does do, however, is tell the story in vivid and gripping narrative terms, free of the fustiness of traditional academe, personalising key historical events by examining the major characters at the centre of them. Not all historians would approve of the history depicted here as shaped principally by the actions of great men and women rather than by more abstract developments, but Schama's way of telling it is a good deal more enthralling as a result. Schama successfully gives lie to the idea that the history of Britain has been moderate and temperate, passing down the generations as stately as a galleon, taking on board sensible ideas but steering clear of sillier, revolutionary ones. Nonsense. Schama retells British history the way it was--as bloody, convulsive, precarious, hot-blooded and several times within an inch of haring off onto an entirely different course. Schama seems almost to delight in the goriness of history. Themes returned to repeatedly include the wars between the Scots and the Irish and the Catholic/Protestant conflicts--only the Irish question remains unresolved by the new millennium. As Britain becomes a constitutional monarchy, Schama talks less of Kings and Queens but of poets and idea-makers like Orwell. Still, with his pungent, direct manner and against an evocative visual and aural backdrop, Schama makes history seem as though it happened yesterday, the bloodstains not yet dry.


Tattoo Fixers Extreme

Tattoo Fixers Extreme 2015


A number of the UK's most talented tattoo designers help clients transform their tattoo mistakes into works of art. It is estimated that one in six British people who opt to go under the needle later regret their decision. Outrageous artwork, inappropriate quotes or the name of an ex-partner can be chosen in haste but the results are permanent. The talented inkers meet desperate customers at a pop-up studio for their consultations. After the meeting, the client chooses whose design ideas they like best and the artist gets to work. When the session is over, the new tattoos are revealed.


A1: Britain's Longest Road

A1: Britain's Longest Road 2017


Following the men and women who work around the clock on Britain's longest and most iconic road, ensuring the traffic keeps moving and the public is kept safe.


The Level

The Level 2016


A police detective finds herself at the centre of the most dangerous case of her life when she is seconded on to the investigation into the murder of a drugs trafficker. What nobody around her knows is that she is the missing witness that the police and the killer are searching for.


Homes By the Sea

Homes By the Sea 2014


Architectural designer Charlie Luxton embarks on a nationwide journey to visit some of Britain's best homes by the sea and find out what makes the perfect coastal property.


Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain

Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain 2002


Fred Dibnah reveals the genius, the vision and the sheer bloody graft that went into creating some of Britain's greatest national monuments. All six episodes look at Britain's architectural heritage. In 'Mighty Cathedrals' Fred examines the innovations in building techniques which allowed the Normans to build some of the nation's most remarkable cathedrals. 'The Art of Castle Building' has Fred take a look at the castles of the North Wales coastline. 'The Age of the Carpenter' sees Fred learn all about the way that carpenters have used their skills to transform medieval castles into homes. In 'Scottish Style' Fred visits Glamis Castle and learns about the Scottish Baronial Style. 'Building the Canals' has Fred visit Bolton and learn about the construction of the first canals. Finally, 'Victorian Splendour' sees Fred looking at the achievements of architects in the 19th century and discovering the story behind the building of the Palace of Westminster and Big Ben.


Britain's Great War

Britain's Great War 2014


In a landmark history series, Jeremy Paxman describes how the First World War transformed the lives of the British people, and helped shape modern Britain.


A Very British Romance with Lucy Worsley

A Very British Romance with Lucy Worsley 2015


Lucy Worsley delves into the history of romance to uncover the forces shaping our very British happily ever after and how our feelings have been affected by social, political and cultural ideas.