Kľúčové slovo Cleaning Lady
Sexi špinavé prachy 2008
Tri obyčajné ženy. Jedna veľká banka, v ktorej všetky pracujú. Všetky tri potrebujú peniaze. Čo z toho vyplýva? Bridget, Nina a Jackie sa rozhodnú zlepšiť svoju finančnú situáciu. Legálne to asi nepôjde, tak prečo si niečo nevziať v banke, kde sa likvidujú staré peniaze? Im staré peniaze nevadia. Peniaze ako peniaze, nie?
The Cleaning Lady 2018
Ensemble, c'est tout 2007
Out of Rosenheim 1987
Choose or Die 2022
Good Deeds 2012
Neznáma 2006
Ukrajinka Irena prichádza do Talianska a hľadá si prácu ako slúžka. Robí všetko pre to, aby sa stala milovanou opatrovateľkou rozkošného dievčatka Thea. Je to však len úplný začiatok jej neznámej cesty.
Strach jesť duše 1974
Stretnutie staršej ženy Emmi a marockého gastarbeitera Aliho skončí manželstvom. Ich vzťah však nie je akceptovateľný pre jej rodinu, známych a susedov. Fassbinder v tomto filme odhaľuje predpojatosť a xenofóbiu ľudí, ktorým vadí vysoký vekový rozdiel manželov a rovnako to, že Ali je cudzincom, ale predovšetkým ich spoločné šťastie.
Curdled 1996
Sunshine Cleaning 2008
James Bond vs Nan 2021
Cidade; Campo 2024
Passport to Destiny 1944
The Cleaning Lady 2016
Ladies Who Do 1963
Toz Bezi 2015
Cleaning Up 2022
Three cleaning ladies at an investment firm get their hands on insider stock information and hatch a chance on a scheme that could change their lives.
A Diarista 2004
It shows the life and problems of Marinete, a cleaning lady with a short temper. She always ends up depending on her friends, who are distracted by any stupid thing and leave her to solve things on her own.
The Cleaning Lady 2018
Rosa is a single mother forced to become the “cleaning lady” for the mob. Her skills to spotlessly clean any crime scene keeps the mob safe until the detectives decide to investigate the chemicals.
How Clean Is Your House? 2004
Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie give a new meaning to the calling, The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming! Then they take aim on the most messy in the U.S.! You think your house is "a mess" , you have got to see this! Two very proper ladies from across the pond tear through homes in America on a mission. Some of these episodes are unbelievable and if the tips they hand out for cleaning success aren't enough, knowing your house really isn't the mess you thought it was, should be! When's the last time you polished copper with ketchup and scrubbed tubs with baking soda and lemon juice; how about fog-proofing mirrors in the bathroom with shaving cream? Tune in and find out, How Clean Is Your House?