Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda 2004


Píše sa rok 1993, v Rwande vypukla kmeňová vojna medzi Hutu a Tutsiami. Celý svet na čele s OSN fatálne zlyhal a teraz sa len prostredníctvom médií bezmocne prizerá jednému z najmasovejších a najkrutejších nepokojov od konca 2. svetovej vojny. Paul Rusesabagina je manažérom hotela, ktorý za normálnych okolností slúži diplomatickej smotánke a bohatým cudzincom. Bez váhania otvorí brány luxusného rezortu bezbranným utečencom. Tých sa tam až do konca konfliktu postupne tiesni 1268. Jeden muž tak zmohol tisíckrát viac, ako tisíce vojakov mierových vojsk. Konflikt si iba za 3 mesiace trvania vyžiadal takmer milión ľudských životov.


Young, Famous & African

Young, Famous & African 2022


This reality series follows a crew of famed, affluent stars as they work and play, flirt and feud in Johannesburg, South Africa.



Zero 2021


A teenager who can make herself invisible is used by an idiot to take control of the neighborhood and then meets a mysterious art student.


Slavery and the Making of America

Slavery and the Making of America 2005


The history of American slavery from its beginnings in the British colonies to its end in the Southern states and the years of post-Civil War Reconstruction. Looks at slavery as an integral part of a developing nation, challenging the long held notion that slavery was exclusively a Southern enterprise. Simultaneously focuses on the remarkable stories of individual slaves, offering new perspectives on the slave experience and testifying to the active role that Africans and African Americans took in surviving their bondage and shaping their own lives.