Operácia Black Bag

Operácia Black Bag 2025


Každé manželstvo skrýva tajomstvá. Tie jej sú smrteľné.



Menu 2022


Mladý pár, Margot a Tyler, cestujú do luxusnej reštaurácie Hawthorn na pobrežnom ostrove v Severezápdnom Pacifiku, kde samotársky, ale celosvetovo preslávený šéfkuchár, Julian Slowik pripravil pre vybraných hostí bohaté degustačné menu.



Zelenáč 1990


Clark Kellogg prichádza do New Yorku študovať film. Keď mu ukradnú batožinu a peniaze, zoznámi sa s mafiánom Carminom Sabatinim, ktorý mu nápadne pripomína postavu krstného otca z rovnomenného filmu. Sabatini mladíka zamestná vo svojej dovoznej firme a Clark sa stáva hlavným aktérom v súboji s konkurenčnou mafiánskou rodinou Binelliovcov.


Hádaj, kto príde na večeru

Hádaj, kto príde na večeru 1967


Matt Drayton je redaktorom v denníku Guardian a jeho manželka Christina vlastní galériu umenia. Svoju dcéru Joey vychovali v liberálnom duchu, napriek tomu ich však zaskočí, keď sa ich dcéra chce vydať za doktora Johna Prentica. Jej nastávajúci je totiž čiernej pleti.


Decká sú v pohode

Decká sú v pohode 2010


Vtipný a energický portrét modernej rodiny - Nic a Jules sú matky, ktoré žijú v útulnom dome na okraji mesta so svojimi dospievajúcimi deťmi Joni a Laserom. Keď sa Joni chystá na vysokú školu, jej mladší brat ju požiada o veľkú láskavosť. Chce, aby mu Joni pomohla nájsť ich biologického otca. Aj napriek vlastným pochybnostiam splní bratovo prianie a nadviaže kontakt s "bioockom" Paulom, sympatickým majiteľom reštaurácie. Keď do života tejto nevšednej rodiny vstúpi Paul, začne sa pre všetkých nová životná kapitola, v ktorej budú postupne definované, prehodnotené a znova formulované rodinné vzťahy.


Trojka z mravov

Trojka z mravov 1933


Film je šarmantnou štúdiou revolty. Dedinská škola je pre miestom na rozohranie konfliktu medzi učiteľom udržujúcim represívny poriadok a slobodomyseľnými žiakmi ako jeho narušiteľmi. Ako dopadne revolta tentoraz?


Dining Together

Dining Together 2016


As more and more people are getting used to eating dinner alone, Kang Ho-dong and Lee Kyung-kyu visit ordinary Korean families at dinner time and share their lives as they eat dinner together.


Devil's Diner

Devil's Diner 2025


In a secluded part of town, a mysterious chef cooks up supernatural meals that grant his guests' deepest desires – if they're willing to pay the price.


Dinner Mate

Dinner Mate 2020


It tells a story that how two young women become close friends by having dinners together. They happened to be arranged seated at the same table one time they went to eat out alone. At that time, they were both bothered by relationships, and from the first accidental dinner together, multiple dinners then followed, over which they open up to each other their relationship troubles, get closer and develop an unusual friendship.


The Supersizers...

The Supersizers... 2008


Restaurant critic Giles Coren and writer and comedian Sue Perkins experience the food culture of years gone by.


Dinner with Dani

Dinner with Dani 2018


Dinner with Dani is a round table discussion, led by Adult Film Megastar Dani Daniels, with other adult film stars, musicians and the occasional science geek talking about sex, fun, life and "war stories” in a hilarious format that is sure to shock and amuse. This is definitely not-safe-for-work!


I'll Get This

I'll Get This 2018


Five celebrities meet at a restaurant for a fancy meal. The catch is they have to play games between courses and the loser will have to pay for everyone's dinner.


De butlers

De butlers 2023


At The International Butler Academy in Simpelveld, The Netherlands, students from all over the world and of all ages are taught the tricks of the butler trade. The film follows six students during their training. What motivates them to choose this servile profession?


Further Back in Time for Dinner

Further Back in Time for Dinner 2017


One British family embark on an extraordinary time-travelling adventure to discover how the food we eat has transformed the way we live.


Back in Time for Dinner

Back in Time for Dinner 2015


One British family embark on an extraordinary time-travelling adventure to discover how a post-war revolution in the food we eat has transformed the way we live. Starting in 1950 and guided by real records of what ordinary families ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, they will go from meagre rations to ready meals and delivery pizza in just six weeks.