Večný svit nepoškvrnenej mysle

Večný svit nepoškvrnenej mysle 2004


Život osamelého a nesmelého Joela sa od základu zmení, keď stretne excentrickú a temperamentnú Clementine. Tá je výstredná vo všetkých smeroch a na bláznivé kúsky čoraz úspešnejšie vyzýva aj Joela, lenže je zároveň nevyrovnaná a výbušná a jedného dňa sa rozhodne Joela zbaviť a začať znovu. Na experimentálnej klinike sa podrobí vymazaniu pamäti, a keďže pokus dopadne úspešne, rozhodne sa zdrvený Joel pre rovnaké riešenie. Nemá ale šťastie, tentoraz sa zákrok vymkne lekárovi z rúk a dielo skazy dokoná jeho asistent, ktorý sa namiesto starostlivého monitorovania mozgovej činnosti klienta nechá zviesť k divokým erotickým hrám. Režisér vie majstrovsky rozrušovať časopriestorovú kontinuitu, nahrádzať ju asociatívnym spájaním útržkov, ktoré pochádzajú z rôznych vrstiev pamäti a tu sa tento princíp uplatní pri rekonštrukcii celého vzťahu ústrednej dvojice. Odvíja sa dozadu. K niektorým zážitkom sa film opakovane vracia a mnohé deformuje v závislosti na Joelových rozjatrených emóciách.


Návrat z doby ľadovej

Návrat z doby ľadovej 2006


Joe Bauers je vojak a v slovníku by ste ho našli pod heslom priemerný hlupák. Vďaka nevydarenému projektu sa Joe zobudí v roku 2505, a to, čo vidí, mu pripadá ako veľmi zlý vtip. Za tých 500 rokov od začiatku Joeovej hibernácie sa svet veľmi zmenil. Ľudstvo vinou neustálej masáže reklamou a hlúpymi televíznymi programami úplne zdegenerovalo a Joe s hrôzou zisťuje, že momentálne je najmúdrejší človek na planéte. A to so sebou bohužiaľ nesie značnú zodpovednosť. Niekto predsa musí vrátiť svet do správnych koľají a vypadá to tak, že Joe je jediný kandidát. Pomôcť mu môže asi iba Rita, ktorá sa tiež zúčastnila daného experimentu. Noví mesiáši prichádzajú...


Mandžuský kandidát

Mandžuský kandidát 1962


Pri nepodarenej vojenskej operácií v Perskom zálive veliaci dôstojník Ben Marco upadne do bezvedomia a seržant Raymond Shaw zachráni nielen jeho, ale aj celú ich jednotku. Marca prenasledujú zvláštne sny po tom, čo sa v skutočnosti stalo. Je možné, že by celá vojenská jednotka bola unesená a mozgy mužov naprogramované tak, aby uverili, že Shaw je vojenský hrdina? Zdá sa, že Biely dom je v ohrození a jediný kto môže zachrániť situáciu je Marco...



1984 1984


Pre adaptaciu jedneho z najslavnejsich antiutopickych romanov vsetkych dob, Orwellovej 1984, sa v v tom istom roku, ktory stoji v nazve knihy, rozhodol reziser Michael Radford. Pod jeho vedenim sa John Hurt oblieka do koze Winstona Smitha, ktory veri, ze aj v totalitnej Oceanii je mozne uniknut pohladu Velkeho brata a nadobudnut stratenu slobodu.



1BR 2019



Martha Marcy May Marlene

Martha Marcy May Marlene 2011


Martha po dvoch rokoch utečie zo sektárskej komunity a snaží sa vrátiť späť do normálneho života s pomocou sestry a jej manžela. Pobyt v sekte ju však príliš poznamenal, začína trpieť paranoidnými stavmi a prestáva rozoznávať sny od reality. Má ešte nejakú nádej, alebo už je príliš neskoro?


Tajomný ostrov

Tajomný ostrov 2008


Moskovský hrdina menom Maxim pristáva na planétu s prísnym vojenským režimom na čele so sadistickým lídrami. Miestni obyvatelia sú držaní pod kontrolou pomocou strachu a tiež vysielačmi, ktoré ním denne chrlia do hlavy nemilosrdnou ideológiu. Maxim pre vládu predstavuje hrozbu, ktorá musí byť odstránená ...



K-12 2019



Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunt 2006


Telling ghost stories is a favorite past time of Mai Taniyama and her friends—that is, until she meets 17-year-old Kazuya Shibuya, the man sent by Shibuya Psychic Research Center to investigate paranormal activity at a supposedly haunted school. When Mai gets caught in a dangerous situation, she is rescued by Kazuya's assistant. Saving her lands the assistant incapacitated, and Kazuya demands that Mai become his assistant, instead...


Myriad Colors Phantom World

Myriad Colors Phantom World 2016


In the near future, in a world born of human imagination, what humans would call ghosts or monsters appear, and they come to be called "phantoms." Haruhiko Ichijō, is a first year at Hosea Academy along with his upperclassman Mai Kawakami, who fights phantoms with the ability "Spirit of Five Elements," Reina Izumi, who has the ability "Phantom Eater," and Koito Minase, who fights phantoms in solitude. They experience the ups and downs of high school life before a certain incident leads them to the truth of this world.


Dramatical Murder

Dramatical Murder 2014


Aoba lives on Midorijima, a small island to the southwest of the main islands of Japan. He lives with his grandmother Tae while working part time at a junk shop. The popular pastimes on the island are the ongoing turf war called "Libstease" and an online game set in the virtual world of "Rhyme." Aoba isn't involved in either, preferring to live peacefully, until one day he is forced into a Rhyme battle.


B: The Beginning

B: The Beginning 2018


In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action unfold in the archipelagic nation of Cremona. Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force just as serial killer “B” emerges. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally, or a target.



Fractale 2011


Clain lives quietly amongst doppels—holograms that replace his parents and friends. Alone on a typical day, he saves a shrine maiden from pursuers and treats her wounds. He’s mystified by her worldly charms, but she disappears—leaving only a pendant behind. When a curious girl emerges from the amulet, Clain’s life takes a chaotic turn as he seeks to unlock the secrets his new friend holds.



Gangsta. 2015


In the crime-ridden, mafia-governed city of Ergastulum, Worick and Nicolas are two “handymen” known as “Benriya” who would take any dirty job from either police or mafia, for a good price. After an assignment from police the two met and later joined by Alex, a former prostitute who got interested in the mysterious background of the team, in particular of Nicolas’ abilities.



07-Ghost 2009


Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and its law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, "The Eye of Mikhael", made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, and what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.


The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin

The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin 2021


Explore how the late Gwen Shamblin Lara, who founded the controversial Remnant Fellowship Church and created the Christian weight loss program The Weigh Down Workshop, rose to fame as a diet guru and church leader.


Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets 2023


A limited docuseries exposing the truth beneath the wholesome Americana surface of reality tv’s favorite mega-family, The Duggars, and the radical organization behind them: The Institute in Basic Life Principles. As details of the family and their scandals unfold, we realize they’re part of an insidious, much larger threat already in motion, with democracy itself in peril.


The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult?

The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult? 2024


Explore the rise and fall of the Synanon organization — through the eyes of the members who lived it — from its early days as a groundbreaking drug rehabilitation program to its later descent into what many consider a cult.


True Believers

True Believers 2022


People searching for answers, healing, or human connection end up joining some of the strangest organizations.