Slušní chlapci

Slušní chlapci 2020


Dej sa točí okolo Američana Mickeyho Pearsona, ktorý si v Londýne vybudoval výnosné marihuanové impérium. Keď sa v podsvetí začne šuškať, že chce skončiť s biznisom a odísť z trhu, rozbehne sa kolotoč klamstiev, úplatkov, vydierania a zákerných podrazov, v ktorom chce každý zo zúčastnených získať čo najväčší podiel pre seba.


Podnikavé dievča

Podnikavé dievča 1988


Tess McGillová, mladá žena z newyorského predmestia, pracuje v jednej z veľkých firiem ako radová sekretárka. V porovnaní so svojimi kolegyňami je však ambiciózna a túži po vyššom postavení na spoločenskom rebríčku. Aj keď všetky pokusy zatiaľ zlyhali, nevzdáva sa. Keď sa jej nová šéfka, elegantná Katherine Parkerová, vyberie na dovolenku do Álp, požiada Tess, aby sa jej starala o byt. Tam však Tess zistí, že Katherine si privlastnila niektoré jej obchodné nápady, a pretože nie je z tých, čo by to nechali len tak. Využije to, že si Katherine zlomila nohu a vráti sa z hôr o niečo neskôr.


Tanec je moja vášeň

Tanec je moja vášeň 2003


Talentovaná Honey Daniels je hip-hopová tanečnica, ktorá sa živí ako barmanka a vo voľnom čase učí tanec znevýhodnené deti v komunitnom mládežníckom centre. Jej snom je stať sa úspešnou tanečnicou. Zaujme hudobného režiséra Michaela Ellisa, ktorý ju obsadí do jedného zo svojich videoklipov a dokonca jej ponúkne prácu choreografky. S novonadobudnutým bohatstvom si Honey začne menej všímať svoje kamarátky a deti, ktoré chodia na hodiny hip-hopu. Čoskoro sa ukáže, že Michaelov záujem o Honey nie je čisto profesionálny. Začne ju čoraz viac využívať ako atraktívnu spoločníčku, s ktorou vymetá večierky, a nakoniec jej dá jasne najavo, čím sa mu musí odvďačiť za kariéru, ktorú jej urobil. Honey stojí pred rozhodnutím, či zaplatí túto cenu za svoj úspech, alebo sa vráti k svojim skutočným priateľom? Keď Michaela odmietne, dostane sa na čiernu listinu. Má to katastrofálny vplyv na jej začínajúcu kariéru...


Včera v noci

Včera v noci 2010


Michael a Joanna sú šťastní novomanželia, kým Joanna nezačne mať podozrenie, že jej manžela príliš priťahuje jeho atraktívna kolegyňa Laura. Ich manželstvo je vystavené ťažkej skúške, keď Michael odchádza s Laurou na služobnú cestu. Okrem toho sa Joanna v to ráno stretne so svojím bývalým priateľom Alexom a prijme jeho pozvanie na večeru. Tak sa začína dlhá noc, ktorá bude pre Joannu aj Michaela skutočnou skúškou vernosti...


Lietam v tom

Lietam v tom 2009


Ryan Bingham lieta pracovne z miesta na miesto, je neustále v pohybe... až do chvíle, keď sa počas jedného letu dá do reči so spolucestujícou Alex. Zistí, že zmyslom života nie je len cesta, ale tiež vzťahy, ktoré na nej človek nadviaže.


Pivní bratia

Pivní bratia 1998


Dvaja stroskotanci z Milwaukee vymyslia novú hru podobnú basketbalu s bejzbalovými pravidlami. Z hry sa cez noc stane hit, ktorý zaujme aj jedného miliardára. S jeho pomocou sa Coopovi s Remerom podarí sformovať profesionálnu ligu.



Extrakt 2009


Joel je vlastníkom firmy, ktorá získava výťažky z rastlín. Zdá sa, že už čoskoro zarobí poriadne peniaze, ale potom sa na neho začne valiť jedna katastrofa za druhou. Najskôr sa jeden z jeho zamestnancov nešťastnou náhodou vážne zraní, potom Joel zistí, že s manželkinou vernosťou to nie je tak, ako si myslel, a ďalšie problémy so zamestnancami nedajú na seba dlho čakať, najmä keď sa na neho zameria právnik Dean. Joelov jeho plánovaný pokojný život je v ohrození, a preto musí podniknúť niečo výnimočné.



Mary 2019




Korporácia 2003


Od konca 18-teho storočia, americké právne rozhodnutie, že na organizačný model obchodných spoločností sa nazerá ako na osobu, sa stalo dominantnou ekonomickou, politickou a spoločenskou silou na celej Zemi. Tento film do hĺbky psychologicky skúma organizačný model skrz rozličné prípadové štúdie. Čo štúdia osvetľuje je, že vo svojom správaní, sa tento typ "osoby" typicky správa ako nebezpečne deštruktívny psychopat bez svedomia. Ďalej vidíme hrozbu, ktorú tento psychopat predstavuje pre náš svet a našu budúcnosť, ale tiež čo môžu ľudia s odvahou, inteligenciou a odhodlaním urobiť, aby ju zastavili.


The Story of Pearl Girl

The Story of Pearl Girl 2024


After narrowly escaping an abusive pearl farm, a young woman with unmatched talent carves out her own fate as treachery meets the world of jewelry.


Gold Rush

Gold Rush 2010


Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


Beauty in Black

Beauty in Black 2024


A stripper's fate takes a turn when she crosses paths with the wealthy, dysfunctional family behind a cosmetics dynasty and a devious trafficking scheme.


Shark Tank

Shark Tank 2009


Aspiring entrepreneurs pitch various business ideas to "The Sharks" -- tough, self-made, multi-millionaire and billionaire tycoons -- in hopes of landing an investment.


Twenty Your Life On

Twenty Your Life On 2020


A story about the worries of youth as they enter adulthood is told from the perspective of four girls who are about the graduate from college. Being someone with no power nor looks nor money, Jiang Xiaoguo has always envied her three roommates. Duan Jiabao who comes from a wealthy family has simple desires. She is carefree and only cares about chasing after celebrities and eating good food. Luo Yan may despise her mother's tendency to become too overbearing, but at least she can rest assured that her future is in good hands.


Dragons' Den

Dragons' Den 2006


Canadian version of the reality show in which budding entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists in the hopes of securing business financing.


Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under 2001


When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.


Lighter and Princess

Lighter and Princess 2022


As soon as Zhu Yun started college life, the world was completely turned upside down by the intrusion of "bad boy" Li Xun. He was regarded by Zhu Yun as a rich, ignorant and incompetent son, but his real identity was actually a special admissions student who was admitted by the school, and a rare programming genius. After several confrontations, the two have some appreciation for each other. The senior Fang Zhijing made things difficult for Zhu Yun many times, Li Xun took action to protect Zhu Yun, and invited her to join the preparation team he set up to win a major programming competition on behalf of the school.



Giant 2010


Giant is a 2010 South Korean television series starring Lee Beom-soo, Park Jin-hee, Joo Sang-wook, Hwang Jung-eum, Park Sang-min, and Jeong Bo-seok. It aired on SBS from May 10 to December 7, 2010 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 60 episodes. Giant is a sprawling period drama about three siblings' quest for revenge during the economic boom of 1970-80s Korea. Tragically separated during childhood, the three reunite as adults and set out to avenge their parents' deaths, their fates playing out against a larger tide of power, money, politics, and the growth of a city.


Game of Hunting

Game of Hunting 2017


Headhunter Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know the meaning of defeat. There is no limit to how much he is willing to do to succeed in the hunting ground that is the world of business. He is also incredibly close to his girlfriend, Luo Yi Ren, and truly cares for his best friend from college, Bai Li Qin. Along with the guidance of his mentor Lin Bai, Zheng Qiu Dong tries to rise to the top and goes to war with other headhunters and businessmen. These include the shady and relentless Yuan Kun and the very capable and very dangerous Chen Xiu Feng. It’s a battle of quick wits, and Zheng Qiu Dong slips up. He loses it all. Now out of both time and luck, Zheng Qiu Dong is in prison and at the end of his rope. But if there’s one thing Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know, it’s how to give up. With the help of his prison comrade Liu Liang Ti, the once successful Zheng Qiu Dong has to get it all back. But as the former headhunter soon learns, this hunt quickly becomes a game of death.


Love Designer

Love Designer 2020


The love story between a fashion designer and a man in the e-commerce industry. Fashion designer Zhou Fang met Song Lin because of a lawsuit. They were a mismatch from the very start but had to cooperate due interdependence in their lives and their work. Having two hard-headed people together was bound to result in conflicts but in the process of competing with each other, Zhou Fang and Song Lin gradually fall in love. As they seek to be better versions of themselves, Zhou Fang works hard to create a sophisticated brand while Song Lin who prioritizes efficiency above all pushes for a breakthrough in his career.


Count Your Lucky Stars

Count Your Lucky Stars 2020


Lu Xingcheng was used to having the world at his feet until he lost everything in an instant. Tong Xiaoyou used to be eternally jinxed until the day she became famous overnight. CHIC editor Lu Xingcheng has a haughty personality and a sharp tongue. In the fashion world, he is a legendary figure and famous for being lucky. Tong Xiaoyou is an unknown designer who is unlucky in everything that she does. An accident causes their lucks to be interchanged and their lives take a drastic turn. As Tong Xiaoyou gets to know Lu Xingcheng, she gradually learns about his hidden past and discovers a man who yearns for family despite his arrogant facade. Tong Xiaoyou wants to help her idol return to his former glory, but his egotistic tendencies can be hard to deal with.


Win The Future

Win The Future 2021


Having met with overwhelming success as a regional sales director at Jieke, a major multi-national company poised to claim a lion’s share of the Chinese market, Zhou Rui is thrilled when he learns his business acumen has granted him a huge promotion. Deprived of the sales team he personally trained, Zhou Rui has only his most trusted aide, Fang Wei beside him. To make matters worse, Zhou Rui has recently been assigned an impossible task, with an equally impossible deadline. With pressure mounting from his boss, Zhou Rui’s only hope of survival lies in landing a huge deal with one of the country’s most prestigious banks. As if to add insult to injury, Zhou Rui soon learns that heading up the opposition’s cutthroat team is none other than his first love, Luo Jia.


Love O2O

Love O2O 2016


What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman at first sight? Appearance? Aura? Wealth? NO, when campus prince and gaming expert, student Xiao Nai first saw Bei Wei Wei, what made him fall in love was not her extraordinary beauty, but her slim and slender fingers that were flying across the keyboard and her calm and composed manner!!! Embarrassing, no? At the same time, gaming expert Bei Wei Wei, at this time and place is on the computer, methodically commanding a guild war, and won a perfect and glorious victory despite being at a disadvantage, and was completely unaware that cupid is nearby. Soon after basketball player, swimmer, all-around excellent student, and game company president, Xiao Nai, uses both tactics on and off-line to take this beauty’s heart. Therefore this romance slowly bloomed.


The Profit

The Profit 2013


When Marcus Lemonis isn’t running his multi-billion dollar company, Camping World, he goes on the hunt for struggling businesses that are desperate for cash and ripe for a deal. In the past 10 years, he’s successfully turned around over 100 companies. Now he’s bringing those skills to CNBC and doing something no one has ever done on TV before … he’s putting millions of dollars of his own money on the line. In each episode, Lemonis makes an offer that’s impossible to refuse; his cash for a piece of the business and a percentage of the profits. And once inside these companies, he’ll do almost anything to save the business and make himself a profit; even if it means firing the president, promoting the secretary or doing the work himself.


A Scholar Dream of Woman

A Scholar Dream of Woman 2015


In 1927, during the early Republic of China, a smart young woman wanted to continue expanding her knowledge. This beautiful and elegantly-made drama focuses on her struggle and story within the Xuan family and events in China during this turbulent period in history.


Fighting Youth

Fighting Youth 2021


This tells the story of corporate rookie Zhang Xiao Yu, and how through her extraordinary talent, she manages to earn the appreciation of Lin Rui, the sales division director of a renowned cosmetics company. Lin Rui’s many achievements as the sales director of the cosmetics company, SW, has earned her recognition from SW’s board of directors in France. She is next in line for her boss Shu Wan Ting’s position, but her road to the top hasn't been easy. Unwilling to be replaced, Shu Wan Ting recruits Lin Rui’s rival, Fang Jing, to lead a new department. This is when Zhang Xiao Yu is hired as Lin Rui’s secretary and gets caught up in the messy office politics. Despite everything happening around her, Zhang Xiao Yu manages to blossom as a career woman while also finding her true love.


Unexpected Business

Unexpected Business 2021


Set in a small, rural town, the show is about two friends, actors Zo In-sung and Cha Tae-hyun, running a supermarket for 10 days. They not only sell goods, but also operate small restaurant, where they cook and serve dishes. The two actors, who lived their whole lives in the city, experience life in the small town and blend into the neighborhood.


Our Glamorous Time

Our Glamorous Time 2018


Li Zhi Cheng is a former soldier who has been ordered to take over his family's business when business was going downhill. He has a fateful meeting with Lin Qian, an independent and capable white-collar who was freshly graduated and meeting difficulties in starting up her own business. Due to Li Zhi Cheng's complete lack of experience in business, nobody in the industry had hopes in this newly appointed CEO of AiDa. But with the help of Lin Qian's working experience and drive, coupled with Li Zhi Cheng's wits and methods, they bring Ai Da's business to new heights together.