Kľúčové slovo Mistress
Jeanne du Barry - Kráľova milenka 2023
Jeanne, mladé dievča z chudobných pomerov so záľubou v kultúre aj iných radostiach života, vďaka svojej inteligencii a pôvabu postupne stúpa po spoločenskom rebríčku. Ako kurtizánka sa stane obľúbenkyňou kráľa Ľudovíta XV., ktorý nevie o jej postavení, ale získa vďaka nej späť svoju chuť do života. Prepukne medzi nimi vášnivé milostné puto. Jeanne sa napriek všetkým konvenciám a správnym mravom sťahuje do Versailles, kde jej príchod vzbudí na dvore pohoršujúci rozruch...
Kráľova priazeň 2008
Historický výpravný veľkofilm Kráľova priazeň sa odohráva na dvore Henricha VIII. Zrada i milostné vzťahy sa odvíjajú na pozadí udalostí, ktoré odštartovali anglickú reformáciu. Strhujúci príbeh plný lásky, túžby a intríg rozpráva o vzťahu dvoch sestier, Anny a Mary Boleynových, ktoré bojujú o priazeň kráľa. Život mladučkej Mary je lemovaný rozhodnutiami jej otca a strýka. Vo chvíli, keď sa kráľ začne obzerať po milenke, majú Boleynovci v ohni hneď dve želiezka. Ich cestu hore po spoločenskom rebríčku nesmie nič ohroziť. V dobách, kedy o osude žien rozhodovala rodina, Mary nasledovala pravidlá a Anna sa rozhodla vzoprieť. Túži zvíťaziť nielen nad svojou sestrou, ale aj nad samotnou Katarínou Aragonskou. Chce sa stať kráľovnou Anglicka.
Baby Face 1933
Boudu sauvé des eaux 1932
Diabolská lesť 1996
V prestížnej chlapčenskej škole vládne riaditeľ Guy Baran nekompromisne a prísne. Jeho prísnemu drilu sa neochotne podriaďuje jeho manželka Mia a milenka Nicol. Jedného dňa im však obom dôjde trpezlivosť a rozhodnú sa despotického Guya zavraždiť. Napriek komplikáciám s vraždou a ukrývaním mŕtvoly sa všetko zdá byť v poriadku, kým nezistia, že mŕtvola záhadne zmizla...
愛のコリーダ 1976
The Lion in Winter 1968
Manhattan 1979
浮草 1959
The Cat's Meow 2001
Sommarnattens leende 1955
Zrodenie 2004
Mladá vdova Anna (Nicole Kidman) sa po desiatich rokoch konečne vyrovnáva so smrťou svojho manžela Seana. Rozhodne sa povedať "áno" svojmu najlepšiemu priateľovi Josephovi (Danny Huston). Do jej života ale vstupuje desaťročný chlapec (Cameron Bright), ktorý o sebe tvrdí, že je jej zosnulý muž a stále ju miluje. Anna to spočiatku považuje za nepodarený vtip, ale chlapec pozná veci z jej súkromného života, ... veci, ktoré mohol poznať jedine Sean.
Happiness 1998
The Thin Man 1934
Ika-6 na Utos 2016
Emma is a sweet and cheerful souvenir merchant who falls deeply in love with Rome, a refined pilot who fights for his love for Emma despite his mother's approval. The couple seem to have the perfect and happy marriage everyone dreams about. But just like any other relationship, problems and issues arise that put their marriage in jeopardy. Home widens his circle with his career success while Emma focuses on taking good care of their family. Amidst career success, Rome meets Georgia, a sexy and ambitious interrior designer. The flirt with each other and begin a secret affair. Will Emma be able to find out about Rome's infidelity caused by her old friend Georgia? Will she let this betrayal break their marriage?
Temptation of Wife 2008
One night Goo Eun Jae got drunk and Jung Gyo Bin took this opportunity to take advantage of her. Eun Jae and Gyo Bin got married but their marriage is not a very blissful marriage. Eun Jae's best friend, Shin Ae Ri, openly flirts with Gyo Bin in front of Eun Jae. Gyo Bin decided that he did not want to remain married to Eun Jae and tried to kill her. Eun Jae was presumed to have drown and died. Gyo Bin thought he was successful in killing Eun Jae and moved on with Ae Ri. Months later, Eun Jae is back for revenge but she assumes the identity of another woman, Min So Hee, who had killed herself. How will Gyo Bin react to a girl who looks exactly like his presumed dead wife, Eun Jae? Will he be tempted by So Hee?
Wilderness 2023
A dream holiday becomes a nightmare for a young British couple who seemingly have it all, as heartbreak turns into fury and revenge.
I Have a Lover 2015
A woman who lost her memory falls in love with the husband she despised.
Brideshead Revisited 1981
Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.
The Animal Trail 2006
Animal Trail, a natural path made by traffic of wild animals, can sometimes be helpful for people who are totally lost in the wilderness. One day, a woman who is exhausted with her hopeless life unexpectedly meets a gentleman by chance. Out of genuine hope to escape from her misery, she allows her destiny to blindly follow the mysterious instruction given by this stranger. Would this "Animal Trail" ultimately lead her to happiness, or would it lead her to disaster? The life of Tamiko (Yonekura) was miserable, as she had to give up her dream to become a jewelry designer and work for a Japanese style hotel "Hosenkaku" simply to support her physically handicapped husband. One day, Tamiko was approached by a mysterious gentleman Kotaki (Sato) who offers her a unique proposal, "would you be interested in riding a vehicle without a destination?" His words shook Tamiko's desperate soul wanting for a drastic change in her life. In order to free herself from the depressing reality, she cleverly kills her husband by setting her house on fire. Then, through Kotaki's introduction, she becomes acquainted with Kito, a political fixer, and decides to become Kito's mistress. Although she notices that her decision may not be right, she decides to follow her instincts and go for the "animal trail"….
The Wife 2022
Mia Luang is a story about a very wealthy, famous, well-educated, and respected couple. Everyone assumes that they're happily married and live a very good life, while in reality, they have a lot of problems. The problems start with Aniroot, the husband who is a player and has a lot of mistresses. His wife Wiganda is a smart woman who endures his misbehavior and his many women. Among his women, there is only Ornin who seems to openly come in between the couple without shame. Mia Luang literally means Main Wife, while his mistresses are called Mia Noi, literally Small Wife or Minor Wife, in Thai.
My Stranger Husband 2023
Liu Zixin’s picture-perfect marriage unravels when she uncovers her husband’s infidelity and hidden agenda. Seeking revenge, she hires private investigator Zhang Xiuqi, only to be confronted by Zhou Ping, who reveals that she had an affair with Zhang a year earlier. As Liu grapples with memory loss from a past accident, she begins to suspect Zhang’s true motives, leading her into a complex web of secrets and deception.
The Sweetest Taboo 2024
Pakamalin, a successful online boutique owner, engages in a secret affair with Rungsun, who is married to Kate, the CEO of S Plaza Group. Learning of Rungsun's deception, Pakamalin ends their relationship. Kate, upon discovering her husband's infidelity, seeks revenge by humiliating Pakamalin and filing false charges against her business. Pakamalin fights back with the help of Kate's son, Kata, leading to a blossoming romance between them. However, Kate's interference threatens their budding relationship. As Kate develops feelings for Andre, the captain of S Plaza United football team, their feud intensifies, culminating in a dramatic showdown.
Monstresses 2013
What happens when "the other woman" tires of her title? Monstresses on bio. recounts the most sensational stories of cheating men and their out-of-control mistresses. Each episode introduces two mistresses and reveals the deadly consequences as they take matters into their own hands.