Wallace & Gromit: Prekliatie králikolaka

Wallace & Gromit: Prekliatie králikolaka 2005


V mestečku zúri zeleninová horúčka, blíži sa totiž každoročná Obria zeleninová súťaž. Každý sa chce nielen zúčastniť, ale predovšetkým vyhrať. Preto všetci hojne využívajú služby Wallacea a Gromita, ktorí vlastnia vynález na účinné hubenie všetkých mysliteľných škodcov. Keď mestské záhradky, skrývajúce zeleninové poklady, začne cez noc bezohľadne plieniť záhadná zeleninová príšera, požiada usporiadateľka súťaže Lady Tottingtonová Wallacea s Gromitom o záchranu zeleninového pokladu. Okrem nich sa do boja so škodcom púšťa aj snobský Victor Quartermaine, ktorý si chce likvidáciou príšery zaistiť slávu a lásku Lady Tottingtonovej. Lenže on a naši dvaja kamaráti čoskoro spoznajú, že ich súper rozhodne nie je žiadny "šalát".


Škola ro(c)ku

Škola ro(c)ku 2003


Gitarista Dewey Finn je srdcom rocker a rozhodnutý doviesť svoju kapelu k víťazstvu v Súboji kapiel. Namiesto toho ho však spoluhráči zo skupiny vyhodia. Zdrvený a bez peňazí prijme prácu ako suplujúci učiteľ na prestížnej základnej škole. Potrebuje si zarobiť na nájom, ale rozhodne nemieni svojich žiakov vzdelávať. Tam sa zoznámi s upätou riaditeľkou Rosalie, ktorá starostlivo kontroluje svoje vystupovanie a to isté vyžaduje od všetkých učiteľov. Dewey nemá ani tušenie ako vyučovať, ale dobre vie, ako vo svojich žiakoch vzbudiť dôveru. Keď si náhodou vypočuje hodinu hudobnej výchovy, rozhodne sa svojich žiakov, mladých hudobných géniov, preformovať z klasického školského orchestra na hlučnú rockovú kapelu, čím navždy zmení ich životy.


Rande s celebritou

Rande s celebritou 2004


Rosalee Futchová, mladá žena z malého konzervatívneho vidieckeho mesta v Západnej Virgínii, pracuje ako predavačka v obchode s potravinami a je posadnutá hviezdnou slávou. A raz dostane obrovskú šancu - v súťaži vyhrá RANDE s hollywoodskym krásavcom Tadom Hamiltonom. Celú súťaž v bulvárnom denníku si vymysleli Hamiltonov agent Richard Levy a jeho manažér, ktorý sa tiež volá Richard Levy, aby napravili Tadovu zlú reputáciu. Ale sa prerátajú, pretože pri stretnutí s Rosalle zrazu Tad zistí, aký je skutočný svet a život a dokonca sa rozhodne, že chce s ňou žiť na vidieku v ústraní. Kým pre Rosalee je to splnenie jej najväčšieho tajného sna, jej najlepšiemu priateľovi a kolegovi Petovi Monashovi to vnesie do života nevídaný zmätok. Pete ju totiž tiež hlboko, beznádejne - a tajne - miluje. Tadove plány, pravdaže, nechce prekaziť len on, ale aj agent a manažér.


Chlapi sobě

Chlapi sobě 2019


Poté, co se šestice celoživotních přátel na dlouhých pět let rozhádá, Bob znovu shromáždí své kamarády na bláznivé soutěži zvané Chlapi sobě, která je sice plná absurdních fyzických i psychických výzev, ale v níž mají šanci vyhrát 150 000 dolarů.


The Devil's Plan

The Devil's Plan 2023


It's the ultimate showdown of wits, brains, strategy, and alliances for a chance to win 500 million won.


Ninja Warrior Germany

Ninja Warrior Germany 2016


In the German version of the Japanese original show "Sasuke", the candidates have to overcome four obstacle courses. At the start there are initially 100 participants, both hobby athletes and professional athletes, who have to complete the first course over water basins individually and one after the other. Strength, agility and stamina are helpful here, because those who are not fast enough or come into contact with the water are eliminated. For the German audience, a complete run is divided into several shows until the best participant is chosen as the "Ninja Warrior".



Mapi 2022



Beauty Queen

Beauty Queen 2010


Beauty Queen is a Philippine drama directed by Joel Lamangan. The series stars Iza Calzado, Katrina Halili and Maggie Wilson as rival beauty queens. It premiered October 18, 2010 on GMA Network, replacing Endless Love on GMA's telebabad block. The show also broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV and premiering on October 20, 2010. Premiere September 12, 2013 it currently re-airs via GMA Life TV it's English-dubbed version worldwide. The series aired on TodayTV in Vietnam beginning June 13, 2011.


The Unknown Champions

The Unknown Champions 2018


Dive into the world's most fascinating championships and meet the most passionate and competitive people.


Myanmar Idol

Myanmar Idol 2015


Myanmar Idol is a popular Myanmar singing contest television series that is broadcast on Myanmar National TV (MNTV).[1] Its first season, in 2015, was described by The Myanmar Times as a "wild success".[2] Due to its popularity, it has been extended for a fifth season in 2020. Since Season 3, the competition format has utilized a wild card during the top 4+1 show.


The Signing

The Signing 2023


In this competition, young artists must impress Latin American music icons such as Rauw Alejandro, Nicki Nicole and Yandel to get the contract of a lifetime.


The 1% Club

The 1% Club 2024


A unique, compelling and funny game show that tests the nation's intelligence, based on a scientific survey. Whether you're a contestant vying for the cash prize or a viewer playing with your friends and family, answer enough questions correctly and you could earn yourself a place in the 1% Club: an elite group of people who can honestly say they've outwitted 99% of the population.


The 1% Club

The 1% Club 2023


The 1% Club is a game show like no other! Unlike most quizzes, they don't need to brush up on general knowledge to do well. All they need is logic and common sense. Hosted by comedian Jim Jefferies.


I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse

I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse 2015


I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse is a horror-themed game show set in the future after a nationwide epidemic has transformed most of the country's population into ravenous zombies. The contestants have to survive in the Monroe Shopping Village and need to work together to secure their makeshift base as they try and avoid any contact with the flesh-eaters. Anybody still “alive” after seven days is then rescued and sent to a tropical quarantine zone as a reward.


Sveriges mästerkock VIP

Sveriges mästerkock VIP 2021


Some of Sweden's most beloved celebrities bring their great passion for cooking into a breathtaking adventure in the mythical Master Chef kitchen.


Chcete být milionářem?

Chcete být milionářem? 2000


Chcete být milionářem? was a Czech game show based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The show was hosted by Vladimír Čech, Ondřej Hejma and Martin Preiss. The main goal of the game was to win 10 millions Czech korunas by answering 15 multiple-choice questions correctly. There were 3 lifelines - fifty fifty, phone a friend and ask the audience. The game show was shown on the Czech TV station TV NOVA. When a contestant got the fifth question correct, he left with at least 10,000 CZK. When a contestant got the tenth question correct, he left with at least 320,000 CZK. Nobody won the main prize. The show was later renamed to Milionář.


Pants-Off Dance-Off

Pants-Off Dance-Off 2006


Pants-Off Dance-Off is a dance contest which premiered on April 18, 2006 on Fuse. It features stripteasers as they dance while disrobing. In each episode, five contestants striptease to a music video, while interviews, soundbites and photos reveal stories about each so-called "pancer".



Mestercukrász 2021


Talented hobby confectioners, or even those who are already familiar with the tricks of baking, compare their knowledge: Master Confectioner candidates must create two confectionery masterpieces individually in each broadcast to advance. At the end of each race day, one of them will be eliminated, so at the end of the two semi-final weeks, three competitors will advance to the final week, where someone will also leave every day.